Legacy Loot Coming to Legion Instances

Cheers! about damn time too :nerd_face:

Too pure for this world? lol. I could argue the same. Blizzard are not your trusting friends. They’re a business trying to keep a product afloat.

Yes, I agree. And they have one of the more expensive MMOs out there with a prestige price tag on everything. We are allowed to be a little bit entitled for the price they’re asking for, especially when it comes to server-transfer and race-changes.

No legacy damage buff? make Eonar,Aggramar,Coven of Shivarra and kil’jaeden solo able for other classes?


I simply wish, that 5 man dungs from BfA could have now at least need vs greed like old times in vanilla.

This is a great change! Only one request - Please remove artifact relics from the loot tables, they’re obsolete and waste of loot drop.

Please fix LFR Antorus ‘Light’s Breach’ teleporter spawn after 2nd boss to get to Antorian High Command.

I cannot get a specific cloak transmog that fits my set, because I’m unable to get to the 3rd boss. This has been an issue for several months.

Forum post for reference:

This is great because now Blizzard doesn’t need to worry about designing new gear.

Yay!!! Now If I can survive Ursocs rend debuff long enough on miffic…

0.05% hp he had last time before it finally killed me, then I knew what bear rage was.

Damn… this community always have something to complaing about. Even with good news…


Can we expect the Antorus LFR wing Light’s Breach to be fixed aswell ? The Antoran Hight Command fight isn’t accessible.

This is one of the best news for people like me where we’re fixated on mog hunting.

However, one question remains, is there any chance you guys might take a look at fights that won’t be possible to solo even with the Legacy buff due to mechanic issues?

Kil’jaeden + Eonar comes to mind.

It’s not nonsense, it’s a fact. Forced personal loot in raids didn’t exist before BfA.

Omgosh ! TY !!!

Feel the potency of wipe, solo farmers :sunglasses:

And that has nothing to do with any of this. Fact.
Legacy loot =/= personal loot or master looter

Very nice. Maybe my DK will FINALY get that mythic set from NH?

whom am I kidding. With my luck, of course not! :rofl:

You can farm lookalike in EN also :stuck_out_tongue: works with pala and warr

They’ll never outdo themselves with the sets they gave us in Legion anyway. They knew they were going to cease producing tier sets next expansion so they went balls-out on the Legion sets.

You better of nerfing Kil’jaden Mythic, instead.