Legendary cloak upgrades

I’m glad, I’m not bashing parents, I just really can’t be mithered with it! I’m in my early twenties and I’m too busy paying the mortgage, getting the house sorted and having fun with my friends to have kids atm :slight_smile:

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Oh no I wasn’t suggesting that you were :slight_smile:

My grown up kids are settled in uni or careers themselves.

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Hmm I don’t know… I’m sitting on 3 vessels and 2 more from today’s invasions.

However I did take the safe route of clearing only for items and then if I had sanity and orbs attempt to go further.

Take into consideration shadowlands is eons away, don’t let the fear of missing out get to you.

That’s not the problem really. Having to get 6 pages+ is the problem…

I have 4 keys saved up from last week on this 449 ilvl, R10 cloak Ret Pally alt which has done pretty much zero essence dailies and has skipped the odd mini-vision daily. I probably spend 2 hours max a week on the cloak for this char.

I’m not going to say this is the most exciting content Blizz has ever released, but for a Ret Pally it’s neither especially time-consuming nor particularly hard to do the minimum Vision stuff to rank up the cloak.

Done todays things I am 2k ‘thingies’ short which I would get when open boxes, and actually do some WQ, but stuborn girl is stubborn. I will not run around looking for useless things for useless time gated activity.

besides I hate stormwind anyway.

I’ll fall behind this week, but its ok, i’m really casual and it wont make it or break it for me that i’m one or two cloak levels behind.

Even then rank12 only requires one run for the upgrade next week.
And unless you really need those 7 corruption resistance this week being behind one rank isn’t really a problem.

But it get’s annoying when you need 6 or 9 runs for the last upgrades.

I think I will quit my cape upgrades with 12, or whenever the stat proc is from.

I’ll catch up in the end anyways. Its not like the game gives me any useful corruptions anyways :joy:

The 5 Mask Solo was already done 2 weeks ago so with a Rank 9 Back. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttSJFBh8MCE (see Upload date)

And I’m pretty sure that some ppl cleared it before that without making a video of it. Also Alleria was nerfed this week and compared to the boss of the mage district, espacially with the slow madness, she was a joke anyway.

BTT: Farming 40k for this Upgrade is fine. The next only needs 10k. Okay for Rank 13 we have to farm 30k, 60k for Rank 14 and finally 90k for Rank 15. But I think the cry threads will just be more in this weeks.

I’m sitting on 4 vessels currently, soon to be 5 again. I don’t see the problem.

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