Leaving m+ keys

Like I said, if you were as good as you thought you were you’d be in better groups.

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If it is Bolstering and the key is at least +10 pulling 9-10 mobs at once might be problematic. 2 packs are ideal.

I remember a DH tank on a bolstering-fortified week, we started Freehold +13 perhaps 2 months ago, the guy pulled everything near the entrance, we got slaughtered by the trash as expected then he rage quited… Sometimes they don’t even check affixes of the week.

I’m a half elitist player, I don’t care the game like my life depends on it but still people needs to focus if we are gathered to play a key.

2 weeks ago I was in a MOTHERLODE 12 key, I knew we wouldn’t intime because tank was constantly asking what to pull next for % and I told them “Dude, this run feels like a heroic with friends.” they laughed because they were aware too. There is a rough trash pack before the first or second boss… our tank asked again “Should we pull these too?” I said “Sure, I have muh cooldowns” then he pulled them and we got slaughtered once again… we all laughed on party chat actually I laughed random like “ahaıodwjıadwaj”.

So, don’t overestimate the game and the keys and try to have fun sometimes :stuck_out_tongue:

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literally the only reason i would never leave a dungeon… sticks and stones i dont know how people can be this fragile

when you done being emotional here maybe you actually converse about the question in the op?

unlike the seemingly vast majority here, being called out or called at all is not going to insult me in any way… and ofc my time is more valuable than anyone elses since it is mine and i would not assume yours is less valuable to you than mine so what is your point…

why? the implication stands " its not going to be in time " no matter if its a +2 or a +15 so what is the difference?

people whispered me telling me that i got not in time runs and didnt invite me… so what i dont really care. all i care is the runs i do complete in time since anyhting else at this point seems fairly irrelevant…

that is why i am here, since people here are not toxic and not self absorbed… right?

whats with that sexist toxic genderroles?

fair point, not the reason i got kicked tho…

so do i sometimes of sheer boredom sometimes cause i feel like it,

i wish…

haha ye i had a tank join my key once pull everything, wipe us and leave was quite funny tbh, even tho without any reason, still could relate

How many paladins do you have ?

Yeah, that’s toxic. Typical modern day attitude. Insta gratification. Not a minute spent working towards something. People like you ruined WoW and gaming in general.


Doesn’t beat my brother. We were going to do his key in WM 10, he was going to tank it.

He says on discord before we start it “if we get the upper right path I’m just going to leave”. We get the upper right path. He just leaves, hs(and people are entering the obelisk at this time, so they died) and logs off. The other people in the group started going all “omg wtf, can we report him?”. Report him for what? For leaving his own key? Lmao.

So you consider people in your guild random worthless strangers, who you will not help. What would change that? Do you expect them to carry you through mythic Nyalotha and M+20s first, even though you are the new guy in the guild, before you consider helping some of them with content that doesn’t have gear rewards for you?

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Mm, as expected? Just know which mobs should not be Bolstered and you will be fine. Sadly most pug-dps see a big pull, target a random mob and go all bananas.

Tbh no idea about that “being man enough”, I guess it’s just old words.
These days when we have 50+ genders, it’s kinda hard :confused:

Nice thesis. All because people asked the OP to help with a key and he said hed leave if it wasn’t timed. This simple statement really needed intensive psycho analysis.

It wasn’t an intensive psycho analysis.

If you can’t be bothered to read it, then just don’t. Don’t make a snarky TL;DR reply. Nobody cares.

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and this is exackly why mythic + and other hardmodes is extremly toxic to the game overall.

“im not gonna waste my time”

dude you are playing computer game - everything you do in there is literaly wasting your time.

this mentality is reason why retail is failing and legacy is booming.

mythic + was a nice idea - but players and raider io twisted it and turned it into toxic waste.

i do blame blizzard for it though - it was always their job to police such toxic behaviour in first place - and because Ion is mythic raider himself he is protecting this toxicity as game director instead taking care of playerbase.


I think it’s completely fine to ditch a mythic+ group if it’s clearly heavily under performing, as in you’re going to be there for an hour at the very least. No-one is obliged to stay in a group that is clearly not ready for that content.

I’d say the only real jerks are the people who leave after 1 wipe, even if you could still easily time it. That’s what actually screws people up. Or, joining dungeons that state they will be finishing it for a weekly not caring about the time and then leaving.

he is like majority of playerbase nowaydays .

he doesnt care about people in guild - they are just tools of convinience for him to get him to his goals.

this happens when demographic of game changes

wow is no longer a game played mainly by socialy ackward teens who due to being unable to find friends irl found them in virtual world

that ship has sailed years ago when those teens turned into university graduates and found out that finding friends irl is not that hard.

now wow is mostly populated by grown ups who value their time extremly high because time has either a monetary value or social value (they could be either working instead of playing or spend times with their families) .

ofc that guild is just a tool of convinience because of it. you have 20 selfish people killing mythic bosses because this iss the most efficient way to kill them . if most efficient way would be to do solo content they would do solo content.

WoW lost it’s soul over the years - now its just empty husk of its former glory .

and people flock to classic to find what was lost. because if game is easy like classic they can focus this time on "being social " - if you were able to ully clear mythic raids in 60 minutes then you could spend rest of evening on socializing.

game is crumbling exackly because of its overtuning.

Of course they’re random strangers? He never actually got into their social group. He tried to but did not succeed.

He said he advertised he wanted to do keys for a month. He said they promised Mythic raids, but he never got invited to one.

Why should he help them when they won’t help him?

People in a guild are not friends just because you’ve joined it. Hopefully they become friends, but in this case they didn’t.

It’s not something you can extrapolate on everyone. I know several guilds where people within it are very good friends despite all members being adults with jobs.

There are three reasons to stay in keys:

  • Ppl need gear from it.
  • Ppl need the weekly.
  • To time it to upgrade your Rio.

If ppl ppl arent there for the first two reasons it should be fine to leave…if its certain youre not going to be in time.

To fix this:

Blizard needs to make some menu adjustments: Besides a rolecheck, there should be a check to state if youre there for gear, weekly or to time the run. An alternative is a mod where ppl choose one of those options.

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Whatever you say dude…

I still think you’re a quite a rude, self-centered guy… But you do you…

Nothing worse than trying to do a 15 for your weekly chest the night before reset (I know I tend to postpone things :slight_smile: ). And some douchebag leaves your group after the first wipe and now you’re stuck with a 14 key that nobody will join.

It’s the same thing as in raids though?
The only difference is that you can’t deplete a raid.

That’s why I barely play the game nowadays :crazy_face:
I enjoy playing m+, I don’t enjoy wiping over and over again.

You mean a competitive mentality? Its not my fault classic is a game that doesn’t require any IQ lol.

Rio is just a better armory though?
Mythic+ is still great, the biggest issue it is has is this awful crybaby boomer community.

Blizzard has always failed to police toxicity, that’s just nothing new.

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Enough people cared to flag it as drivel.