Lead game designer Rompuche

Under my leadership, here is a list of changes that would be made to the game:


  • Reforging is back.
  • Sockets are always part of certain item slots, such as chest items. No RNG involved, no external grind involved.
  • Rings and Necklaces once again have Primary stats. Combined with reforging, this change will make looting a higher ilvl ring with the wrong stats not as frustrating as it is now.
  • Borrowed powers are completely gone. Reaching max level is all you need to do in order to unlock 100% of your class’ abilities and tools.
  • Flying can be purchased with gold upon completing the main storyline of each zone.
  • Pathfinder is a limited time Feat of Strength that grants an account wide speed increase in the expansion zones, as well as an exclusive mount.


  • Reintroduction of Justice and Valor points.
  • Justice points are awarded for completing normal/heroic dungeons, and allow you to purchase M+0 quality gear.
  • Valor points are awarded for completing raids/m+ and allow you to purchase Normal raiding items - that can be upgraded up to Mythic raiding quality.
  • Each raid boss and M+ key completion grants an amount of valor points that increases with difficulty.
  • Valor points have a weekly cap that increases every week, similar to the PvP conquest cap.
  • Low/Average drop rates from bosses - slightly better than current drop rates, but still lower than previous expansions since PvE currencies are reintroduced.
  • Completing a Mythic raid before the next content patch awards an Elite recolor of the raid set, similar to seasonal elite PvP sets.


  • Arenas and RBGs can now loot conquest items, with similar drop rates to M+ items.
  • Resilience is back.
  • An armor set bonus is introduced, enhancing the effects of Resilience even further.
  • Disable all PvE trinkets when entering PvP.
  • You can’t join arena in tank specialization.
  • Class design reverted to a pre-Legion state for several classes. Tweak from there.
  • Gladiator is back to being 0,5% of the PvP ladder.
  • PvP talents such as Shadow duel and Greater Pyroblast are removed from the game.
  • Bring back the battleground blacklist
  • Either mute Nathanos, or remove Seething shore entirely.
  • Bring back separated 2v2/3v3 skirmishes
  • Bring back elite weapon appearances.

I actually approve this .

A lot of thing from this list has works from years , no reason it don’t those day.

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Down with Ion’s tyranny! Rompuche for lead designer!


Late MoP please.


Please no…

All it was is just an addon that I go to an NPC with and he optimises my gear precisely for me automatically. It also locks us into the current gear design of having a few statically set stats, which decreases gear diversity. Not good.

Alright, alright. I can get behind this. Can we have coloured sockets, too?

It wouldn’t be frustrating if I could just trade the darned things to someone who actually wants them


Then you’ll have to put it on gear - and if you do that, then Reforging doesn’t fit any more. I am perfectly fine with that, by the way. But there has to be significant power growth that lies outside just the 4 secondary stats. Just mathing around the 4 secondary stats and nothing else is quite honestly the most boring thing I can imagine.

By my reckoning there shouldn’t be flying mounts at all. Besides, what’s the “main storyline”? Does a Covenant campaign count?

Don’t like the premise.


… why?

Just let them get their gear and get into Mythic. We need to invite them by tempting them into our community, not let them wallow in their self-inflicted misery outside the door.

Why? Surely items from the raid should be found within the raid, right? That’s literally the simplest logic I can imagine, and it works fine.

We don’t want to gear too fast. If we gear very fast we have nothing left to acquire halfway through the season unless they introduce stuff like Titanforging, which I am not in favour of. Being a fully geared character with no possible rewards or upgrades in sight is boring.

I would actually welcome this.

Careful. Resilience will lower damage taken but not healing taken. You risk a meta, such as those we’ve had in the past, that gets more and more defensive as we move through the seasons.

Other than the idea of Resilience needing significant refinement, I am OK with this.

No. They are fun to get and fun to bring provided that they don’t overshadow everything PvP can offer. Too often they have - these cases need to be identified and nerfed, not removed.

Why not?

WoD and MoP did an unbelievable amount of damage to class design. I cannot fathom why people want them back, I really can’t.

You do realise that the rating system works such that a certain percentage gets it? It’s based on an average and a spread.

