Legion Killed WOW

i wouldn’t say that mop was trash. wod was not great but it was better then all the expack that comes after it

MoP was pretty good with its zones and world building. But i think alot of people were like me and are not really big fans of the heavy chinese theme of the pandaren. As a western person that whole architecture and such just felt alien

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I didn’t played WoD but I heard it was heavily scrapped. Shattrath raid, Oger isles etc.

I felt the same way about SL. Seems like there are ‘‘systems’’ who are only there to waste time. In free mobile games you can usually pay to skip timegates. WoW just adapted to that without an actuall reason :smiley:

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Yes alot got scrapped, if they actually had given the content they were planning instead of ditching the expansion it wouldnt be remembered as bad as it is.

But sadly because people were happy for it being ditched for the sake of legion they are doing the same thing with Shadowlands. They are basicly taking peoples money for the expansion and then not delivering what they should. Making sure the expansion like WoD and SL are bare bones and remembered badly. Ofcourse expansions like legion will look like the best thing ever compared to that


Fun fact they killed it twice by reintroducing the overtuned garbage tower

Legion was good if you were a casual, to normal players it was rubbish.

doesnt that depend on the part of the expansion? i don’t think the broken shores and argus were that enjoyable. The only thing people might have enjoyed in those areas would be going to the raid/dungeons.

Also isnt northstar legion a very old guild? i think i remember seeing them back in tbc when i still played horde

Sure, I’m being unfair to casuals, they can also think Legion was rubbish. The stuff that Legion got right was all window dressing and flare, but the gameplay itself was blergh. Best thing about Legion to me was that they had nerfed all the mandatory grind to insignificance, but at that point it’s like “why even have it in there in the first place?”

And yeah, Northstar Legion has been around since launch, and has never moved servers or anything. Existed before WoW in SWG too.

Dragonmaw has some pretty long lasting guilds. I never saw guilds last that long on other servers. I sometimes think about picking up my horde characters again. How is dragonmaw currently? Are there still enough people for a proper economy and to raid?

It’s merged with a few other servers, dragonmaw just by itself is empty.
You’re pretty much playing on Stormreaver if you’re on this server now, which is fine if you’re Finnish.

Were you named Osira or something like that back in the day?

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yeah i mostly played a druid named osita or a deathknight back then, i just checked the server again and noticed its also merged with tarren mill. So i guess dragonmaw got merged with some pretty big servers unlike the server i am playing alliance on

Osita, yes that’s what it was.

I’m preeeetty sure it’s not merged with Tarren Mill.
I think it’s
Stormreaver, Haomarush, Spinebreaker, Vashj, Dragonmaw.

i just checked the server for a short moment and oggrimar seemed to be full with tarren mill people. Perhaps it was just the shard i was in tho

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Anakin was Legion… Legion was Anakin! :sob: :sob: :sob:

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As someone that plays multiple specs and alts - it sucked. It sucked so hard. It only became somewhat okish towards the end. Even playing another spec was bothersome, playing an alt was hell.


Only for some specs.

WoD was peak enhancement shaman but then they had to ruin the spec by implementing maelstrom in Legion. Made me quit playing shaman. I really don’t like this thing of forcing specs into being a warrior-lite or rogue-lite. Holy power is just combo points but for paladin. Maelstrom is just rage but for shaman.

If I wanted to play with combo points, I’d play feral or a rogue, not a paladin.

If I wanted to play with rage, I’d play a warrior, not a shaman.

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PvP in WoW was born dead and Legion was a good expansion.

Change my mind. (raises the cup)


Does this make Shadowlands jar jar binks?


It´s not Legion´s fault that Blizzard for some reason decided to copy what Legion did, but then just do it worse, for BFA and Shadowlands, and that at the same time Blizzard decided to spend massive development time on Island expeditions, Warfronts, Boreghast and the Maw which were all incredible failures. Even worse Blzzard for some reason spent loads of time during the expansion trying to improve / fix these features during the expansion, instead of just giving up on them.

Legion implemented necessary changes for WoW to survive. Sadly, neither the WoW Blizzard devs or the playerbase really understood just why Legion actually worked so well in the final patches of the expansion.

Sith Jarbinks! is the Jailer himself. :joy: