Legends of Argent Dawn, chapter 1

Stay awhile and listen:

Part six: March

The Battle has begun. The loud impact sound of Gilnean cannons can be heard as they hit the battlefield and the forsaken structures. Meanwhile, Lilly Blazepast can be seen fleeing back “RAAAGH! HELP!”

Akamito immediately walked backwards, drew his totem and rushed towards the Sewer cages, in order to break them to pass… And he succeeded.

The three quickly headed in, as the sound of Worgen army’s rush could’ve been heared. “FOR GILNEAS!!!”
The sewer tunnel, albeit dark and filthy, was the safest passage in midst of the Warzone. The three went through, until they reached a window. From it, they saw an army gathered in lines, and in front of them on a higher position, stands their masked Commander.

"Tonight, our weapons will be stained by the blood of Gilneans! Hell will fall upon that wretched land, and the fake Kingdom, WILL FALL! MARCH FOR GILNEAS, LIVE NONE ALIVE!


It was High Executor Perroy, commanding Queensguard. Besides him stood two Lieutenants, Hangart Helmar and Grittlebone. Perroy held his hand high, and in the other his Runeblade as the army cheered. The army turned, preparing to March, as two Knights led them i two units. They were Sir Blithere Balthazar and Dame Faye of Alterac.

“This is no good, we should finish our business here immediately.” Said Stonetower, looking worried. The other two agreed, continuing their way in the dark sewers…

Suddenly, a cannon lands above the tunnel, the roof collapsing down on them… Only to see the faithful Stonetower, closed his eyes, keeping the rocks floating as well as himself, with the power of the Light…

The other two, thought they are facing their Death, opened their eyes, witnessing Stonetower’s heroic act. The two quickly climbed up in the ruined room inside the Keep, as Stonetower kept the rocks. He then released the rocks, jumping up, though his hands burnt. “Honk! You’re saved!”
Kump and Akamito expressed their gratitude, as they quickly ran towards the door, in order to find the Armor. Now the sound of Blight canisters, screeching bats and roaring Gryphons could be heard as well, namely Robbertson who was in command of Bat riders. The battle was quite heated.

The three passed various rooms of Shadowfang Keep, where dead bodies of various Forsaken and Gilnean soldiers could be seen, namely poor Ulwa, who seemed to be actually sleeping, Bertov, Braxigan and Lochton.

The three finally reached the armor room, where the golden armor referred to as “Heritage” was; only to see an Undead figure guarding it. It was Klaus Sidorovich, the infamous, deadly Assassin of Queensguard. As he came forth, two similar undead came from behind him, stood by his side: Duskfather and Nethy.
They were the most feared Champions of Queensguard, and the deadliest.

The three prepared themselves for a long, hard fight in order to acquire the armor…

To be continued…


i open the spoiler tag and read

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Huh? Spoiler tag? You’re not seeing any. :smiling_imp:

Koiffen is my good friend. I would never be an impostor… :clown_face:

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nethy’s here?

ah damn i’m out

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Part seven: Failure

The three drew their weapons. Upon beginning to rush, something exploded in front of them, with the Forsaken champions being thrown somewhere. They cough as the smoke settles down, only to see Exolth standing in front of the Armor stand, smiling in an evil way, holding his sword. Likely being the cause of explosion.

Stonetower blinks as he smiles “HONK! Great job partn-” only to be interrupted by Exolth “HAH! You wish!” And immediately, he steals the whole Armor, vanishing into the air. The three, shocked, kept staring at each other like idiots, only to have a Blight canister explode behind them.

They began to run towards the tower, going atop it. Meanwhile in battlefield…

The Forsaken army were advancing, with Blight canisters being thrown at the wall. A whole brigade of Gilneans could’ve been seen who were fleeing. “PULL OUT! PULL OUT!” yelled their commander, a Marshal. Weird. Meanwhile a large battering ram of loyalists was brought forth, to break the gate and the wall, to finish the Worgen. Crowton and the few survivors, whom included Kha’raas, Tony and Nytheria, were outnumbered, and were preparing for a final march.


Their numbers were fewer than 10. After minutes, the gate broke, Forsaken storming in. And the remants rode out.


They broke through the soldiers while mounted, and didn’t stop, believing they’ll die soon… but it was not the end!

To be continued…


Live by the clown, get clowned on

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a leak of some random quotes has come out, which probably gonna be seen later.

The Quotes

“It is not the end, we still have much to do, in his Honor.”

“For Raes…”

“Open the gates! We need our home to be rebuilt!”

“And here I am, facing you, who caused all of these perils for us!”

“I am the Lord of the Underworld, and now, you are in MY domain!”

“Welcome to Mount Hyjal, where you belong… Except the Clown.”

“The Captain stands alone.”

