Lead game designer Rompuche

In that case the time for you to get PvP gear that is not being roflstomped by PvE items would be astronomical. An additonal ressource for PvP items that is weekly restricted with a cap would be better.

Doesnt matter. Same reason as the one against TF applies. Even if i wait a item i can afk through to obtain should not be able to wield the same power as an item that took effort to obtain. With Normal to HC this is already very generous to make up for bad luck in HC (if the loot drop is alrady minorly increased as suggested) and be high enough to pug the easier mythic bosses especially in combination with vault loot.

For the same reason, when corruptions were a thing, I stacked each of stat corruption just to see effects, for fun. Of course Iā€™m min-maxing if Iā€™m tryharding, but I donā€™t play just to tryhard something. I liked to stack versa to see how durable I can be, stack haste to see that quick casts, stack mastery (as rsham) to see those 1->100% hp snipes.

if this includes warmode abilities becoming talent rows (like 2-3) without having to use warmode yes please

how much gold?;o

';o do pve heroes really need more exclusive rewards?:slight_smile:

disable ? no. nerf: ok

Amazing. I approve. Howeverā€¦

Most of this is just simply bad and reeks of normal/heroic raider. There is NO WAY you should be able to just repeatedly loot normal raid bosses and upgrade it to mythic quality, regardless of how many times you do normal. Normal should never award you with mythic loot and yes, looting a normal item and then looting a bunch of valor points off of normal bosses to upgrade said normal item to mythic item still counts as normal dropping mythic with time. Itā€™s almost titanforging except this is deterministic, but itā€™s still wrong.

Again I agree, PvP should be completely separate, have itā€™s own stat(s) and I should not feel bad regarding weekly vault because half of my guild started doing arenas and I have not and never will.

I think we can find a satisfying middle ground.
How about: you can upgrade to Mythic ilvl eventually (a really long time though), but items looted in proper Mythic raids come with a set bonus that increases damage by 5-10% when inside the raid?
Whereas items purchased with valor will be simply stack sticks with no added bonus.
That way, even though lesser players can eventually catch up to Mythic ilvl, their gear is still inferior in raids.

Simply put, a mythic raid item should be a payoff for:

  • Organizing and maintaining a competitive 20 man environment (which in practice has about 25-26 people for comp/attendance reasons

  • Doing all the strats, preparations, calls, executions way in advance of raid release

  • Maintaining the morale of benched players, rotating people in and out, dealing with incessant whining (which of course everyone is guilty of) by the officer team

  • Actually doing the fight and eventually killing the boss, which no doubt involves countless hours of wiping on a hard boss

I understand that you want a compromise and the way you convey your thoughts is constructive, nice and helpful. But in my opinion (and Iā€™m sure a lot of mythic raiders will agree) we simply want something out of reach of other players simply because of the logistical nightmare mythic raiding realistically is compared to all other flexible or 5-man or otherwise queuable content. You wouldnā€™t go to an elite gladiator and ask to eventually be able to upgrade to elite gladiator gear with repeated wins at 1400 MMR, it just wouldnā€™t work now would it? And no, cosmetics arenā€™t a good enough reward, people want to feel more powerful if they deserved it with good gameplay.

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I completely understand that.
Which is why I also suggested that Mythic raiders receive an equivalent to PvP elite sets.
That way, they will have a token of their achievement long after the raid is no longer relevant.

I think the combination of 100% guaranteed raid mount, an exclusive and temporary set as well as a set bonus more than rewards Mythic players. Do you still disagree?

I would actually. Victories in PvP should be earned through skill, not ilvl.

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No gold from pvp? :worried:

There are some changes for the better in there for sure, but then there are some horrible ones that mean I canā€™t get behind this.

Feel free to point them out so we can discuss them.
See, the reason Iā€™d be a great lead game designer is Iā€™m actually engaging with the community and taking their feedback into consideration.

