Legends of Argent Dawn, chapter 1

Rumors say that something unknown is to be discovered beneath, soon enough… And one whom is known, is the true Lord of it.

Soon ™

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Something serious.
I can’t believe that part 5, 6, 7, 8 of the story are actually happening in RP.

To think a heated battle like this is commencing in Silverpine… I’m starting to believe in my own Foresight…

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Part Eleven: OWNED!!!

The three rested by Vixi for a while, recovering properly. It was time for them to continue in Tirisfal, seeing what was the reason of Theobrand Koiffen’s direction to this region. Vixi, gathered supplies, ready to accompany them. The Fellowship gathered, ready to depart from Whispering Forest.
“May the Keeper beneath, Tyr, keep us, and the spirit of distant mountains watch over us.” Said Vixi, smiling. “Do we have everything we need?” Asked Akamito, to be answered by a firm nod by everyone.

The Fellowship, now being four, with Distantpeak watching over them, continued their way towards the East. The land was Dead, in agony, after all that befell it. They continued, only to see a large KITE, with Goblin rockets attached, is screeching and flying “WEEEEEEEEE!!! HAHAHAHA!!!” screamed a Woman in joy, above it.


The Four, blinked, staring at the Kite which was going from North to South. Kump channeled his sight, and three could’ve been seen: Kaitylinn ‘Joe’ McKenzie, Bee Grimsford and Denisha, all three screaming in joy crazily. The Kite went on and passed, likely towards Fenris Keep. Kump sighed, mentioning the names “Let us carry on, nevermind.” And they continued.

Further in the road, they encountered someone lying down by it, with blanket over him, on the ground! They went to investigate, and the person wasn’t anyone but Edgar Grimsby, known as Grimace. He was just sleeping in peace, just like Ulwa in Shadowfang Keep, calm and smiling. Stonetower immediately jumped in a air and let out a loud “HONK!!!” towass the poor Boy, but he was still sleeping… Kump shook him, Akamito stomped, Vixi shocked… But nothing worked! He was still DEEP in Sleep. All of them sighed. A Lamp appeared above Vixi’s head “I HAVE AN IDEA! ATTACHMENT GADGET!” The other three stared, understanding nothing. Vixi tooj a device out of her back, doing Gnome things, and after some time, a hovering, light cart appeared! “We’ll carry him!”
The three blinked in amazement, and placed the non-awaking Grimace in it, to be carried. But the Joy of success did not last, as suddenly a large explosion sound could’ve been heard from the North, the direction of Scarlet Monastery “NONE MAY CHALLENGE ME, YOU ARE NO MATCH FOR ME ALONE!” yelled a Dark, powerful Male voice. Kump told others to wait, as him and Stonetower went tp investigate, hiding behind a Hill.

An Undead Shadow Priest, being in Void form was floating, channeling great, destructive dark spells, devastating swarms of endless, nameless, faceless Undead Scarlets who werw flooding out from the Monastery’s doors. All of them was truly swept, instantly vanishing and destroyed by the Priests efforts. Before dying, they screamed some strange words. “We Roleplay!” “Gank!” “Hahaha!” “Roleplayer!!!” and then instantly died. Mostly they yelled the last word, in various, different accents and dialects, each unique, with their appearance being same. The Priest wasn’t anyone but Father Vilem, herald of Shadow’s Dawn, enforcer of World’s will, and he kept clearing the swarms easily “OWNED, SIMPLETONS…” until they finally ended. After a moment, though, suddenly Abominations began to flood. Seeming largee and horrifying, albeit fewer in numbers. The Father rose once again, this time channeling a great spell… His eyes glowing furiously Red, more apparent.

The spell was being made ready, and Abominations arriving slowly… Only for it to UNLEASH A POWERFUL EARTHQUAKE ALL OVER TIRISFAL, mainly guided towards the Monastery, among a heavily corrupted, red Void Torrent unleashed towards Monastery.