“I will avenge my Brother, AND NONE SHALL STOP ME!”

“Death, is the only escape, you have nowhere to run”

“Hah, owned!”

“The Might of Uncle is unstoppable!”

“I am Acrona, and now, you face your true nature.”

Who knows if they remain intact or will be changed.


Part eight: Surprise

Two Gyrocopters appeared in the sky, coming from the south. Cog Captain Railcraft could’ve been seen on one, with Ryder on another, next to him. “Captain Crowton stands alone.” Said Railcraft, followed by Ryder immediately saying “Not alone!” He drew his sword “Assemblage!!!” And countless Gyrocopters, bombers and various Aircrafts appearing in the sky. Ryder commands them to march “To the Captain!”


The Assemblage marched, raining hell down upon the Forsaken, bombarding them. Crowton was very relieved that help had arrived, all thanks to Tony’s signal to his order. The Forsaken began fleeing towards Hillsbrad. But wasn’t their only surprise!

On the same hill Kump communed with Dud, now stood Vashava Nethersong, Harbinger of the Dirge of Teldrassil, alongside Bhaal Beastpaw, Kai, Enoch and Sadrieth. Vashava blew in a horn, and lots of Ancient Protectors marched towards the fleeing Forsaken army, facing each other! Stumbled upon, they had nowhere to run, and only the group still in Sepulcher and around it were safe. Victory seemed to be achieved by the Alliance, even though blight cannisters still fell there. Upon this situation, Kai yelled: “OWNED!!!”

Meanwhile the three, grappling down the keep, were running alongside the shore with all strength, blessed by the wind, no matter what obstacle stood in their way, they just RAN! But something they didn’t want finally happened: they’ve been SPOTTED!

Blight cannisters from a watch tower aimed at the three, beginning to fall down. Seeing this situation, Akamito, without waiting a moment, picked both of his companions up, RUSHING like a bull to North, fleeing. So strong… But the two others didn’t remain inactive! Stonetower called upon the power of the Great Clown, shielding them from the blows, with a great floating Clown mask. Kump communed and asked Dudflex for help. His visage appeared, and suddenly pushing Akamito forward, he was running at an UNIMAGINABLE SPEED! “RAAAGH!” He rose from ground with all the speed, flying!! Things passed so fast, suddenly, the three didn’t feel anything anymore…

To be continued…


Local Youths call upon magical Ronald Mcdonald Wannabe.

I love it, Kump, Good read as usual.


Husband! You’re back!

Ronald McDonald wants to be me :sunglasses:

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Yes, the Grandfaddah is always watching over us.

A clown then!


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I thought this was going to be about Boneboxer! He was an AD legend

Part Nine: Nightmare

After the Crash, the three were quite injured… Meanwhile, Stonetower awoke, seeing himself in some basement. Weary and injured. Suddenly, the door opened and several figures came in. They were Lawson, Akamito, Gobbert, Kump and Starshade; but all of them wore clown masks, standing and staring at him in a grim way.

He waa wondering what the Honking hell is going on, why all of them wore clown masks, and why they are staring. The door opened once again. This time, Carbek, Bearan and Apawi came in, also with clown masks… It continued as the basement was filled with clown, surrounding Galen Stonetower, nearly no space remaining. At a single moment, ALL OF THEM began yelling “HONK!!!” with all of their Power, honking Stonetower. He was overwhelmed, the sound waves was making the basement SHAKE. Suddenly a large Goose came in, and shapeshifted to Skabb, along an army of Geese, honking Stonetower down, falling on him.

The Basement suddenly began to collapse, as the Clowns and Geese kept honking, and Stonetower was screaming in agony “RAAAAAAGH !!!”

Kump was already quite drained and injured after the Crash. He seen himself awaking in a large, vast green forest, leaning to some wooden Pillar. He suddenly heard the sound of some music…

(Play before continuing, and read before listening.)

The sound of music became closer, alongside sound of people clapping with it rhythmically. He seen a group circling around him, dancing, twirling and clapping as they moved in the circle’s direction. It consisted of Morsteth who was moving his head (read: nose) and clapping, Tyrinar who was spinning and hip swapping, Koiffen, Innoma, Dudflex and Exolth who held a microphone and a Scroll. He was also wearing the armor he stole from Shadowfang Keep, smiling in an evil way.

More and more people gathered, the circle grew thicker with Kump being in center, they all dancing, clapping, whistling, playing various instruments and even shouting. Among them many faces could’ve been seen in different distances: such as Lawson, Skabb, Anna’lyssa, Ulwa, Agonal, Stonetower who also wore a clown mask, Akamito, Distantpeak, Railcraft, Terrance, Urugar, Embertap, Manata and Atahalni. The instrument players were Telaryn, Elenthas, Loras, Aeilmar and Aerilen.
Meanwhile Nelox and his clone/copy army formed a huge circle outside.

