Legends of Argent Dawn, chapter 1

Listen to this, while reading.

Snows slowly fell down, and a cold breeze along it, in the cold mountains of Alterac. The Orc, wearing his large wolf shawl, walking along his own companion, continued his way to the cottage.
It was Akamito who lived in it, due to an exile punishment by his Uncle, after a protest to the recent changes to Azeroth. Kump knocked the door. An hour passed, and at last Akamito opened the door, seeming to be just awake, with Babymito in his embrace. “Hey you, you’re finally awake.” Said Kump, placing his hand on his chest, before handing Akamito a bucket of meal. Akamito greeted him, as both entered the home.
“I’m glad to see that you endured in the cold plains of Alterac so far.” Said Kump. Akamito sighed, shaking his head “If wasn’t for Earthmother and you posting proper meal, we may have been dead already.”
Kump placed his hand on the Tauren’s shoulder. “Times change, Brother. Your place will be where your Uncle’s is very soon, I’ve foreseen it. And now, is the time to take the steps towards it. The Frozen lands of Northrend, where Blizzard falls, awaits us. Your Uncle faces what he shall, and you ascend.” Kump offered a light, confident smile, as Akamito did as well. They had a long journey ahead of them, and preparations have to be made.

To be continued…

More to come, and many will be involved, to be revealed. :smiling_imp:


Part two: The Caretaker:


It was the time. Kump and Akamito gathered all they needed for this travel. First they headed to the Frostwolf village, in order to find a caretaker for Babymito in her father’s absence.
Upon their arrival, the first person they encountered wasn’t anyone but Manata, drawing something on a canvas, while her axes rest beside her. When Manata seen the two coming, she immediately picked her axes up, left the canvas and RUSHED towards the two “Lok’tar Brothers! Is it time for some GLORIOUS BATTLE?”
Akamito sighed, then showed his Baby, as Kump said: “Mok’ra Manata. No battle for you, but many for us. And while we’re away on our Journey, we need you to take care of this child.”
Manata, hoped for some battle and combat, became quite disappointed, dropped her axes, turned away and walked away, only to suddenly turn away, seeming JOYFUL! “It is good to finally train a MIGHTY warrior like myself! To be my legacy after i die an honorable Death in battle!” Said Manata, coming forth to take Babymito from her father. Akamito handed the baby to her “Thank you.” He said. As the two departed after a farewell, Manata went back to the canvas, starting to draw the departing Akamito and Kump on a new board…
Their next destination was Tarren Mill, to aquire the GANG’s knowledge about the Frozen wastes and whereabouts of Uncle’s Citadel.

To be continued…


I’ll come back for royalties once this epic tale has unfolded

One baby held hostage


Don’t let me down, Manata :pray:


Part three: HONK!!

The two arrived in Hillsbrad, slowly approaching Tarren Mill, but suddenly they heard someone yelling “HONK!!!” followed by a continuous SCREAM from another person.
Kump and Akamito, wondering what is going on, went closer, and saw a robed Undead, wearing a Clown Mask, is chasing another Undead, armored in plate, although more similar to a gnome, wearing a Birthday hat. “HONK LAWSON, HONK!” Said the Clown, and the one who wore birthday hat, possibly being Lawson, screamed: “RAAAAAAAAAAAGH! Stop IT Dad-stone-bore-tower!!! Raaagh!”
Kump and Akamito, noticing an Undead female , sitting and leaning to a Rock, wearing a captain Hat and having cyan hair, is quickly doodling something while her eyes follows the Clown and Lawson.
Kump and Akamito walked towards the Woman, to ask what’s going on, only to be interrupted by Clown “HONK! You’re clowned!”. The hunched Clown pointed towards the two, and rushed to them. When he arrived, pointed to the two with each of his hand “Honk! Clowned!” Meanwhile Lawson escaped with a Raaagh!".
Kump and Akamito blinked, confused as honk, staring at him. The Woman , now watching the three, began to doodle them now.
Meanwhile, another yell was heard, this one was several individuals yelling together “GRIIIIIIIIIIIIIMM GAAAAAAAANNG!!!” and immediately a loud sound of explosion filled the area…

To be continued…


Very interesting…




It’ll get even more interesting as it goes forward, these are only the beginning…


Part four: A Grim Jest

The two, along the Woman, ran towards where the sound of explosion came, only to see a group of five gathered around something. It was a dead Human Male Paladin. “THE MARSHAL IS DEAD!” Said one of them, with a Tilted jaw, winged helm and a mighty sword, “Orman” was carved on its blade.

The others were a Huge, armored Pandaren, a Death Knight with purple shoulderpads, a very happy Blood elf Rogue and a Berserker with a pirate hat.
Meanwhile the woman was rapidly drawing everything she seen, standing behind, like if she was a Journalist. “What happened?” Said Akamito. “He finally died by the hands of the GEST!” answered the wielder of Sword of Orman, who was no one but Baron Morsteth.
The Body of Ortellus Falheim, lied dead but somehow intact. “Very well. We’re here to seek your archives, about Unclemito Citadel, which lies somewhere unknown in the Frozen wastes.” said Kump, looking at the group. Baron pointed at the town. “Show it to them, Fearless.”
Fearless, saluted at the Baron, accompanied them inside a tower, where was a robed, Undead Blood elf. He was at the top of a long ladder, spinning around the library tower with it “WEEEEEEE!!!”, Childs play…
Tyrinar! Come down!” Said fearless. Tyrinar , shocked suddenly falling down from the library. “RAAAGH!”


