Lead game designer Rompuche

Rompuche for lead game designer

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Or yes we are, keep bumping the thread :smiley:

Stopped reading at reforging.

there are no datas just a bulleted list and the for is even gross.

they will not hire you not even as an intern kek.

every serious designer will not even read it.

Youā€™re making assumptions here but even so, even IF they wanted to ā€œmake the game simplerā€, removing those systems seems to accomplish that goal, so itā€™s not flawed.
Also just cause a decision was made almost 10 years ago, they donā€™t have to keep to that philosophy forever. But again, this isnā€™t even the case, iā€™m only entertaining your assumption.

Thatā€™s not the case anymore though. I remember doing a few BGs doing the leveling process, by the time I reached level 60 I had half of my 171 gear already. Farming a full set of honor gear takes less than two days of intense BGs, itā€™d be even faster in arena.
This wouldnā€™t be an issue.

ā€œhardest content in the gameā€ is debatable, Iā€™d say itā€™s high rated 3v3 arena.
But in any case, PvE is PvE, PvP is PvP. It makes perfect sense that the best PvP gear should come from PvP. Itā€™s completely fine, and itā€™s fair to those for whom PvP is their main activity.

And now that itā€™s gone, PvP-only players can no longer enjoy PvP.
Not before spamming PvE first.
I believe PvP should be made better for those who enjoy it the most, not for those to whom itā€™s just a fun side activity. Wouldnā€™t you agree?

Fun for those who use them, maybe. Feel free to make a poll on the arena forums, but Iā€™m pretty sure your opinion is the minority here. PvE trinkets have plagued arena for quite a well, and are thoroughly disliked among competitive players.

The ā€œchoiceā€ to play a tank in arena should simply not exist. Feel free and queue 2s until you meet a Prot paladin + DPS comp, itā€™s really not an enjoyable experience.

well sh*tā€¦ U actually posted something i can actually agree with.

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it would also feel horrible for someone whos farmed the absolute BiS out of PvP content racked up tons of high Arenna Scores and everything

to be absolutely Trashed by a Mythic Geared Player just because their better the their absolute BiS.

Ever thrown the glove on the other hand?.. your describing the exact problem PvP players are currently having. should the Pvp Systems not cater to the dedicated PvP Players before allowing a Mythic raider Moments to rub their egos?

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im nnot convinced if this is bait or notā€¦ iā€™ve seenn this man say many many thingsā€¦ and alot of it doesnt make as much sense as this post.

but this is one of the posts u wish blizzard would read >.>

Iā€™m sad to report I havenā€™t been contacted by Blizzard just yet.

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Concepts of actually deviding content to overall improve the Ability to actually aim good changes for them is beyond their IQs maybe they got stuck on reading the first sentence and having to check the dictionary

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

on a Serious noteā€¦ its kinda amazing that the changes needed are quite as Simple as pushing a few systems back to the games orginal modelsā€¦

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You will maybe be contacted by Riot :smiley:

I just canā€™t get behind this thinking. I think itā€™s just terrible to be condemned to a loss before a fight has even started just because of the gear you just so happen to be wearing or because you enjoy a certain activity more. Thatā€™s neither fair, nor fun. Gear should be a reward for effort and skill, and if 2 players show similar amounts of skill and effort put into gearing, they should both have an equal chance of emerging victorious from a fight, regardless of the activity they put their effort and skill into.

But how do you decide for whom it is a side activity? For me it was a side activity for years specifically because of Resilience. No, I still donā€™t PvP as much as I do PvE, but thatā€™s mainly because PvP lives or dies with Class design and I think thatā€™s absolutely dreadful right now.

But both of these issues should be solved by doing trinkets sensibly, like I suggested in my previous post.

ā€œEnjoyable experienceā€ is a very subjective term though, innit? I heard people complain about forever-lasting arena games caused by overly powerful healers, but to me punishing healer teams by introducing damping mechanics and similar is a far worse alternative. I donā€™t have the slightest issue with tanks in the arena.

I agree, but by introducing Resilience you are just moving the issue onto somebody else, instead of trying to find a solution. I believe PvE and PvP gearing is balanceable where one can do either and be competitive in either. I think Shadowlands might be a step in the right direction in this regard, and I think we might not be too far off this goal with some tweaking.

Removing systems for the sake of simplicity to then revert it after 1 expansion is quite contradictory. Iā€™m not in favour of bringing back a system for the sake of it, Iā€™m just saying that removing a system to implement more complex ones is not a brilliant idea imho

Where is Blizzard from hiring you?

Thatā€™s whatā€™s blizzard doing for a while.

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I agree with the bottom 5, the rest is not so great imo

This and wow will be the even better than wrath numbers.

Oh yes it will.

Your best post ever OP and i hate having to say it :crazy_face:

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