Hmm, so you would award mythic items with raid set bonus like a tier set used to be, but normal and heroic wouldnā€™t have that bonus? You really think it would sit well with normal and heroic raiders? Keep in mind many people will raid normal/heroic only but will push high keys and a tier set would make their key pushing a lot easier.

I donā€™t NECESSARILY disagree and it has potential but it needs polish. And again, a transmog set and a mount are sweet but eventually they are farmable by people in later tiers and expansions, so for example my Empireā€™s Twilight title means nothing anymore even if itā€™s my favorite title in game.

And bosses in PvE should be mostly about skill, but keeping the gear relevant enough so you canā€™t stomp the raid first day but they still reward gear and gear is a big factor. So youā€™re saying that PvE players play for rewards, but PvP players play for challenge exclusively? Itā€™s content just like everything else, hard wins should net you strong compelling rewards. Gear should be just as big of a factor as skill because gear should come THROUGH skill.

Iā€™m sure you do now, but if that was your job and every day you have to engage and filter through hours and walls of sewage just to get to a couple of good points here and there Iā€™m sure that with time youā€™d be just as jaded as Ghostcrawler, Holinka and the likes.

Now this I can get behind.

This is the number 1 issue. Resilience is what single-handedly killed PvP for me back in the day.

The issue was, that if someone had little or no Resilience at all, they would just get one-shot in PvP. So if someone wanted to get into PvP, they would need to farm PvP gear through - you guessed it - PvP. It took over 100 battlegrounds to get full BG gear. Thatā€™s dozens and dozens of battlegrounds spent getting borderline one-shotted by anyone who as much as looks at you, DPS and healers alike. Farming entry-level PvP gear was the absolute worst grind Iā€™d ever done in WoW, and I donā€™t think I ever lasted long enough to finish it.

It also feels absolutely horrible when one spends weeks or months progressing through the latest Heroic/Mythic raid, spending hours upon hours practicing, wiping, looking for ways to improve to finally down the hardest content in the game and earn the absolute best gear one could possibly have, only to then get absolutely wrecked by someone in a BG gear. And then possibly even get corpse-camped and absolutely humiliated by said person in a BG gear because you simply donā€™t stand a chance in your absolute BiS against them.

Now that Resilience is gone, I can actually enjoy PvP (at least as much as bad class design lets me), and Iā€™d never want Resilience back.

Iā€™m not a fan of reforging. It made items lose their identity and uniqueness, and one could spend hours just juggling different stats on different items to get the absolute most out of them.

PvE trinkets are considerably more fun than PvP ones. Iā€™d just introduce PvE trinkets to the weekly chest so that PvP players can earn them as well, and make sure they are sensible so as not to be absolutely ridiculously OP in PvP.

Removing even more player choice from the game is not what WoW needs right now. Just fix the Class design, which all players can benefit from.

Other than that, it seems pretty good to me.

What I thought was: gear obtained in raid has a set bonus. This gear canā€™t be upgraded (or can be upgraded up to heroic, whichever youā€™d like best).

Additionally, you get valor points. Valor gear is different from raiding gear, itā€™s just a stack stick with an upgradable ilvl. This one can reach mythic ilvl if you invest a lot in it, but it wonā€™t have any bonus and will still be inferior to mythic gear.

Thatā€™s not true for elite sets though. Once the season is over, the recolor is no longer available. Thatā€™s why I think itā€™s the best kind of cosmetic reward, it shows you were good back when it was current content. Itā€™ll remain unique and valuable forever.

Iā€™ll answer your post later in the evening.

Keep bumping this thread guys, (most of) those changes need to happen ASAP.

If you are Rompuche then this may be the first and the only moment in history when i completely agree with you :smiley: good and overthought list!

These more then anything and the restā€¦yes please.

My head is spinning at the notion of doing this many visions in the service of a little bit of curiosity.

Yes and Yes Rompuche for lead game designer :relaxed: :partying_face:


Really Good.

The community is behind me on this one.