All of them screamed “ABOMINATION!” in different ways, before being wiped, and Scarlet Monastery CRUMBLING. The Father laughed “Such was your fate, fools…” before flying away, leaving…
But now, new different yells could’ve been heard from the Monastery… “Orman!” Yelled am apparently Leader figure, and others echoed, repeated it with inspiration, excitement and Courage. “Orman! Orman! Orman!” They kept shouting, until finally appearing, coming from the Monastery. They were living Scarlet Crusaders, led by Mordecai Renn, as others followed him. They were marching towards the West. One could guess that they were going to Hillsbrad to recover The Legendary Sword of Orman of Stromgarde from the more Legendary Baron Morsteth in Tarren Mill. It all went on in Kump’s mind, only for Exolth, once again, appearing behind them, now wearing the Gilnean armkr “YES, that’s their plan, DON’T WORRY MISTER ORC! The GAAAAANG got it!” Only to vanish, before Kump and Stonetower could react or tell anything.

The two, sighed, before returning to the others, telling them what transpired. Their eyes became widened as Blue Child (the smaller moon of Azeroth), shocked. “Wow.” said Akamito, in wonder “No matter, let us continue to the Plaguelands. As written in GAAAAANG’s book, something lies in the East to help us bring my Uncle down.” The others nodded in agreement, with exception of the sleeping Grimace. They moved, and reached the Bulwark, having NO IDEA what lies ahead of them in Western Plaguelands.

To be continued…


Rumours had spread that unknown beings from other dimensions and realms had breached Azeroth of Kump, Akamito and company’s era. What will happen?

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Part Twelve: WARFRONT.

The group had arrived in Bulwark, to pass into the restored Western Plaguelands… But they did not know what they have stumbled upon. FIVE armies were at war, in the whole region… And thus it keyed the beginning of Battle of Five Armies.


Number one: Ebon Blade
From the foul Necropolis of Acherus, Commander Arindha Sunbane had rallied her fellow Knights into the battle. They included Hugues Baer the Dad, Jane Bay the wanted, Ercik Heller the Shadow, Galrus Bloodtree the hood, and Worlvius the exotic, along many other Knights. Their motivation was to gather as many corpses as they can, and raise them all as new Knights for their foul army. They stopped at nothing, especially since their target was the Highlord…

Number two: NORTHERN!
Made from an Alliance between remants of Men of Good Faith such as Darkplume, Embertap, Joachim and Williame’s spirit, who saught gold above all, with the men of the NORTH who want Lordaeron for themselves. Men of REDHALL, led by the most Legendary FELIAN, as well as his fellow Knights or as others called, Brigands. Their warcry wasn’t anything else than STRONGBOAR!!! And the vow to avenge him.


Number three: Forces of the Light
Formed from an Alliance between Argent Crusade, the Alliance, the Silver Hand and all those who stand for righteousness, led by Highlord Desartin Greymantle, the one and only Highlord of the Silver Hand, also aided by Commander Mauro Dawncastle, and Aethric the Thick. Others among them included Gallvin of Alterac, Ophelia Dawson, Dame Juniper, Beans and even a living Borvin of Southshore. Among many other righteous ones, who saught to push their enemies back to reclaim Lordaeron.

Number four: Horde Offensive
Consisting of the Brave, honourable soldiers of the Horde, led by Farseer Vanrosh, Kump’s own master, as well as WARLORD Sokronal. The Blademaster Razuk Bloodhowl held the front. There were also the raiders of Urugar the Warsong and Banrhun, as well Tetrarch Kezuga’s Trolls like T’zali, Parata the Free, Yuja the Fencebreaker and Ar’khala. The Troll duo Watrus and Khaltarr were present as well to claim prizes. Other individuals such as the Chieftains Carbek, Bearan, Mythrios and Uruk could’ve been seen. Many were present.

Number five: Nelox
Indeed, the Arch-Necromancer himself was an army. Rallying thousands of his… Images? Clones? Copies? Against everyone, to become the true Dark Lord of Lordaeron! Although he served something higher, for which he saught Akamito’s Death. In addition, he and all his clones kepy yelling “BAY!” Which led to Jane Bay from Onslaught raising an eyebrow, being confused.

The battle between all these five mighty forces were ongoing, immense chaos, all of them, except Nelox and Ebons, were hostile to each other. Bloodshed, ruin, scars of war…

To be continued…


:pensive: I wish.


He forever lives in our hearts.

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