Leaving m+ keys

Maybe you are right

That must be the biggest multiquote in history. I wonder if one person will read it.

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well since i really appreciate everyone contributing to this thread in their own way and capability, and blizzard does not allow multiple posts one after another, i have to do that… i wish i didnt but i do

You still get more rewards for finishing out of time than just quitting it altogether.


with all the corruptions and me playing a suboptimal spec, being frost, it aint meaning sht no more…

Maybe if you put more time into learning a different (more optimal) spec and getting proper gear for it, you may perform better in raids/M+ which reduces the time you need to finish a M+ run.

always had the attitude and was raiding in several expansions in mythic difficulty and never really had problems, except taht one time i ninjalooted the entire loot for a friend i was boosting back in SoO xD then i got kicked from the guild cause someone complained to my gm, i mean i fkd up there and it was justified but still hilarious…

So basically you got kicked for bad attitude and ninja looting. Seems like everybody should avoid playing with you in any scenario. :") – No matter if any of these were in the past.

im too old to be an elitist … and i never claimed to be i am casual at best but as “differently able”-friendly as this game has become, you will be considered elitist if you sim your chars on raidbots? ok i didnt know that…

Yet you act like one; If somebody is not on your level you don’t bother spending your time with them.


Why that?
Let people enjoy what they enjoy doing lol

Don’t u have an alt to post with?

as i stated… just came back to playing, been playing this character as main for like the last 3 weeks or so… and getting those bracers and fond of power aint easy…

i have no idea how you mental gymnastics this one but ye i got kicked for ninjalooting in a normal raid back in mop from an almost full clear mythic guild and i dont know where you get the bad attitude part from…

people like you would most proppably do me a big favor avoiding to play with me…

yack, how are you implying they are not on my level? i never said that and i dont even know that? for all i know it was a low level key andd the one asking could be a 484 12/12 mythic raider… i dont knwo that i didnt check and even if he was id not do the dungeon since its pointless for me.-… dude like really dont put a scenario in your head and belive its reality i never said half of the stuff you fabricate here…


ye but thats just too much effort. and i want everyone to know that i read their stuff when they reply to me, so they feel their time being valued atleast

If it’s your own key, or the group is so bad that it’s just not fun I would understand it.
But why leave a key (with the exception that the group won’t beat it in let’s say under 1-2 hours), or demand it to be timed, when it’s not your own?
Does the fun suddenly end when you midway see that it won’t be in time?
Or is it because it could look bad if you didn’t beat one run in time? (I honestly would find it more strange when someone has over 90% of his runs intime).

I guess this is something I’ll never understand. Sometimes during Legion I stopped running with randoms, because not managing to time something, or even small mistakes seemed to be the end of the world for too many.


Someone i find it necessary to mute isnt someone i want to play with anyway. tho very rare i mute/ignore someone.

at the end of the day you pay to play, so play how you like.

Well, then you should maybe try to get in the 18+ key range asap, there you’ll at least meet like-minded people, and probably get more smoother runs and won’t ruin the keys for people who can still find joy in runs that won’t go perfect.

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on my way! im trying xD

you should quit then if you don’t like the game why play it?

the bad attitude is the way you replay and how you try defend your actions(like ninja looting is just bad attitude and it doesn’t matter what difficulty it was on as it shows what type of player you are

the easiest way to get people to help you is by also helping them when they need something, simply put you get treated like you treat others at least if it is people you are in guild with or play with regularly, by being selfish then close to nobody would help you unless they are doing it to help themself.

that is the elitist attitude people are talking about.

yep you are the type of player i hope to never meet in any game as you sound like a real piece of work.

tho i do agree that communicating what is going to happen from your side(in a m+ scenario) is fair then it is up to them to agree and take you along or disagree and leave you behind, at least assuming you communicate that, the problem with doing that thou is you are setting yourself up to be the guy people don’t ask for help and don’t offer to help when they ask for it.
now saying no to go to the m+ in a different way(saying i don’t have time, don’t really feel like it or something like that) is more likely to be seen as a one off(unless you are doing that all the time) and would be ignored.
now if you join a key where nothing is said then the smart bet is to assume the key is into it is over unless stated otherwise.

now kicking you from the guild is most likely more to do with a rotten fruit spoils the bowl, or because of how you said it, now if you talked about raising in the the ranks of RIO, then they would most likely just not ask you about joining m+ unless they have the same mindset and would instead ask or play with you in other parts of the game.

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its the best there is… unfortunately

you gonna explain that one


ye but this is kind of not related to what you quoted to? is it?

i dont know, the people getting the worst first impression of me and hating my guts end up being my best firends, i met all of them that way and only those stuck through the years and helped me through bad times…

m+ has 2 parameters loot and time… ye say what you will but this will never be a won argument by anyone… either you pick time or loot you will be both right and wrong about it

i really dont care about that part as stated many times throughout the thread, just a means to infiltrate the readers into the situation nothing more…

ye well people already established me being selfabsorbed and toxic… wouldnt want let anyone down now would i?

seems like i missed a part(it got erased was totally not a fail 40)

but it was meant to indicate that helping others with something that might not be optimal for you would make it more likely those people(in the guild/community) will help you with what is optimal for you.

don’t know anyone that would fit for me, as if i hate their guts then it’s simple i avoid them as much a possible and only interact at the bare minimum.

oh i know you don’t care about it was just trying to give advise how to avoid if you wanted it nothing more.

don’t know you well enough to say if that is true or not only that what you are communicating gives that impression.
could be that you normally is a ok dude/dudette but just have a different approach to the game then me and that your view on this topic is not the same as mine by a long shot, could be that you are great to play with in the areas we agree on but cant say as i don’t know you well enough for that, just that your first impression is very bad, but then again you only have an opinion into you make a new one :smiley:

You forgot the “get the weekly done” parameter.

This is what i said earlier. U basicly have 3 different groups with 3 different goals for that dungeon.

The only way to “fix” this is by adding menu options or releasing an addon so ppl can indicate what their goals are for that dungeon run: loot, weekly or timed.

I watched a stream of a holy paladin from Method doing ML +25.

They ended up wiping on last boss which resulted in them not making the timer. They all left since their only reason to be there is to time it. No toxicity involved; just 5 ppl with a common goal.

Different ppl have different goals.

Anything above M+15 is just for the sake of it, they give same rewards as +15. If pro streamers are doing a very high level dungeon do something then it does not mean it’s a good thing to do at all. It means they don’t care about the rest of the game and and have one goal and they all agreed to leave. For the rest of us then it’s not ok to just leave because one of the goals is to complete the dungeon for loot and in time is irrelevant; in time is just a sweetener.

No that’s your goal … different ppl have different goals.

For a lot of ppl loot is irrelevant.

Are they wrong? Toxic? Evil? No…they just don’t need loot. They are there to time keys, to get their score up.