Leaving m+ keys

Different people have different goals but groups should have the same goal.

The thing is you can’t just enter a guild and expect people to want to bring you along without any ground work and promises of leaving a failed key, the latter is just outright stating you do not want to commit to them and are willing to waste their time to prove your point by leaving their key

I know a lot of leavers see no moral issue with what they do, but the people they leave really think differently on that

For what you’re looking for I want to advice trying to get into a PUG discord, will allow you to dodge bads in the ingame LFG
Again tho most groups from a community (discord PUG or guild) will be unwilling to take you if you leave their keys

and will actively avoid you in the future for doing so, so if you want to break free from the PUG trap, changing your stance on leaving will help you stay welcome in such communities


I dont understand why there isnt deserter like punishment for leavers yet.

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Thats why you communicate before you start. “Why are you here? To get loot, to get the weekly done or to time it?”.

If all agree to the same goals there is no misunderstanding.

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I must admit, It takes some effort and patience to reply to everyone. Have a like from me :smiley:

Because you can’t communicate without having an addon or a special checkbox doing it for you? :upside_down_face: that would explain why some struggle.

Besides, loot and timed runs can’t be seen seperately. Not timed = lower chance to get loot.

You haven’t played a single key and you talk about what “everyone” wants to do in dungeons and how “everyone” behaves when there’s an issue?

There are so many groups in the group finder that say in the description, that the timer can be ignored.

You can play M+ and completely ignore the existance of raider.io

Because it’s not automatically assembled groups and it’s not trivial content.

The goal of a key is to time it unless otherwise stated. If you don’t want to time it, you need to state your goal in the group-finder. For example “Weekly, no leavers” or “ignore timer”. Otherwise, it’s implicit that a group for timed content, has the goal to beat the timer.

Thre needs to be a permanent debuff, that will do nothing, but indicates how many M+ character left before finish.

I would love to see how well would all thsoe leavers find their group with 10 or more stacks of such debuff.

You are ducking over all kinds of players who even intentionally lower their key…

If the owner of the key leaves first then no debuff, how simple dear watson

Ok, go create a list of how the process works of when and when not your system would automatically sees you as leaver.

I tell you, it is getting difficult.

ýou are one of the selfish pricks who loves to leave M+ I take it

I have left in total 2 dungeons in whole BFA, and i even have given details about it on the forum in the other section for raids dungeons last week. I have done hundreds and hundreds of pug-dungeons.

Can you keep your assumptions and accusations in your mouth? When someone is always keeping positive motivating the group it is me.

Simple solution to this.

  1. Leaving Penalty that increases to a maximum of 1 week. Always resets at the weekly reset. For the one PERSON that just randomly leaves.

  2. A surrender function that the majority has to vote yes for. Eg 3 vs 2 or 4 vs 1.
    Party function.

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I would like to have something secure added where the system understands someone in the group is getting toxically bullied for half an hour and then finally decides to leave.

And where you are not taken hostage by a group for 2 hours because the majority apparently want to stay for that long while wiping and wiping for forever.

Thats exactly what i stated 2 posts above yours.

Is it worth it tho?

Lets assume you need multiple items from that dungeon. You join a group with a few top geared ppl in it. Are you really going to state “im here purely for loot/weekly” (to some that translates this into…ill do 20k dps, die 20+ times but its fine as long as we finish).

I can tell you; the vast majority will keep their mouth shut. They hope those top geared ppl will carry them to some “fast epics”.

A big number of groups are “wtb carry groups” in disguise. Ppl that arent up to par to the content they do. So they try and get more experienced / geared ppl in to carry them. Those geared ppl have other motives to join tho…they want to bring up there score a bit.

Both sides whont communicate that with eachother.

  1. If you fail to break a certain DPS/ HPS mark (reasonable for that lvl)…and/or die more than X times to avoidable dmg you whont be able to join M+s within 5 levels of the one you tried.

Yeah i guess it would be a thing.
But can you imagine how much balancing it would take.
Blizzard haven’t recently been showing of their skills of balancing in BFA.
COUGH Corruption.

Imagine in Shadowlands with Soulbinds,covenents, new class abilities.
We can dream about it my friend :).

Then also we need to get rid of details/skada etc, and blizz have to make their own “details” ingame function.

Actively hoping a cast does not getting interrupted so you can do some hps :sweat_smile: or a tank pulling everything very slow and because of the lack of aoe you do less dps. Imagine a udk with every time 2-3 mobs to fight.

so loot? xD

cause these people arent random, you choose to bring them, unlike in random bg or random hc…

i get my posts flagged by some triggered soyboys xD but thanks

but the owner will have a debuff then? if not i will just abuse the owner untill he leaves or i altF4 then? so he has to kick me ? so many flaws… really bad idea dude


haha here the soy starts showing… create your own post and reason to people why you think your idea is good. and then maybe you will realize it is not as goood of an idea as you initially thought…

hahahaha savage

like i said… verbal abuse would skyrocket and i could just altf4 or start sabotaging the dungeon intentionally… yeeeee if i relly dont wanna play with you i will find a way belive me and the more restrictive you want the game to make the more creative people will get in avoiding your restrictions KISS