Clearly, otherwise there would have been some mechanic to prevent that (either by reducing the duration or removing all buffs upon entering a raid instance).
Legitimate issue that should be fixed for both sides, good job you got one!
Point is that if premades were an intentional part of BGs then there would have been an accessible way for everyone to do it and Blizzard would not have left out a way for everyone to do it.
Well clearly the method of leaving it out to stop premades clearly has not worked so they might as well add a legitimate way for everyone to accomplish it without having to game the system.
I know, you are feeling awesome, after getting killed in P2 all the time, that now you have an advantage over horde. I don’t blame you for feeling P2 was a poopshow, it was. But denying something using completely nonsense reasons like this does not help your case.
And don’t worry about me, I don’t mind the queues. My main prio in Classic is raiding PvE content that I missed in Vanilla.
I don’t even mind the premades that much because seriously, with the few tryhard ranker premades as exception, the more casual ones are not even that much of a problem because Alliance “PvPers” consist of people who rather give up after one try and loose a quick game preferable over an actual fight. There’s a name for people like that…
The reversed applies aswell, how far do we go with #nochanges. If we are gonna be consistent with #nochanges then why have we seen blizzlike bugs that were present in vanilla removed? Such as dm trib buffs being stackable where druid ran around with 100k hp, why was this fixed if it was vanilla-like? Why did they remove the option to kill your own faction with infernos when this was completely doable in vanilla? I can list many more things and when it comes to the backdoor and the single pulls we havent seen a single bluepost about it.
Being able to premase AV has been posaible in most of vanilla, the reason behind having the pre-1.12 mount cost system was because “it was like that most of vanilla” but yet we arent seeing the option to premade and the function that preventa premades is clearly not working.
I’m not an advocate for #nochanges, I am against bad changes and supportive of good changes. The change proposed here would tilt the general balance further towards the horde side which isn’t good.
That does not prove that forming premades like this is intended too.
It just proves that Blizzard again was thinking with something other than their brains when they thought removing the Joining as group option would do what they thought it would. Well it did, for the higher populated faction.
So then you would have no qualms with the addition of a ‘join as group’ button for BGs so that everyone has the option to easily join as a group so that one side doesn’t have a clear advantage in a scenario in which both sides are supposed to be on relatively equal footing?
I wouldn’t complain about that, as the queue time for a horde premade would be through the roof which will kinda balance it out, but I do think asking for that is quite silly and entitled, yes.
You have a battleground. One sides is allowed to form a team, well setup with the needed roles, gear level, voice communication and a team that works together day after day.
The other team gets randomly selected, random roles, gear and no voice communication and never worked together before or will after.
Well you got me, I have no idea how that could be considered unfair.
Oh I know it will not chance. I’m not expecting Blizzard to chance it, or care even.
I am just amazed (or maybe not, this is the internet after all) by how many ignorant people denying it for what it is just because it favors them.
There’s faulty game design all over. Even in AV, like the jump making the backdoor possible. Fact that Blizzard will not fix it does not make it less of a terrain exploit because the base was designed with one entrance. Same with joining as premade when the singing up function had the join as group removed.
But anyway, you probably know about what they say about “winning an argument on the internet”. So lets agree to disagree and enjoy our weekend!