Let any race be any class

Okay, but are Tauren rogues cool?

No, Tauren rogues are not cool. Tauren rogues are a goofy joke. Even more so than Pandaren. Actually way more so than Pandaren.

Being able to stealth with that bulk and those hooves already put them several levels above the rest of race as rogues. Even above undead.

They just don’t stealth, they intimidate the surrounding NPCs and players into looking the other way.

But, on a more serious note, some class/race combinations don’t make sense at all and would break pretty much the identity of the clas or the race. How suitable a class is for a race, IS somthing influenced by lore, it just doesn’t strictly abide to it. Tauren suitable as paladins because tauren are an overall noble, upright and spiritual race and paladin is a noble, upright and spiritual class. Draenei are a goody two-shoes races and, as such, Draenei wouldn’t fit as rogues or warlock, classes that employ underhanded and morally questionable methods of fighting.

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Rouges uses magic for their stealth, therefore it wouldn’t be sill for tauren rogues to exist since magic covers their “shortcomings” when it is to being as sneaky as smaller races.

Nothing’s a bigger joke than Pandaren.

Oh scratch that, I forgot about
“The void”, I suppose That’s a real joke now.

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They are not warriors or warlocks. Not by default anyway.

Illidan was an arcane mage, so were a few that joined the Illidari.

not even close

That’s news to me.

By that logic I should be able to dispel stealth. It should be marked as magic. I should be able to counterspell a rogue and that will prevent him from vanishing.

Well, it doesn’t.

Rogue stealth is not magical. Cloak is weird, but rogue was developed as a non-magical class from the bottom up - and as such stealth is not and was never intended to be magical.

Because the ability to turn invisible in plain sight is totally not magical. https://youtu.be/umAgdVTBae0?t=138

Just because it doesn’t seem natural to our world does not mean that it is considered magical on Azeroth.

Even Subterfuge and Shadowdance are considered physical.

EDIT: And honestly, this seems like a lorelol. It started as a gameplay mechanic because making proper stealth in an MMORPG was too difficult. Then rogues were made OP and were able to hide right up in people’s noses, which is absurd. And now, somehow, that absurdity has been made manifest in a cinematic.

Stealth is still not magical.

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I think it is quite natural in our world. Every time I go to a party - I seem invisible. :no_mouth:


Well that’s not magic either =/

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Point! :innocent:


At least I’d like to see more mechagnome classes that can equip a shield.

yea im all for it , its silly anyways.

An undead druid would be weird, they have no lore that makes them make sense for it to be a druid. Druids are connected with nature and are made to heal wounds and protect. undead are skeleton like creatures. if there were druids they would have no wounds.

I know a lot of people are really bitter about it, but to be honest:

The Player Character was always the exception to the rule. As Mages we’re Archmages, as Shamans we’re Farseers, as Paladins we are essentially a Hero class from the get-go, not to mention Death Knights and how they bent over backwards to introduce Goblin and Worgen ones.

I think having more races able to be more classes is not a bad thing, nor is the more extensive customization. It’s the World of WarCraft after all, and that means things change over time.

Different people adopt different beliefs and traditions and ways of war from each other over time, it’s a natural result of coexistence. Frankly, the fact that Orcs can’t be Paladins feels more unimmersive than if they could be.

Ideally, there would be some effort put into making the different races feel different in regards to how their class is: the way Blood Elf Paladins and Draenei Shamans originally were, before they just became more or less the same as their counterparts, and avoiding the sad reality of the Tauren Sunwalkers not even being re-skinned Paladins.

I’d love to see quests for Tauren Warriors and Paladins to make their own War Totem, for Troll Shamans and Druids to make deals with Loa, for Human Hunters to tame Boars and Bears while Orcs tame Scorpids and… also Boars!

When it launched, the ‘World’ part of WoW was that it was a largely unbroken open world with few loading screens unlike other MMOs of its day, but these days it’s so comparatively small it’s earned its “theme park MMO” moniker, and it’s time for something to make the world more dynamic, more lived-in.

Blood Elf Demon Hunters didn’t exist prior to Legion, the ones introduced in TBC were explicitly stated to all have been killed. If it’s okay to change the lore to introduce them, why not Orcs or Draenei?

Early editions did. Humans could be everything, Dwarves and Halflings could only be Fighters (later Thieves), Elves couldn’t be Clerics, etc.

That was originally because Humans were straight-up weaker than the Fantasy races, so later - better - balancing made it redundant and it was removed and has remained removed in all modern editions.

That was an actual event, not lore added later. Did you also forget that Naxxramas and the Scourge Invasions in late Vanilla involved all of the active races, including those from Kalimdor?

And yet people still play all the races of Hunters, Warriors and Rogues, as well as plenty of “ugly” Undead and Troll and Orc Mages.

Almost like a lot of people who play the Horde don’t want to play Elves, they want to play proper Horde races.

Honestly, you’d think that the Illidari - or a brand new Demon Hunter group, if we don’t retcon a thousand Illidari to have somehow survived TBC - would absolutely recruit Demon Hunters from every single available race?

I mean yes, we know that Illidari are actually crap against demons and half of them are either captured, killed or converted, but they seem to think they know what they’re doing, and during an active Legion invasion it seems like they shouldn’t be picky about candidates…

I think they’d fit great with the Drust “dark druid” aesthetic that the Kul Tirans have. Death and Disease are part of nature, so Forsaken Druids could lean into that.

Even Goblin Druids aren’t unthinkable - we encounter a (secret) environmentalist Goblin in questing! Which is exactly the point with all of this: People are unique, they make unique choices - not everyone will fall within the standards of their culture.

So, let there be options.

Orc. Paladin.


Mechagnome demonhunters could be a thing too, with mechanical wings and lasers coming from their mechanical eyes. Also with the mechagnomes and the transformer variant of druids.

They won’t do it because I’m sure they want to keep some of the lore in tact, and that’s probably a good thing. I enjoy the choices you need to make, and the lore attached to each character, and why or why they can’t be a certain class.
Yes they have twisted lore to make things more convenient for players before, but nothing of this scale.
So I understand your points, but I’m against it.

What lore ? They have wrecked any and all of it that ever was left. Sometimes things go to far and now they are better off just disable all restrictions.

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How would it work, though? Mechagnomes become transformers, allowing them to turn into robotic cats and Volkswagens? Pandaren Demon Hunters?? As I’ve said, they’ve twisted lore before, but this is just ludicrous.