Let any race be any class

And yet there are examples of both of the former in “lore” already. And who’s to say a Draenei wouldn’t seek to use the power of the legion for good? There’s nothing preventing these race/class combos aside from your perception of that race’s culture and deciding that it should apply blanket-wide.

I’ve already debunked this. Restrictions don’t make an RPG.

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wrath pre event had the scourge atacking everyone and infecting them into undead

You haven’t debunked anything. You made up some arguments to fit your narrative.

That’s basically a blizzard style lore spin to fit what they want to sell.

I didn’t make up anything. DND, the RPG from which most video game RPG’s draw their inspiration from has NO class/race restrictions outside of something people might’ve homebrewed. They’re not a core aspect of an RPG. Having race/class restrictions doesn’t make a game any more or less ‘RPG’.

no thank you. instead of removing rpg elements and making this a dota2/LoL nonsense-character, MMO-Timewasting-3button-game they should improve RP elements such as more impact of professions,class,race on the game.


from northrend he reached out to everyone, if he only attacked the alliance then the horde would not have gone to northrend

thats not a lore spin, thats THE LORE

Literally a non-argument. As I’ve stated. Class restrictions don’t make something any more or less of an RPG.

Yes it is a core aspect of an RPG. A race has certain philosophies and a background upon which it develops it’s society and thus it’s classes.

Just because you chose to ignore them doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Closing your eyes won’t make the sun vanish.

Anyway you’re not open for any discussion. You will continue to ignore the fundamentals of this game while you cry for your blood elf shamans or whatever you dream of.

Good day now.


No to void elves paladins, just to make sure you’re not happy.
Yes to gnomes demon hunters, cause you think you don’t want them, but you do.


None of this stops a select few from picking up the art. In DND certain classes are more favorably played by certain races, but there are never any restrictions.

Yes to all race/class combos. Let me make a mechagnome demon hunter if I want to.

Go play that game then. This isn’t dnd.


Slow down, high elves in one day is already too much for a single mind to bear, but Void High Elves paladins? That would be too much fun, we can’t afford that. Gotta wait another 10 years cooldown atleast!

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I’m just using it as an example. What you described doesn’t make WoW any more or less of an RPG. So defending race/class restrictions as an “RPG feature” is a fallacy .

Recently had the same discussion on reddit, there are pros and cons to both but personally I’m against it. In my mind some classes just don’t fit with certain races and their cultures and that’s completely fine.

But people will never see eye to eye on this.


And there are plenty other games that have race/ class restrictions yet you chose to ignore those because they don’t fit your propaganda.

This ping pong goes both ways.

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That’s their choice. And it’s a choice I’d like to see Blizzard make. Race/class restrictions are kinda pointless when we have the likes of Tauren Paladins available. They can make up lore for all the race/class combos on the spot. Their justification for Orc mages was “Forsaken taught them”. Why can’t a Forsaken learn shamanism from an Orc too?

They did. They are keeping race/ class restrictions.


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They loosen them more and more every expansion.

They said they wouldn’t make classic. They did.

They said they wouldn’t add fair skinned blue eyed elves to the Alliance. They did.

They’ll do the same with race/class restrictions. It’s economically beneficial to them too since it means more race/faction change money and it could go a way to resolving the current faction imbalance.

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Nah this one they won’t, same as they won’t eliminate factions.

It’s core mechanics and the foundation of the game.

You may as well get used to it.

tbh some restrictions are nice, makes the world less homogenious

it is still to much belf dominated on the horde side, imagine belf druids, taurens and both trolls were be a rare sight

no, i dont believe in making all races be able to be DH, yes i would like tinker class to be just gnome/goblin

they can re-invent the lore but at least in certain class restrictions they have reasonable lore, like sunwakers being part of the taurens that already did worship ashne instead of the moon

in fact, any race that can be a priest can be a paladin because thats how they started anyway, warriors that sought the light and priests who raised weapons to protect the defensless.
Nelf paladins can be a thing for example (we already seen it), imagine tyranda gets her priestesses to get battle ready with some help of the wardens, both maiev and tyranda have the mindset for retribution (pun)

then we have some resctritions like zandalari and warlocks, the whole zandalari society under the reigh of Rezan/Rastakan abohored darkmagic (we are even sent clear them before we find its blood magic) and the only zandalari warlock i remember was exiled (or learn it during exile, but we killed him anyway)
the same applies to dranei and lightforged not being able to be warlocks

druidism should be kept for races more in tune with the actual wild life and shamanism to races more related with tribal like races
neither druids nor shamans should be belfs for example

bottom line, ALL races ALL classe NO, but some restritions can be lifted