Usually they twist the lore to make it convenient for themselves. In fact they even had an interview on how they don’t let players affect lore decisions. No matter how dumb it’s going to be as seen in BFA…
Because Illidan had plenty of Blood Elves under his command. Few draenei and orcs, except for those insane Fel Orcs I guess.
And because it was absolutely necessary to make 1 Horde race Demon Hunters if they wanted playable Demon Hunters. They couldn’t have just Night Elves if they wanted them playable. And Blood Elves were the best fit among the Horde races.
But to be honest I would have been fine with no playable Demon Hunters to begin with.
I think it would’ve made more sense to have Altruis, the main ‘known’ surviving Demon Hunter, found a new order instead of reviving the Illidari for no reason.
I mean I know there was a reason they revived the Illidari - for some reason Illidan is popular even though he’s trash on par with Med’an - but it would’ve made a lot more sense to have this new order recruit all different races, sort of like a reverse of Acherus harvesting Death Knights of all different races.
It would show the different races coming together against the Legion the way that many of the Class Orders failed to do (-especially- the Warrior and Rogue ones…) and show that the world is moving forward, as opposed to the very meta-problematic thing of reaching back in time and saying “Hey you liked this thing, remember this thing? Buy our expansion please”
If we ignore all lore reasons (witch i don’t think we should). Blizz has to make more druid form appearances for every race but don’t really see that happening anytime soon.
but other than that the ritual required to make them wouldnt suit orcs anyway, they’d give in to the demon such is their nature and there wernt many draenei available so why would he bother with them
the broken PERHAPS but he didnt trust them either (with good reason)
Well, that’s because they needed some famous names to slap onto the Legion expansion. “Lo and behold! Illidan has returned and he was a good guy all along!”
Whether one likes that new turn Illidan’s story took is up to the individual. I personally don’t mind as I liked him from back in WC3, but that’s just me.
They could have gone that route, but it’s a little late now.
I think it’s a good idea, but only if they a) bring back DnD stats at the same time, b) offer ways of overcoming a disadvantage. That means that, for example, you can play an agility class with a race not very high on agility just fine.
During Legion the ranks of the Illidari must have taken a major hit, so it would make sense to insert a scenario where they experiment on various races before putting up a recruiting poster.