Leaving Mythic+ instances

I’ve been I mostly played every role on very different classes, I know the feeling of you aswell. To be honest maybe I should’ve explained more detailed. I’m not talking about extreme situations or bad behaviour of others. My examples about like expected elitism on an +8 +7 dungeons. Like not because an healer leaved after no interrupts for entire dungeon about the one who leaves after the one missed interrupt. Where it doesnt effect intime capibility etc. I feel you aswell mostly thats why I enrolled the healer which can interrupt / aoe cc do knocbacks for example like monk.

as I said " Not finishing / or get loot from those its not okay, while leaver isn’t getting any punishment. " So I believe that aswell forcing punishment wouldnt work aswell. But somekind of buffing or scaling which helps to finish for rest would’ve implemented.

What ever the reason for leaver which is right/wrong, I believe that there’ should be some options for the rest.

there is no good system to punish people who deservs and avoiding wrong system punishment to a healer who leaves because 3 dps are bad and they gonna report you for dungeon leaving

you will be punished even if you re right

The reason the leaver is eligible for loot is because of bad behaviour where people would kick others on the final boss to have more loot for themselves.

So now we have a system where there is no incentive to kick others.

I know it’s inconvenient when people leave. I prefer if they fall apart early rather than late on into the key. Had one where people kept messing up on the last boss, we were already over time but might as well have completed for vault but the healer had had enough and left.

I don’t think they needed to be punished. I was also feeling frustrated but generally speaking I stick it out if it’s doable.

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Ok but only if people WHO underperform recieve -500 for each failed because of them dungeon

Its not elitism if people expect you to know and do most Basic mechanics of the dungeon .

Or certain level of performance.

For example Anyone doing DPS below tanks does not deserve and to be in certain levels of dungeons.

Because its pure forced free boost on 4 other people.

If anyone wants IT - sure - offer liek 50k gold to each player and then they will stick till end of key

Uldaman is funny dungeon .

I once was in group where warrior - owner of key was shouting like " come on wtf guys swap to totem " ofter wipe - healer shut him up linking dgm - he was below tank on dmg on totem and venting on others :slight_smile:

Those are people who whine the most about leavers :slight_smile:


I don’t believe that aswell to be honest, punishments wouldn’t resolve things probably will make it worse. I’m saying that there’s something unbalanced when there’s not punishment system. My typo is there btw. I was about the say Not Finishing/ because of not finishing not getting any currencies or loot from those keys isnt okay

thanks for pointing that aswell I’ll edit it.

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You do know you can multiquote right? And you can also chop out the parts not relevant so you don’t make a page long quote for your one liner reply. And that IT isn’t spelt in all caps?

Asking for a friend or something.

way to lazy for that :slight_smile:

This is why I would much rather fork over the 200k for M+

You don’t have to deal with leavers or any of the other things that come with grouping with random people.

Exactly. So what if it’s a couple minutes over you still get the same amount of loot and crest.

People who just quit keys for no reason have no respect for the key holder or their group. Lots of one wipe, insta quit mentality this season.

And if you’re a dps doing this, I can’t see you save any time.

Also people who do this serially, how do you even progress or learn mechs?

Imo they should bring in something like the league time-out system to deal with this. By that previous blue post, blizzard know this is an issue.


You get less crests.

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If blizzard implement penalties for leavers its gonna be simple.

Players will have the idea of creating a massiv discord server to make mm+ people join it and play togheter like LFG system but penalties are gonna be on bad player who grief the dungeon.

Not on leavers who leave because the key is rigged because of lazy players who dont kick, avoid easy avoidable damages etc.

and if you gonna get to many penalties you re gonna simply banned from the discord server

retrospectively it can maybe a good system making bad players will use lfg in game system to play together, between bad players.
and players who want to play the game can meet together to play it.


you gotta decide - either its for no reason or after a wipe.

wipe could tell you a lot about your party

like sometimes stupid wipes happen - ofc . but in 99,9 % nobody will leave then .

when wipe happens and people leave - you know something must have happened.

Ah your one of those. Personally I’d rather help new or bad players improve rather then screw 4 other people out of potential loot. But I guess being a good person is overrated nowadays

Its more when people struggle through a dungeon and its like ‘lets just finish it’ and someone just leaves when you’re about to pull the last boss.

Or they just leave in low keys after one wipe on the first boss.

Timers are slightly tighter than last season, but they’re still kinda a joke.

you re not supposed to be a new / bad player in a 10+ key, Mr. Good Samaritan
when a mob/boss is casting a oneshot spell on player and the rogue doesnt kick because he s a zogzoger dps
this person doesnt have his place in my run.

Excuse me sir but if in a 10+ key i m gonna stop healing my mate because i want zog zog dps then i m not doing my job and its a fault. My job is to heal my mate

Dps who have kick/interrupt and stuff have the job to use it.

then yes I m “one of them” player who respect their own time.

But I guess being a good person is overrated nowadays

for friends, family, collegues, and stuff yes.

Not for total unknown people who let me DIE because they are to greedy dps to KICK the boss/mob

On the other hand I let my friends destroy my +10 AV the other night because it gave their alts a weekly for the vault.

We did not time but we had a laugh and I had zero expectation of timing.