Did +20 BRH today, assembled a decent group, and everything was fine. But after the second pack, one of the group(retri pala) just disconnected.
I was a little bit discouraged, but others convinced me to continue. We still timed the run with 3+ minutes left(which is a topic for another discussion), but we had to work harder than it had to and just gave free rating/vault/loot to this pala. Everyone had left with a bitter taste in their mouth.
I think such people should not qualify for the loot or rating.
It was introduced to combat toxic behaviour where people would remove players before they got to the chest.
Now that GL has been brought to raids, people no longer have that protection and being kicked means no loot and you are loot locked, if the boss dies on that pull.
I think the M+ system is definitely the better of the two. It’s the lesser evil.
Well done for timing your twenty with a man down.
Is it that hard to allow loot, if the person was kicked, but no loot, if he left/disconnected?
Be ready for around 4 to 5 people to start insulting you Rainboot!
I believe there should be punishment involved, others don’t because they’re people who quit runs and others who give valid opinions as to why they should or shouldn’t be punishments.
Having a debuff, which limits their ability to join M+ runs should still be put in effect, as there is still no negative impact for people leaving, apart from the others who want to continue and the person who’s key is now downgraded due to person that left.
24 hour debuff, reduced rewards, less crests, 50% reduced chance to obtain items and no rating. Not until they’ve completed at least 2 to 3 M+ runs (at the level they left, to avoid them burning through 3 +2 keys)
I am not even asking for punishment:C Just do not give them credit for the key they left. As a rather casual player, who rarely does 20th keys, when someone leaves mid-run w/o any reason is just brutal.
Edit: What you propose, is a system, close to what Dota2 has. I kinda like it. Or to have karma rating side-by-side with M+ rating, so at least i know, whom to avoid in future
Getting disconnected is not leaving a key on purpose. It can be but there is no way to tell.
It could be the realm they are on goes down, happened to a friend of mine in a +25. Ofc his party presumed he d/c on purpose rather than it being something out of his control. Same goes for internet services, power outtages etc.
I’ve done keys with some players who are suddenly plagued with a bad connection and there is nothing they can do and sometimes it throws them out.
There is no way for the system to tell what is happening to a player.
Well, they still should not get the reward. Internet problems or not, they did not finish the key. No punishment, but no reward either
If things can be abused, they will be abused. It’s frustrating to see the loot go to someone who disconnected, on purpose or not, but the alternative is to see people actually kicked on a leader’s whim or gathering as 3-4 ppl premade groups to remove the sorry pug at the last boss. Just like what happens in the raids now.
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As I said it’s the lesser of two evils. If people didn’t abuse it in the first place, this measure wouldn’t be needed.
And again, is it that hard to still give loot to people, who got kicked?
Looks at pug raiding
Yes. Yes, apparently it is.
Raids are a completely different thing. If you bring the raid, imagine kicking a person from the raid, but he still gets loot from the boss.
I think it is difficult to decide for blizzard who left and who did not. A DC is of course also not a leave. That player is still part of the group.
No they’re not. It’s the same issue of group leaders able to deny someone loot on a single click, no justifications needed except for the need to remove competitors for the possible drops.
If he partook in killing the boss and was kicked at 5% HP.
He has no right to loot…because?
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Yeah but is there really a way to tell wether someone disconnected for real or just alt f4’ed? Because people ragequitting is a real thing.
disconnecting for a long amount of time also should count as just leaving. Power outages or bad connection can happen but thats a risk we have. If it happens to someone so often it becomes a regular problem in dungeons then perhaps playing a live service game isnt meant for you. there is no need to give leavers any kind of protection just to protect people on the very rare occasion of internet issues or power outages
There are factors in all this.
A random disconnection or client crash. Normally resolved instantly and you’re back ingame within 30 seconds to a minute (depending on your computer)
Internet outage/ISP running maintenance, which you knew about, but forgot the date/time.
Crappy/old hardware causing nonstop memories issues.
People who ragequit.
Now with that said.
People who have a crappy computer and have nonstop issues shouldn’t be queuing for timed content in the first place. They know their computer is bad and thus this affects the other people in the team.
People who have just overall bad internet, where they disconnect nonstop. They shouldn’t be play any team based games due to that problem with people being put in a negative situation (especially if you can not instantly replace them).
People who ragequit, well sooner or later karma comes back and bites them in the butt.
An Internet outage is actually the only thing, which can be something that is out of their control, if they did indeed not remember the date/time or they live with their parents/partner who is paying for the Internet, thus not being told about said maintenance.
Anyway, people who continue to cause a problem for teams with leaving of key runs, should be hit with a debuff. Like a 3 strikes and you’re out system. If they continue to leave after the debuff is removed, especially without a short timeframe, then that debuff should be further increased in duration or harsher penalties involved.
You literally quoted me and said the same thing

There is every need to protect people from malicious practices like being removed to deny them loot and give the remaining people more options. The consequence of having to put that safeguard in is that if you leave and the key is completed it counts for the leaver.
Like I keep saying, it’s the lesser of two evils.
I do understand the frustration of leavers when doing keys. We all have them from time to time. The party makes the choice whether or not they want to complete, if they can. In most of my keys if there is a leaver it’s game over.
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The problem is if you only gave loot to people who get kicked, but not to those who leave or disconnect, the players that currently deliberately leave would then behave in a way that forces you to kick them so that they still get loot/etc.
They’d pull stuff or just go afk. The only people who’d get no loot are those who unintentionally get disconnected and can’t get back (or who just don’t care anyway).
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Can you stop acting like its a GL problem when it really isnt?
Making people not be able to get kicked in fights should be easily implemented