Exolth began to sing from a Poem he just made, being the lyrics of the playing music. "We're taking the forums to Goldenshire!!!" and everyone repeated: “To Goldenshire! To Goldenshire!” Kump blinked, didn’t understand what even that means. Exolth sang the next part: "And Kump gonna be THE GOLDENSHIRE!!" Kump grew more curious, but suddenly he seen a vision of this Goldenshire thing. He PANICKED, BEGAN SCREAMING IN AGONY “RAAAAAAGH!!!”

Akamito was too tired and more injured than all others, since he carried them. He awoke, air quite bright and everything seemed white. He felt the area was too cold. He opened his eyes…

He seem himself in a wooden cart, going on a road in Grizzly Hills. Kump and Stonetower being on it, and Markal Blackscar was driving the skeletal horses. Also Lawson was there, along with some weird happenings around them. Akamito began taking deep breaths.


The Cart kept going off road, crashing into some obstacles, ramming into some, trees falling… Kump noticed Akamito being awake, looked at him.
“Hey, you! You’re finally awake!!!”


“You were trying to cross the border, right? Running straight into the Forsaken Ambush…” As Kump continued, Many trees of Grizzly Hills began falling down, Earthquakes happening, the world was DISTORTING. Akamito seeing these all, yelled “NO! NOT THIS AGAIN!!!” and he screamed in Agony “RAAAAAAGH!!!”…

The three together awoke, screaming loudly in agony, noticing themselves in a large tent, bandaged and tended to, resting on beds with blankets on them. After witnessing this, they noticed a figure in the corner. The figure had a Clown Mask (1), was dancing (2) and upon seeing them awaking, said:
“You’re finally awake!” (3)

To be continued.


Part ten: Rest.

The figure stopped dancing and removed the Clown mask, smiling. It wasn’t anyone but Vixi, the Gnomish hermit of Whispering Forest. She had tended to the three’s injuries after all that happened. “After DAYS of sleeping, you three awoke! How surprising, my calculations led to believing you would be approximately 30 Days, 5 hours, 8 minutes and 34 seconds in deep slumber!” The three, still confused of their nightmares, swapped their weary looks from each other to Vixi, back and forth. “Where are we? How did we end up here?” Said Akamito, confused. Vixi, coughed, and began to tell a tale of ages…

The Peak in the distant lands, one you may know as Distantpeak, had brought you here. His great eye seen what occurred, he took the form of a Tauren in Silverpain.

The great Spirit of the Mountain carried you here by himself, and asked me to tend to you. He said you’re on a great quest for the Destiny of our time, before going. You are now in Whispering Forest, West of Tirisfal, near a lake which it’s existence is unknown to most. And perhaps you got whispers in your nightmares, which made you wake up screaming."

The three kept swapping their confused stare. Stonetower said a weary, low “Honk…” Before falling asleep again. Kump rose, standing in front of Vixi “You have our gratitude, friend.” Before heading outside for fresh air. Akamito, kept staring at Vixi, with a lot of questions in his mind.
“But how?” he said “Did Distantpeak tell you anything else?” The Gnome nodded slowly “He asked me to accompany you and bid farewell to the Forest for now. Rest for now, big Tauren.” And she headed outside, for Akamito to remain in his brooding.

Meanwhile in Alterac:

“EAT!!!” shouted Manata, towards Babymito, with the Baby simply staring at her in silence and calm.

“RAAAGH! DON’T JUST STARE AT ME! IT HURTS MORE THAN AN AXE!!!” And the Baby kept staring, simply.
Meanwhile, Vakosh passed, and began starting at Manata. “Huh? What are you doing?” Said Vakosh, while also Kara, Tulliuk, Zun’tulo and Sokronal gathered, staring at Manata.

Meanwhile, Babymito suddenly devoured the whole meal in one gulp, with the gathered group switching their stare to Babymito, now with open mouth. Manata, confused and annoyed, looked at Babymito, seeing she ate all of the food, she screamed in joy “You did it! You ATE it ALL!!! WOOOO!!!” and she took the Baby, throwing her up and then catching, playing with her as she took her away… The group kept staring as they went away.

To be continued…


Manata is a far better babysitter than I thought

Vakosh & Kara you know who to call when Manata becomes Manaunt


If Manata doesn’t come to the christening naming ceremony there will be hell to pay :triumph:


Orc parenting 101. When in doubt, rage out.

“Manaunt” will have to feature in that TRP profile. Don’t look at me, I don’t make the rules.


I have a feeling this is were a certain character transcends with the unholy power of T-Pose.

And then turn someone too a evil barrel.