Layers are gone?

In the Realm Selection screen no EU server is marked as layered. Does it mean that layers are gone forever? I expected some kind of blue post.

No bluepost might mean that it was automated, some layers were already removed by an algorithm that I’m guessing checks for active population

Last night there were server restarts, but I wonder if layering is dynamic, like if one population reaches a certain threshold they start sending people to other layers (although I’ve never found myself in an “empty” layer).

If layers are being removed and it doesn’t implode it’s very good news.

4.5k Q on gehennas… dont think thats the case :stuck_out_tongue:

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Apparently not. At least 2 layers on ZT.

I was wondering the same, jsut started wow and no realm is tagged as layered. Very likely a bug in the realm tagging.

Genuine question but how can you tell how many layers there are on a realm?

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probably by witnessing layer change

At least two layers on Mirage Raceway too.
I can tell cus I swapped layer while outside of the Onyx raid entrance and could suddenly see my guildies around me.

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Wondered why there was so many people in Desolace during work hours today. Usually not the most populated place in wow.

I invited my friend to the party and he observed phasing to my layer.

Lol and layering is back again.

@Galrath: I suspect it was a display error, not actual removal as there apparently were layers on bigger realms last night. On an additional note, Skullflame appears to have been added to list of “no more layers”, which is not reflected on the OP of the removal thread so far… or maybe there will be a small blue note later today…

Thank you.

Yep, you’re probably right, thank you for the update.

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