Leaving Mythic+ instances

Molten core is a regular interruptible cast. The beam that damages a player needs to be stopped by other means.

It’s very typical to do all the trash on the left hand side in 2-3 pulls before engaging elephant.

As for advice on the nameplate front. A good plater profile with custom names / colours for different mobs is a godsend. The mobs in that pull for me are just called “Caster”, “Frontal”, and “Dodge” on my screen, named after the mechanic they each have that I care about.

it was all just a giant cluster fluff for me… massive pulls. Nameplates going all over the place and casting bars. Can’t find my mouse coursor? xD I try too cc with dragons breath…

But targeting mobs in all the chaos with a counter spell? I am just not that good… I am sorry. I have to maintain a strong dps as well else il get flamed for that too…

Needless to say we all died… I dont think I was the only one in that group struggling too keep a overhead view over it all.

And then you have someone tell you how well placed your blizzard or meteor is a solid 15 yards away from the pack or on some random spot above you.

If it’s imperative I stop a cast or I’ve been directly assigned I’ll put it on focus before the pull starts. Eg in this case the first pull of Neltharus is the 2 at the front, the pack on the way to the left, the pack sitting at the back on the left, and the patrol that walks in and out of the left room. In that pull there’s 1 thaumaturge, in the patrol. So I focus it and make sure to get the cast when I see it later in the pull.

Alternatively you can target the one you’re going to kick. It’s the only kickable thing in the entire left side. Or if there’s two you target one and focus on the other.

I think the way we do it it’s 1 thaumaturge in pull 1, 2 in pull 2, and 1 in pull 3 which we drag onto the elephant.

truth is i know your right… I always think exactly like that when I play on Skullfox.

But on my mage i am always like ‘‘DPS DPS DPS’’ interrupts? cc? thats not my job xD

If i am x ilvl as a mage and i dont hit this or that amount of damage and dps at the end of the run il be flamed.

This is like my primary reason for not wanting too play any of my caster classes if any… Melee just have an much easier time…

And its kinda my fault… I used too flame casters for just chilling in the back in the past… And apperently. Blizzard listen too me?! And just Effed healers and casters over!

Noooope I am crossing the line of what makes sense now for sensible forum posting xD I retire now.

I have a macro on my paladin to use final reckoning on my spot or on cursor.

I couldn’t find where my cursor was the other day in a key, I thought I’d just press the macro to use it on my spot. Pressed keybind.

Where final reckoning.

Wait, who pulled that pack?

Oh, they have final reckoning.

Fire kinda just sucks in low keys unless you play flame patch and nobody drags the mobs out of it. And by low I mean anything less than a 15.

At which point it’s just generally better to play frost. Granted, i’ll still swap to fire every now and again at the key level i’m running but that’s more so for when it feels like the group doesn’t need more AoE damage but rather some additional priority dps.

But i wanna be arcane<.<… thats my mage class fantasy… I dont care how long it takes. I will be a pro arcane player

If i do my key and i can see the group have is bad i will leave. it is my key and i can do what i like with it.

If i join other people keys i finish it.

Weird logic, you feel ok to waste peoples time when its your key but feel obligated when its others…

The logic has some consistency.

“I won’t negatively impact the keyholder because I don’t want them to be disappointed, but if I’m the keyholder I know I don’t care”

If you’re not running keys for gear or score from depletes, which would be anything above a 10, that’s pretty cound logic. Nobody wants to stay in a key that won’t be timed above a 10 unless the keyholder specifics wants to reroll it.

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You’re entitled to your opinion, but there is a difference between what I saw and what you can assume. I understand fort week is hard for some players, but dying to raw party wide damage with your mitigation on CD or being already used and health bars barely moving during down time windows of damage going out, last I checked was a healer issue when the crowd control is going out as of when available, same for interrupts. Considering the last add before the 3rd boss can only be kicked on a single target ability too, if it wasn’t for the aug his overall healing would of been lower again. And some adds have nothing you can kick, like the storm dragon.

Its one of the few dungeons where there is a lot of out-going damage after the 1st boss especially.

Some people are beyond helping, that is just how it is. We timed it, he got a +9 and I’m sure he had a fun time barely pulling 100k hps in his next run probably too, considering we were doing well above those numbers last patch, I only hope he had the tank / dps to make up for the number of deaths on his next run :slight_smile:

You cant punish people for leaving a m+.
How would you want to do this ?
Give them deserter buff ? 30 min ? 1h ?
People will just port out the m+ and stay in the group and you are screwed even more. You cant leave you will get deserter.
People can afk inside the dungeon and you are screwed aswell.
There is no way to punish people for leaving a m+ that you invited him into.
If it is the keyholder who is leaving is that ok then ? Because its hiss key who is depleted.
People will just log on an alt and play m+ whit that.

30 minute deserter debuff that does not let you join a m+ is enough for me.
If Its IRL emergency Its fine since you wont be online in those 30 minutes and they will pass, but if Its a douchebag move then you must wait till the time pass.

No. If the group is garbage the leaver has any right to leave.

Keyholder is responsible for rallying a group of competent players.
He should be punished for that fail. Oh wait…that’s exactly what’s happening right now…

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I did a +5 I believe the other day, just to get it done as I hadn’t done that dungeon yet, so I thought easy score…

It was a premade WW monk and warrior.
They asked the tank how the pulls were going to be, and the WW said “Can we do big pulls? Then me and warrior can do more dps”

Which is fine… But… the tank, me and the spriest were the only ones interrupting the mobs, so eventually we died… The WW then goes “We can’t do this without interrupts”… I then point out neither him or the WW interrupted a single mob, and would you guess it? Up until the 3rd boss where I AGAIN pointed out that it would make the run smoother, if they also used their interrupts they did not kick a single time…

Why is it then “my fault” if I wanted to leave? at a (+15 old scale) I would assume people knows mechanics, to interrupt etc…
I’m not saying people should play flawless, we are human, sometimes you just mess up and die to a frontal, stuff happens… But only focusing on your dps and neglecting everything else expecting the group to carry, is just meh…

Should we then also implement a system where people can say why they want to leave and then those people get punished with a desserter buff?

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