Under my leadership, here is a list of changes that would be made to the game:
- Reforging is back.
- Sockets are always part of certain item slots, such as chest items. No RNG involved, no external grind involved.
- Rings and Necklaces once again have Primary stats. Combined with reforging, this change will make looting a higher ilvl ring with the wrong stats not as frustrating as it is now.
- Borrowed powers are completely gone. Reaching max level is all you need to do in order to unlock 100% of your class’ abilities and tools.
- Flying can be purchased with gold upon completing the main storyline of each zone.
- Pathfinder is a limited time Feat of Strength that grants an account wide speed increase in the expansion zones, as well as an exclusive mount.
- Reintroduction of Justice and Valor points.
- Justice points are awarded for completing normal/heroic dungeons, and allow you to purchase M+0 quality gear.
- Valor points are awarded for completing raids/m+ and allow you to purchase Normal raiding items - that can be upgraded up to Mythic raiding quality.
- Each raid boss and M+ key completion grants an amount of valor points that increases with difficulty.
- Valor points have a weekly cap that increases every week, similar to the PvP conquest cap.
- Low/Average drop rates from bosses - slightly better than current drop rates, but still lower than previous expansions since PvE currencies are reintroduced.
- Completing a Mythic raid before the next content patch awards an Elite recolor of the raid set, similar to seasonal elite PvP sets.
- Arenas and RBGs can now loot conquest items, with similar drop rates to M+ items.
- Resilience is back.
- An armor set bonus is introduced, enhancing the effects of Resilience even further.
- Disable all PvE trinkets when entering PvP.
- You can’t join arena in tank specialization.
- Class design reverted to a pre-Legion state for several classes. Tweak from there.
- Gladiator is back to being 0,5% of the PvP ladder.
- PvP talents such as Shadow duel and Greater Pyroblast are removed from the game.
- Bring back the battleground blacklist
- Either mute Nathanos, or remove Seething shore entirely.
- Bring back separated 2v2/3v3 skirmishes
- Bring back elite weapon appearances.