I agree PvP talents should go. They are an obnoxious, unnecessary part of the game.

I like this, too.

I agree with this. At the very least give us an option to shut these bloody NPC’s up. While we’re at it, the world quest NPC’s could use a squelching, too.

Eh, why not.

Eh, why not?


I’d give a left arm (just not my own) for either of these to happen.


Because having a currency makes it so finishing a challenging, long dungeon run with no loot (or useless loot) is less frustrating. You haven’t wasted your time: you got a currency, and you can get useful items with it.
It just feels better than 100% RNG.


I don’t think it does. Even a simple rational look at what happened immediately reveals to you that you’ve made progress. To the probability machine!

Let’s assume you’re making time on all your runs. That means you have a 2/5 chance of getting an item, or a 3/5 chance of not getting an item. Let’s now say you do 3 runs, that means you have a 78.4% chance of getting a single item. Wanna run 5? 92.2% chance.

Every time a run fails to give you something, it becomes more likely that it will the next time - not because it’s more probably that you get loot, but because it’s less probable that you won’t get loot so many times.

On top of this there’s the Great Vault which guarantees you items regardless of whether anything dropped, a feature that does literally exactly the same thing as your currency idea.

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I am too retail to understand what 80% of this is

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blizzard has this crazy idea they they have to reinvent the wheel every expansion.

they have had many great systems in the past that they have scrapped for no apperent reason.

Resilience and pvp power was a great addition to balance pvp items to be BIS for their intended use.

Scrapped for no reason.

reforging, enchants/gems hell even proffesion bonuses was a great way to min max your character. scrapped for no reason.


So much text for saying “revert to [insert currently perceived as best expansion here]”.

Argument from ignorance, basically just cause YOU don’t understand the reasoning doesn’t mean there wasn’t any.

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You missed

  • Added solo queue brackets for RBG and rated arena

very well composed list


I vote for Rompuche for lead game designer i want these changes to happen it would make the playerbase so happy :grin: :+1: including me minus the 10% of people who don’t really know what they want anymore.


That’s kind of dishonest. The list features quite a few suggestions that simply never existed in WoW, or that have existed for several expansions, and not just a single one that would be “my favourite”.

Here is the thing : the argument they used to scrap those systems is flawed since it was about making game simpler. In legion, sure, min maxing character was quite “easy”, in the way there was no profession bonus, no glyphs, less enchants to care. Why do I say it’s flawed? Because BFA’s and SL’s systems are far from being simple. I mean, I could literally say that essences and soulbinds are glyphs, that Azerite armors replaced enchants (Since we do have more enchants being brought back). Not to mention corruption which was a headache, even when using raidbots.

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Yes but i dont care mainly.

Dont care at all.

Same as above.



No. Normal to HC should be the maximum. Unless you can upgrade Mythic Items as well, which is going to make tuning a nightmare that either force you to get upgrades which make the system obsolete or the encounters become a joke or they have to be tweaked weekly so i will stick with no.

Depends on the prices of the Upgrades/Items.

Should have said that earlier. In this case i will still stick with normal to HC max however.


Yes. Please.

Given how Conquest items work in terms of their upgrades this is a terrible idea as you will have people decked in mythic raid ilvl gear at week 1.

Dont care but it wont fix anything.

Same as above.


Depends on the state of tanks mostly.

Define several classes.

Isnt that simply what Season Glad is now anyway.

Depends on class balance but i dont care.


No. Not needed if we can blacklist. Just give us a blacklist option of 3.



Not everyone min-maxes to this degree.

Why wouldn’t you in this case? There’s no interesting lore or gameplay implication in that system.

If Blizzard designs a spreadsheet for me, I’ll solve it like a spreadsheet. If they wanna do something more interesting, I’d love to play that game.

That’s a valid point of concern. There’s an easy fix to this however.
Make the upgrade process cost Conquest instead of Honor. Conquest is capped, Honor is not, therefore you wouldn’t be able to upgrade everything immediately.

I disagree. Keep in mind, upgrading would cost valor, so it’d be a slow process. Some weeks, you’ll have to choose whether you want to purchase a new piece of gear or upgrade one you already have. Upgrading to Mythic quality won’t happen in the spawn of 3 weeks.