Legacy Loot Coming to Legion Instances

Seriously what’s up with Eonar?
Do we have to make 7+ man raid group just for this one boss of our LEGACY solo instance?

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Usually when they make raids into legacy raids, they also change some mechanics so that everything can be soloed, but… this situation is different, so who knows what they’ll do, honestly.

Will you nerf some fights that are not soloable ?
Like the coven, or Aggramar (the bumps!)

This is great news, will you also be making changes early to Eonar in Antorus to make her soloable on mythic?

This, so much this.

KJ not soloable, Eonar not soloable so you are stuck unless you already have the skips.

You can’t get to Antoran High Command on LFR, even if you kill doggos first.

Thanks for this!
It seems a bit half-arsed though, could’ve enabled damage scaling too! But I can roll through this one a couple of characters on normal and heroic so I can’t complain, it’s always fun farming tmog on downtime!

Can we please have some confirmation on how this loot system affects the mount drops on bosses like Gul’dan or Argus?

Seeing that the drops are the same for 1 person or 20, if that affects mounts, does that mean that you are better off soloing the bosses? This pretty much kills group farming.

KJ can be soloed, it requires you to know the fight but it can be done.

I soloed KJ awhile ago, only two bosses that gave me problems were the Watcher (wrong position on bombs) and the Avatar. That burning fel still hurts. Only fight I still cant overcome outside of Normal/Heroic is Mythic Ursoc because of that rend debuff, last time I had down to a whisker (pun intended) before it overcame me. Every boss in Nightmare Mythic was easy upto him.

far as I am aware mount drop ratios remain unchanged, it just becomes easier to farm them. I finally got the mount from Mythic Archimonde once they nerfed the very first boss and i could faceroll it with any character. Plus I wanted the dk tmog which I still wear with pride,

What I am wondering is the following:

Let’s assume a mount with 1% drop chance.

Previous to this change, there was 1% for each member to get the mount.

With this change, the mount has 1% drop for all the group. If there are 20 members, you have 1/20 -> 0,05% of getting the mount.

I might be wrong on both cases anyway

It is always the same drop chance regardless of how many people are in your group so to use your example, 1% with 20 players will still be 1% drop chance per player.

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I just tried Anthorus hc, Eonar is undoable for melee at least, im unable to finish last wave as there are 2 destroyers, loot is there shame nothing else to make is actually soloable, im gonne bet imonar also isnt reworked and puts in infinite sleep

If legion content will be scaled up to 50
Will it make Legion raids on par with BfA raids?
I miss few pieces here and there on some classes so I would like to know if I should still farm during BfA in groups :innocent:

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