I did learn my english in full by playing wow. I started off in French server and client and then went to move into English client and server. Needed dictionary for basic guidelines and lack of google translate made things very awckward.
I went to RP server for language purposes. Learning English in wow (as from speaking 0 of it beforehand) might be also reason for my dubious grammar.
Start was very hard as I truly spoke none of it, but reading quest logs, observing people, listening NPcs and bit by bit I got it.
I am not Russian per say but I’m Still Slavic and I don’t write in Cyrillic in the game nor do I use Cyrillic name in game so yea alot of us don’t so it’s hard to tell .
I do have to smile at the reputations certain nations gain. Taking Russians for example, those cyrillic names are feared when coming up against people in BGs. Yet they aren’t all PvP gods.
Yet I like playing in Russian realms more than international realms, but when i explain why I am going to offend somebody in process. Just that swapping realms issue really nags me. It was made worse in some point. Should go and check if its any better in BfA or I still get 2-3 Dcs before I can log into Deathguard realm.
Thats what i did because frankly the “english” that was being teached in german schools is simply put dogs…t. And it still is from what i can see from my niece etc
Any big one is fine.
Yes and from what i can see youre an below average player. So you fall into the same category as the guys youre attempting to flame. Guess you simply want to be boosted because youre to bad at the game eh?
Like there is any skill gap on normal difficulty to begin with. Or any skill requirement. Its even easier than LFR.
Highly recommend switching your browser and OS to english as well. You will learn the language in no time.
Buying an english language keyboard will be a huge boost as well since you will already know where the Russian keys are, seeing where the letters are will help you learn it,
Aww this reminds me how I would like to learn some more Chinese etc by playing WoW. As game play is a good way to passively absorb a language. Too bad the realms are locked to specific languages
In EU . You can use other language clients in English realms, only Russian realms are unique, where you must have Russian language client to play. And then must change language back to French/German or English to play on others.
I’ve tried switching to Chinese, it loads up as it, but you cannot enter the realm. It appears locked to English. At least it is for my realms (Aszune and Shadowsong.)
Unfortunately I do not know about Chinese and due to special characters it may have same reasoning as Russian (original western font used in wow couldn’t read Cyrillic and you needed to change game font to see it where as I have always been able to read other players names when some saw ??? in BGs for example or was that windows thing… oh my I have forgotten) did.
I’ve played using French client in English realms (that’s how I started learning English begin with) and somewhere mid vanilla changed client to English in my other computer to pull comparisons between words and things better.
But Chinese language maybe restricted just like Russian is, I - unfortunately- do not know much about that
It probably is. I just wanted to be able to hear Chinese audio and see the text while playing to learn it more, in a passive way while gaming xD You can set wow to it and download all the required files, just no deal getting into a realm.
It would make sense that English realms would allow languages in which languages which use same/similar kind of characters and symbols.