Leaving m+ keys

haha ye i tried that, flies by 99% of people queuing anyway

There’s truth in that :slight_smile:
Saying it in chat may work out more often, but if nothing else, it gives weight to your POV :slight_smile:

The entire point of it is to be successful in the content, if the group is bad enough to fail in a junkyard 19 I’m just not wasting 20 more minutes of my life playing the key

You can usually tell how well a key will go in the first 10 minutes of it, if people wipe on easy trash several times - I’ll leave.

If people mess up easy boss mechanics that wipe us at a point where timing the key is pretty unlikely - I’ll leave.

It’s just not that weird of a concept.

edit: I gotta say though I’m a pretty petty person, when people pipe up for no reason I tend to leave too.

I often join keys under my rio to instandly leave them after the key is started. Quiet funny tbh.

It depends, as someone stated sometimes its the right thing to do, sometimes not.

Sometimes people leave after one death or wipe, wich needs no explanation. You leave the group unable to finish the key in time and not in time and its a bad move.

Sometimes groupleader or others are being toxic and toxicity tops at first death/wipe, leaving is OK imo.

All comes down to communication, at least how i see it. Group should talk before starting the key, “Ok we want to finish this also if we cant time it”

You inform you dont want to be part of a key that cannot be time, OK, thats fair, then people who want to finish no matter what should find somebody else.

But joining a group and leaving it with no words spoken is on both you and the leader, its a frustrating thing but also people who lead groups should communicate a little more and better before inviting and starting the key.

To the point where enough people know your name and stop inviting you.

Tbh should be a system for flagging/punishing this.


It takes two to tango etc…Sometimes its smart to exchange “THEY” with “WE” : What did WE do wrong?

If group fails on trivial stuff, i try to communicate and say “Ok, we have to xxx”

Sometimes there is no reaction and they carry on in the most autistic ways. Then i leave. Sometimes there is improvement and we time the key.

If someone is yelling and screaming about the smallest things i also leave.

Since you can’t understand it yourself I will try to explain - if you commit to something, be man enough to finish it. And guild community is more important than one’s person non-wasted time. If you are not helping guildies with +12 - you don’t deserve to be in a guild. I sometimes hop in into +4 or +6 keys to help out, just because I can and I don’t consider beeing with guildies a waste of time. Just play solo.


Imagine being so toxic and self absorbed that you can’t even conceive why people think this is a bad thing.


Lmao, imagine thinking you’re responsible for other people. I’ve left plenty of keys, I just left a +15 that wasn’t going to be timed. Like, I don’t care if it’s not going to be timed. But the tank didn’t move the mobs from sanguine. He. Did. Not. Move.

I’m all for doing a dungeon not on time but you have to take it at least somewhat serious even then. I don’t feel like standing there watching a mob be unkillable until sanguine despawns because the tank won’t move.

When they advertise it as “not in time” I expect that we won’t time it but I don’t expect people to be completely oblivious to the affixes.

To be fair, I blame raider.io for a large part of the leaver issues. Since folk don’t want others to see untimed runs on their page, they’d rather not complete the run at all and screw their teammates over. It’s a horrible, flawed system.

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So everytime you have wiped in a key it has been the four other peoples fault but not yours?

Everyone in this thread and this subject in general always talk about “When they fck up” - Never “When we fck up”

I find that very hard to believe cause everybody fcks up once in a while in a way that causes death and wipe. Especially when pushing higher and higher keys.

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In the vast majority of cases it is someone elses fault. Makes no sense to say “we” when it’s their fault. Bolstering? We get a raid boss from a mob? Yeah, totally on the healer and the dps and not the tank for pulling too much. :roll_eyes:

I do believe it’s okay to leave keys, that are 16+ if you are grinding for raider io!
But leaving a 15 or below is something I will never understand… I guess only if group is so so so so bad that you can’t do it.

Seems like you just think your time is more valuable than anyone else’s and got insulted because someone called you out on it…

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And in the vast majority of cases those “Someone else” will say the same :stuck_out_tongue:

Not saying it happened in the examples you are referring to, but im speaking in general.

Depends on context really.

Going by your example I see absolutely no problem at all if you announced it before hand.

I usually go by the principle of if I feel like I’m carrying in a competitive environment I’m leaving.

As when I’m doing lower keys, I have a standard that people must meet, while I have no problem if they underperform but if they underperform greatly, I will also leave.

I hate boosting, will always do.

Ofcourse context matter, as I’d be much more lenient and have no problem slogging for 2 hours or so with people actually trying to learn and improve or friends and " weekly group " or if someone politely asked me to stay.

So yeah, tl:dr of it you didn’t do anything wrong, most people upset about others leaving keys are judging it based on their own experience, or are too incompetent and expect a carry.

If you want to be trash thats fine, Nothing stopping you from doing that but you must be ready and understand that your actions and attitude have consequences.

Neither side is “wrong” you are just an a%$hole but life is here for all of us and everyone finds their place.

But the dps can kill stuff evenly. It’s not rocket surgery to focus high HP mobs to bring them inline with the others instead of just meme beaming and mashing aoe abilities.

But I’m with the other guy, I’ve never actually seen you admit to a mistake and you really don’t complete high keys. If you were a better player than the people you group up with you’d be out of that bracket where you are forced to queue with derpfaces.

Or the tank can just not pull so much. I never pull that much when I’m tanking on bolstering BECAUSE I KNOW DPS WILL DO THAT. There won’t be any mobs bolstered into raid bosses in my runs if I’m tanking because I don’t pull enough for it to even be possible. It’s definitely on the tank if the DPS are trigger happy and he pulls enough to create a raid boss full well knowing this.