He landed on his back with a harsh impact sound, and fell unconscious.
Fearless sighed “Wait outside.” as he went out. Meanwhile, another “GRIIIIM GAAAAAG!!” cry, with an explosion sound at its end came from outside. “The Fake Baron, Williame is DEAD! The world of Men (of good faith) will fall!” yelled the Other Baron.
Akamito and Kump turned and walked outside, only to see their way blocked by the Giant Pandaren, holding a giant book.
Kump: “I don’t know your language.”
“SHEN, i am.”
He seemed somewhat familiar to Kump, but vague. The two said their names, as Shen dropped the HEAVY book in front of himself, so heavy that the ground shook, and Tyrinar suddenly awoke “Oh hi Mar- wait, you’re not the Lich. What do you want, MORTALS?”
Shen simply answered “Nothing. It’s done.” Akamito picked the large book, wondering what content it held “My thanks.”
And the two began to walk towards the Inn. Meanwhile they seen the intact yet dead body of a Human Male at outside the open gate, surrounded by the Gest. He wore a Cowboy Hat and a large cigarette on his lips, with Tel’Abim Bananas scattered around him on the ground. Most likely Wiliame who just died.
As they walked, the Death Knight with purple Shoulderpads came to them along the Doodler Woman. He said “You two may head to Tirisfal, there’s something there you should see.” The Woman handed a paper to the two, which included them draw. “Skabb” was written in the corner of it.
The Knight was no one but Theo Koiffen, a familiar face. “We will meet again.” And they walked away.
Akamito and Kump rested in Tarren Mill for a day, and the next day, they mounted up, ready to depart, only to see the Clown front of them. “I will come with you.” He removed his mask, showing that he was no one but Stonetower. “You will need my company in your journey, i know everything. Let us begin.”
Stonetower mounted his Bonecharger. “I clowned Exolth, the rogue. We’re ready.” and the three rode towards Silverpine, where they had to pass in order to arrive in Tirisfal…

To be continued…


Part five: Warzone

The Three have arrived in the border of Silverpine, where Shadowfang Keep could’ve been seen; though meanwhile, burning barricades, smokes and various spoils of war were scattered in a large area in front of the Greymane wall. “The war still commences.” Said Stonetower. “Worgen of Gilneas and Forsaken remants, fight over the Keep. The Worgen said they seek some kind of Armor, a proper Armor of their Heritage, while Queensguard seek territory.”

Kump and Akamito listened to him, pondering. “It would be better to avoid this Warfront without any engagement, and make our way for Tirisfal. It’ll cause trouble for us, and I believe we’re needed there, as Theobrand said.”
Akamito, after moments of ponder said: “I have a feeling that we should find out what this Armor is, and perhaps claim it, as it may prove useful in our campaign.”
Stonetower, frowning “You know how dangerous there is, don’t you? The Queensguard and the Gilneans will both capture us all upon detection!” He then sighed “I’m wanted by the Queensguard, due to clowning them all.”
Kump, after moments, dismounted and walked. towards a hill behind them, one relatively afar from the now-quiet battlefield.
Upon arrival rose his hands in the sky, calling upon some mysterious entity, mumbling words.

After moments, a masked, large visage appeared in the air, and Kump knelt before it. The two other followed him up, seeing what’s going on.
The visage wasn’t anyone else than Dudflex, the great Loa of Azeroth. Upon seeing this, Akamito and Stonetower too, knelt down.
“Ah… Been a while, and now, why ya have called upon Ol’ Dud?” Said the Loa.

Kump explained the situation to him, and then said: “We need your guidance now.” Dudflex, after moments of silence, answered: “Da armor… It be what ya need. Acquire it and den, go forth to da North.” With saying that, his visage faded.
“So be it.” said Kump, as he stood and looked over at the Keep. “You better be prepared, i doubt anything pleasant awaits us inside.” Said Stonetower, as he pulled up his hood, wearing a mask, and drawing his sword.
The three, sneaked behind a rock, near the road. “I doubt you two have any skills of infiltration, especially you?” Stonetower said, pointing at Akamito. Akamito smirked “You will see.”
There was only one Forsaken guard there, watching the Greymane Wall. A tag on her chest could’ve been seen, “Lilly Blazepast”. Kump sneaked behind her, as Akamito and Stonetower followed.
He sled a piece of paper from her right in front of her, which included some doodle. She noticed the paper, as they quickly crossed the road.

They arrived at the sewers of the Keep, the only entrance which seemed safe, only to hear a LOUD HOWL from the wall. The Worgen appeared at the top of it.
One who wore an eyepatch, yelled: “I, Crowton Blakemore, vow to CLAIM WHAT IS OURS! MARCH, GILNEANS! Allies, rain on the SEPULCHER!”

A Battle has begun.

To be continued…


Men. Women… and Children. None were spared the Master’s wrath. Your clowning will be no different.



Some “leaks” found their way here, powered by Elenthas Leakshop™:

The Leaks
  • It was Tehya all along.
  • Babymito kills Manata.
  • Crowton’s eyepatch is fake.
  • Tyrinar was actually dead, it was his ghost who spoke.
  • Akamito dies in last episode.
  • “Morsteth” carried the fake sword of Orman, which he took from Ortellus.
  • Koiffen was actually Borvin disguised as him.
  • Men of Good Faith had disguised themselves as Grim Gest. The Dead Williame was actually dead, disguised Morsteth.

Been busy lately. Will write the new parts soon!


I made him the warrior he needed to be
No regrets


Galford arrives with an ak47 in hand and guns down Crowton from beneath the outer bailey of the castle walls. He cheers victoriously.

Can’t believe my baby turned out to be evil all along.

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Maybe it was Manata who went evil

Waiting to see if there’s any truth to these leaks!!


Manata is the Snoke to Babymito’s Ben Solo.


New episodes, coming soon.


What in tarnation is happening in here?

Anyways can’t wait for the new part, Kump! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Looking forward to Kump getting married at the end of the story.