Let everyone have premades in AV

If they bring horde vs horde bgs, im sure horde guys start to cry about horde racials. Especially easy mode ud locks, priests :slight_smile:

That’s a nice input, though irrelevant to topic and making no sense at all.

“You guys rolled on the dominant faction so we’re allowed to cheat the system, deal with it.”
Either give everyone a ‘Join as group’ button or take action against the Alliance abusing their queue times to cheat at BGs.
Because that’s exactly what you guys are doing, cheating.

Undead priests are easymode? How so?

Just having his input… and it’s irrelevant.

There you go, i fixed it for you :slight_smile:

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Noone is “cheating” the system. Its working exactly as intended. Less players → instant queues → can queue as much as we want. Its not more cheating than 80 people waiting in brd when raid size is 40. So stop crying and roll ally, or suck it like a good girl.


Is there a button for joining as a premade? No?
Then it’s abusing an unintended feature no matter which way you cut it, which last I checked counts as an exploit which goes against Blizzard’s CoC.
If there was an in-game option to join a game as a group then it would be actually be “working exactly as intended” and this wouldn’t be an issue.

Using short queue times to jump into a game of AV or WSG as a group is an exploit through and through.


No, actually, due to the way the matchmaking works (lots of stuff “under the hood”), because there are so many hordes queuing, and with the long queues themselves, it only increases the chance to be split apart even when you try to time the queue.

To end up in the same with the “trickery” behind it, you either need 1. instant queue, or 2. very small matchmaking pool.


It isn’t cheating or an exploit and well should you understand that by now

More importantly- it won’t change - never has

Which blows your repetitive argument out of the water before you post it in every thread about this

There is no button to enter mc too, must be cheating to enter mc with guildiees. 20 iq logic you got there.

Current av premades are not against tos or eula, there is no injection, or any manipulation of data on client side, there is no exploitation of a mistake in code, you can keep crying but by definition its not cheating. Again, you can reroll or suck it.

Yes, we get it, you’re super salty from world pvp. But how this in any shape or form is relavent to this topic?

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That post has literally nothing to do with world pvp, reading must be hard when you have the IQ of a moldy bread.

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And now you’re just being rude for no reason. How about you take break from the wow, ingame and from forums? Clear your mind from all the saltines you’ve gathered so far


Moldy bread was not needed sure but his post had some sense… I also have no clue how you got to WPVP with his post.

Well at least you win if you dont fight a premade , i dont premade so i have 99% lose ratio in AV

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Apples and oranges.

Just because there is no injection or manipulation of client-side data doesn’t mean that it isn’t an exploit.
The XP potion exploit required none of that and yet lots of people were banned for using it.

“Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.
Getting a raid of 20+ people and coordinating to hit the queue button at the same time to game the system into letting you all play together to have an advantage over Horde players who cannot also do it?
That sure sounds like an exploit to me, but seeing as you’re resorting to name calling i’m not sure that pointing this out is even worth my time.


But it isn’t is it - and you and everybody are well aware of that

But hey - you pay a sub - you can always cancel it if you don’t like the system

It’s laughable you even bring that tripe to the table and try to call it steak

It doesn’t wash

Tomorrow we destroy 5 aliance premades in AV in row with random ppl in 10min with 5k obj honor, what is this crying topic?

BUT Really sad is that thanks to CROSS REALM BG people from low pop Horde servers (10/90, 20/80) have more waiting time than the opposition faction :slight_smile: :), which has advantage 10:1 on the server… clap clap clap balance :slight_smile:

engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage

lol it must be a bannable offense to camp brd with multiiple raids then. again your posts get progressively more stupid. Horde players can form a premade, it would just take too long.

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Stop crying and reroll…

I believe that is what us Alliance was told for weeks after phase 2 wasnt it? :slight_smile: