Legion content that is currently soloable will not be soloable in PTR?

how do you even bonus roll in legion raids?

You can’t because you cant get infinite bonus rolls.

You can get them outside of Violet Hold.
There is 2 Important NPC’s outside of Violet Hold

1 Where you can queue for Legion LFRs & the other one are to get Bonus Rolls.
3 Bonus Rolls a Week.

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one thing i didnt know. thanks

Here is the Bonus Roll NPC outside of The Violet Hold in New Dal.


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check whenever the nether disruptor is up on broken shore
on first day its active it gives you 1 legion seal but max npc can give you is 3

forgot it did that until it was up when i went to turn in a legionfall paragon box

also did KJ on normal with the guild leader and we never got to any knockbacks
shadow phase we found illidan timewarp and he was down


well simply every expansion was suppose to be separated like almost different game bcs anyway works like that in profession and that gear is something like not wroking to each other or like on of green gear in another expansion … and that raids restart and than u can play like nothing ever changed and that raid rotate with curve other stuff with expansion storage … but that will never will happen

I think you need more fish oil in your diet mate. The sole reason people go back to do old content isn’t for a challenge, it’s to farm cosmetics, mounts, and achievements. There’s literally no reason to go back unless you really want to dive further into the lore, but you won’t be able to do that unless you put together a group, which will be near impossible to do in legacy content.
If it’s not possible to solo, then I’m afraid all that content is going to be lost to the ages, which is just sad.


i haveing a level 48 MM hunter with ilvl 155 rocking 80% mastery and 60% Ver what can solo any content in PTR …

That would be total bs, they should be easy and BFA ones should be doable but not as easy.

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The Problem here is, that it would be almost impossible to find groups. The players who are wiling to raid won’t be divided on 4 raids of one expansion but like 40 of all the expansion.

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Issue : Multiboxers and botters use old raids and dungeons to farm gold, which leads to gold going to nuts numbers.

Solution : Nerf old raids and dungeons in any capacity considering gold and grinding.

Result : Lol, they will just swap locations. Casual players effected the most.


just simple 1 more rison to multibox if u cant solo old content blizzard suporting multiboxing with this game changes :stuck_out_tongue:

wait, why people would farm mogs in ptr?

Let me get this straight. We move further away (up in power) from legion yet you can no longer solo these raids?

Damn, that’s going to be a problem for my nighthold set as DK then… Love that one!!

Can anyone confirm this is on blizzards list of ‘needs some changes’?

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Same reason many farm now?

Just something to do while waiting for SL.

With CE, AOTC, feast of strengths (Mad world, servant of nzoth ++ ) mythic+ and arena season etc. and corruptions (And farming echoes) gone there is no endgame content to do for most, so at least for me, mog farming is what i will be doing in ptr.

Looks like this is an issue in beta and not in the ptr, so probably it will be fixed before SL goes live and when ptr goes live there should not be any issues.

You’re probably right. If not before launch, quickly thereafter it will be fixed.

This may be because of the squish - gold value is tied to ilvl and ilvl was squished with levels.