I think most horde are too baked and cba having a 20+ premade, maybe only the tryhard mentally ill gehennas or firemaw horde. So in that sense, ally premades will still be stomping everyone.
Next you will probably make a thread asking to buff druid dps because its bad. And when told that druids can also do other things like tanking and healing, you would say “But its irrelevant, I’m talking about dps”.
You can’t balance the game around AV. Just because alliance have it easier on AV doesn’t mean its unfair.
That’s a lot of assumptions of me. From all that I highly doubtful.
I’m am not asking class balance or even map balance. But a very simple mechanical flaw, that gives a obvios edge for the alliance. And which has very simple fix. And that fix is the very topic of this thread.
Again its not an edge because you compete against the same faction.
Everyone on your faction is equal. Every one on the alliance side has equal chance to rank up.
It isn’t about faction players or classes or even skill, it is about premades. Which only alliance is able to do consistenly.
It was an example applying your logic to class balance to show how dumb it is.
You are asking for a change that would affect faction balance and move it further towards Horde.
The only reason you are calling it a mechanics flaw is your unability to accept that being the more populous faction has its drawbacks.
- ask yourself why
- be part of the solution and not the problem: migrate
- every horde player is equal. There is no advantage.
- also horde can farm gold while waiting for Bgs without losing out on Honor.
It would move towards Horde only because it is unfair against Horde atm. All I’m asking is fair game for both teams.
You do make it sound like I’m asking for premades only for Horde, which I am not. Premades for horde And alliance.
So idk. Do you think that’s too much common ground for the alliance?
But the game isnt just AV and its not balanced outside of AV, so you trying to make it balanced doesnt improve the overall game balance but harms it. Is it really too difficult to understand?
Why not also bring how it affects on everyone personal life too while your at it? Since I highly doubt your or most of peeps capablity to calcalute how premades on both sides affect whole gaming experience.
For all I see, you are just using your victim card for being stomped in world pvp, and instead want to have some unfair edge in av atleast.
But like it or not, av is isolated part of the game. Where it would serve everyones intrest in the end, that it would give as much common ground for every player on both sides.
Here you hint that you know it was never fair for the alliance and want to get that under the rug.
In the 2nd part you also make clear you only want it for your own benefit.
There is no need to calculate it. The population balance is tilted towards the horde. You are suggesting something that will mostly benefit horde. Thats why its bad.
I am using extreme simplification here because I feel it is needed to get my point across.
And no, AV isn’t an isolated part of the game. Jesus, what a dumb thing to say.
No, I don’t. You are just projecting there.
hoho thats why you deleted your other post, where you admitted it.
Is it really hard que at same time for horde?
You are extremely simplificating, because you don’t much else to add but this: “It’s gonna benefit horde, hence it’s bad”. Anything else is just glorification.
The reason its bad is because it does not fix the root problem.
It is bad because it only benefits the horde, but not the alliance. You only want your own benefit and try to let it seem like you want balance.
guess what… you dont…
he is completely right.
I deleted it because i read you post wrong, hence made a incorrect answer. It’s getting late for me. Take it as you will though.
Well that could have been said about WSG multi queue as well then, couldn’t it?
No, exactly not.
These people got an advantage over people of the same faction they compete against.
Also of the cost of another one.