Leaving m+ keys

Because you have to finish the dungeons you signed up for. Leaving half way through because ‘its not in time’ is selfish and toxic. If you help them gear up you will have more players at ‘your level’ but by being toxic you aren’t helping anyone so theres no point in keeping you in the guild.

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rofl this post. seems like your age must equal your IQ if you dont know yourself why this behaviour is bad. wasting other peoples time to not waste your time? nice selfish behaviour, get declined you deserve it :smiley:


They need to ban that addon

Its got nothing to do with being fragile. Im not fragile about anything in this game or any other computer game…Cause…Its a computer game.

Its got everything to do with me not caring to waste my time in an environment where one ore more are being hysterically dramatic and thus screaming and yelling and spamming over trivial things like a m+ dungeon.

I was talking about your post, not mine.

Also, I am not surprised. I went directly against their self-righteousness; but instead of discussing it they just downvote it because that’s just easier. It’s pathetic, but whatever.

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It’s just so predictable at this point.

Easy. From what you said:

  • you don’t want to help your guildmates
  • you don’t want them in your higher keys

What are you doing in that guild then ?
Maybe you got upset that they guildkicked you, but it was the right thing to do. Nothing to do with who you are, everything to do with what your relationship with them was.

Signing up for a key you should be basically compelling yourself to finish it, no plugging or any of that BS, yes on the rare occurrence its basically a boost how bad it is at times, but you signed up for it and should atleast do your part given they worked to get the key to that level and you are taking away atleast an hour of their hardship of getting it to that level… if your going to leave, leave before the dungeon starts so they can pug again and try to find better minded people who are willing to help.(Its obvious btw to the people who rage quit by plugging when you “Dc” and actually “DC”)
Sadly you will never see Blizzard step into police the situation or put any form of leaver buster system into it like they have with BGs and LFG dungeons & arena, theres not even any tally to say how many you have left which were not finished.

its not even a case of banning addons or anything, people are so just full of themselves and self obligated to waste other people’s time cause they signed up into a group which always has the face value risk of being a mediocre at best group.

I literally had a DH with less rio than my main which isnt even remotley impressive either say “sorry i aint boosting” cause they joined my group and saw the parties rio scores alt’s being 1400 or smth across the board despite everyone having the seasonal achieve, its so tragic how up tight alot of the people are.


Whats your point?

I doubt many people think rio is flawless and I presume most will agree with me that rio HAS flaws and is far faar faaaaaaaaaaaaar away from being perfect.

The problem being. What other alternative we got? If I want to put my +15 key on the table for example. I want to some form of proff that puggy boy knows at least to step out of the fire and interrupt a basic long boss cast.

Does rio prove that 3k guy is experienced and will NOT fail on basic stuff or just leave at the start? Of course NOT.
But its still better than playing “eeny, meeny, miny moe” on the signup sheet and pray(if you are religious) that that guy at least knows where is the entrance to the dungeon…

A flawed system is better than no system at all…well my opinion at least.

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That the only people that genuinely dislike Rio for some reason are people that dont play m+ lol

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I miss the days were it was ok to wipe dungeons and do them in your own time. Now everyone wants to rush them to the end and leave at the slightest hiccup because they have no patience. Rio is a catalyst for this change.

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No it isn’t.

No, from what I’ve seen it just attracts those people.

It is problematic because for example this character of mine has +14 +13 +12 +11 +10 keys done intime, people don’t accept me to +15 keys because I don’t have it.

Bruh…the only difference between a +14 and +15 is 5% or 10% damage and hp difference between trash and bosses.

I can still get what I want out of this system but it is full of flaws that is undeniable.

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Why should they? You have almost no experience to show, and lets face it, a freehold 14 is like a 12 of anything else.

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If I want to I can do +15 keys even tonight I already have a +13 key in my bag but I’m talking about perception amongst players to each other. I don’t really care alot about rio, If I really cared I can boost my rio over 1600 tonight…

Horrific Vision 5 mask already gives 470 and 465 to me why should I care…

it is just the new gearscore, it will pass and something else will take its place and then they will cry over that :smiley:

It’s considered a dick move because it’s time investment for everybody involved. I doubt anybody does a M+ and thinks “Hey let’s take 3 hours to do this key!”

I do think you have courage for posting this on your main character, especially since your Raider IO score and logs on warcraftlogs is average at best, combined with your attitude you will not be considered valuable guild material. Why would guilds get the elitist average player when you can get somebody else that performs the same (or better) but has a good attitude instead?


Problem is that to 4 others just completing a key without time can be big success and you leaving makes it instantly failure for them. It is understandable when majority of groups sees that it can’t be completed and decided to call it, but when 1 decides to leave, he is solely deciding the fate of everyone else.

It is also understandable that if player already has the max gear, completing the dungeons loses it’s idea. Then player should seeks other similar players who don’t care about completing the dungeons if time is not met.