Layers and Character Creation Adjustments on Select Realms

Athell is very cute.

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Just stop defending this, they weren’t prepared for the large player base because they didn’t do their homework on how popular classic would be. Therefore they set up too few too weak servers because they anticipated like 2k players top on the high pop realms. After it became obvious that it was much more, they just threw a couple of more low quality servers into the mix and added layering. This was a low cost fix that would keep the game running. If they would have invested into better servers back then, we wouldn’t have that issue now.


It’s fine.


Good job Blizzard, well done, as you always do.

When is the public world boss spawn schedule blue post for April?


No, unfortunately, you are still the dumbest company in the world


thank you blizzard this is awesome awesome work as usual


What am I defending lol? I’m saying the fix is more complicated than just buying better servers. Issues in the code and such. Did I say Blizzard handled the launch admirably and did a wonderful job at everything? No… I definitely prefer layering over 4 hour queues though, for sure. And that was 4 hour queues before p4 launch,mind you.

Let this be a lesson to everyone that had faith in Blizzard, and argued that the Slippery Slope isn’t a real thing.

We’ve seen all this before, the community gives an inch and Blizzard takes a mile.

I don’t only blame Blizzard, the community is the biggest problem, completely unable to learn from the past.

I can’t help but laugh at the idea that a few years down the road the same people that are ok with the layering, and the same people that meme “#nochanges” are going to be asking for Blizzard to make a CLASSIC CLASSIC WoW after the game inevitably devolves into BFA with a Classic / BC / WotLK skin on it.

It’s probably too late now, but enough supporting this. The US forums are a complete joke, every post is in favor of this. You already know Blizzard only reads the US forums…

“Don’t worry guys it’s just Phase 1”
“Don’t worry guys it’s just for the Pandemic”
“Don’t worry guys it’s just for AQ Event”
“Don’t worry guys it’s just until TBC”
“Don’t worry guys Cross-Realm zones won’t change anything, we already had Layering!”
“Don’t worry guys, it’s just cosmetic”
“Don’t worry guys, nobody is forcing you to buy the WoW Token”
“Don’t worry guys, you don’t have to queue for LFR Black Temple”

Yes it sucks sitting in queue, but Layering is worse. This is now a permanent feature of the game guys, great job. They are going to turn this on whenever they please.


The price difference between a standard server and a top of the range server for a large corporation is small enough to be ignored; especially when one considers the fact, they probably have deals in place with suppliers.

Getting better servers would probably have been the cheapest of all fixes for everything ever (consider development costs for layering / sharding). If this were an option, why on earth would you think they would ignore that and head straight for expensive options?

The world is undergoing a pandemic, with the vast majority of the population stuck at home; the realm populations have increased as a result. Blizzard have stated this is a temporary fix until things are under control; it’s only going to be here for a couple of months, I’d wager.

Adding layers to help people play the game is a good thing, especially when people need to stay at home. If it inconveniences you, tough luck. The world does not revolve around you.


How dare you make sense?!?! Be gone from this Twitch chat infested forum!


I could use some gold by the way. With layers you can get rich quick by abusing them right? How?!

“The answer can never be… oh we’ll just have a second Kazzak. If we do that, It’s not Classic.” - Ion Hazzikostas

Great initiative. This will work, because of so many people quitting.

What a joke. Sad.


Based blizz at it again

why are you playing on firemaw? why not on a dead realm? (thats a rhetorical question not a passive aggressive remark) layers are basically just that for open world content, many parallel dead realms. I would rather sit in the queue for 4 hours than to play on a dead layer that doesn’t feel anything like vanilla at all. But the real fix here would be higher serverpop caps through better servers. If pserver managed to do a better job server performance wise than blizzard did so far, then blizzard has 100% the means to improve their servers and at least provide a serverperformace like on pservers.

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The problem primarily lies with the cloud based server technology they opted to go with. Pretty sure the servers from back in the vanilla days could handle this better than their current server-infrastructure. Just imagine what actual modern real servers could do.

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Layered AQ gate opening all but confirmed then? After they said there was no way they’d let layering come back? Terrible.

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“We’re going to continue that process over the first few weeks until eventually we will collapse down, we promise we will do this, to a single world per realm, no sharding, none of this going forward. We know that needs to happen before we do something like turn on the world bosses for example. When we have Kazzak and Azuregos, there needs to only be ONE Kazzak ever and if the entire server wants to fight over it and kill each other for 5 hours, that’s what they should do. The answer can never be just have a second Kazzak, if we do that it’s not classic.”

“Each layer has it’s own independent spawn timers… This way, a dominant guild wouldn’t kill him and then layer-hop to kill him again.”


“There will never be layering after Phase 1, period.” ~ Ion Hazzikostas


Corona happened, things change…


Don’t be ridiculous… They never could’ve predicted a global pandemic, queues are through the roof, people who say they rather sit in a 4-5hour queue simultaneously are upset when they try to log in for their raid and meet this amount of queue, and quite rightly so too.

It’s going to be here for a few months, if you’ve properly read Blizzard their post, you would understand more of it.