Week 10, farming the PoS Legendary, no luck, while people with 4 normal kills are getting it. Way to go blizzard, you had a good precedent on how to get the legendary (Shadowmourne) with which you could actually feel like making meaningful progress, but now you’re reliant on bullcrap RNG for which you cant get even the actual %chance drop to increase meaningfully + the whole 3 classes are balanced on the legendary that some people just wont get before it becomes redundant.
I haven’t played this game for 3 years, came back to 10.2
Been killing fyrakk normal since week 2, hc since first month, still no legendary and immediately decided to delete the game and never come back to it until they fix their casino style gaming.
Also thanks to not having legendary and a very bad class design, I cannot push more than M+ 25 because I get no invites. I don’t wanna play 4 different classes to have fun in this game, therefore I canceled my sub again, prolly for a good 2 years.
Same thing here farming hc from start and still no leggo tons of lesser and greater. Its getting frustrating bad bad bad design bad luck protection dont work ….
Next time blizzard make a quest or whatever make it that after 10 weeks 5 weeks we should always have it.
Log in wednesday log of after hc fyrak thats what im doing …
A prot pala in guild got it since week 2 lmao
So far since the first week it was available in raids after the mythic world first kill:
I have killed HC Fyrrak without fail 12 total (10 x lootable)
Normal Fyrrak 8 times
LFR Fyrrak 2 times
Looted so far 20 Essences as of this reset. Am also 6/9 Mythic so have got extra from them kills.
HC Fyrrak on an alt warrior 10 times lootable.
Still no Legendary.
I don’t mind the grind IF the Lego is usable in season 4. Like if there is an item that upgrades it so it can be used that drops from Fated raids. At this rate if you still havent got it what is the point of waiting this long for it to just become a transmog?
done lfr normal and hc every week since week 2 seen it drop a few times just never for me
absolute joke bad luck protection is clearly not functioning dropped for 2 people that had been hc twice last night but not me whos been every week
Brother, we are on the same boat.
Same thing this week no lego again but our holy pala with like 5 kils have it this week what a design
I’m trying one last time if it doesn’t drop Wednesday I’m out can’t be bothered playing the game on the off chance a item will drop for me
people don’t know how rng works?
It can drop for people in lfr first run and it could take you 100 runs of HC. Bad luck protection increases your odds but won’t make it a guarantee until it is very very high which takes problably 100 runs or so.
imagine it had 1% drop chance and each greater ember give 1% blp and a small ember 0.5%, than after 12 runs you are still not even close to anywhere of even 50% drop chance.
That’s the entire point, the rng system for legendaries is bad.
Oh, we know how it works, it’s just a rubbish system.
Things like this should be deterministic, let us work at it over time, a run feels like less of a waste of time when we get a fragment of a legendary than when we get some item that gives an undetermined (Probably tiny) improvement of the odds for next time.
Agreed, being behind by 5-7% because you weren’t lucky enough to get a completely RNG item feels really bad.
Been playing prot since early TBC, never played as dps.
Was the first to get the leggo in my guild.
Just lucky I guess. that’s how RNG works.
Wow, amazing insight there, nobody’s arguing that this is how RNG works, the argument is that it’s a pretty poor system for something like this, because, by your own admission, some full-time tanks get it before full-time DPS (Who actually need the thing) do.
Something deterministic (Like the head-enchant in the same raid, but of course a bit more involved) would have been better, but no, you solved all our problems by pointing out that “That’s how RNG works”…
The buff to the drop chance was mainly heroic and mythic. I saw a graph of the RNG being modelled, and for LFR and normal, it’s just a slight increase in gradient and still basically linear, the difference for mythic and heroic is exponential with every clear you do
Yeah, according to WoWhead, at 14 kills it’s 100% droprate for Heroic, 7.25% for normal, and a measly 3.62% for LfR, they’re really pushing hard to get people to do (Or rather, buy) heroic runs, and since pushing people into content they didn’t want never worked in the history of WoW, it’s just pestering at this point.
i’ve seen 2 of my guildies get it from lfr recently
And? Thanks for sharing.
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