Let everyone have premades in AV

  • Nice, so you know how it will be in the future.

  • Blizzard didn’t made that, you and the other horde player made it.

  • Reroll or deal with it. I wonder why not alliance player complains.

This is what you get for rolling the dominant faction :slight_smile:

If that would be the case, horde would not have Q times that indicate 3:1 or 2:1 majority.

alliance have far more people on pve realms for some weird reason (only reason i can think of is backpedaling nelf male and human male roleplayers that dont like to fight enemies that can think)

This would kill off AV completely. The Alliance dictates the meta in PvP. If premading in AV becomes a no longer viable option then ally would switch to premading WSG. Immediately increasing the Horde AV que times possibly more than 1h.

Yeah true. It’s hard to find a solution. I guess there’s nothing that will satisfy everyone. The best thing to do is probably “do nothing”.

I would rather have that, it would make rank 14 to some degreee more about pvp than pve. It would be easier to stack brackets and solo queuers wouldnt screw brackets that easily.

Or you know fix the core issue and nerf Horde ?

It is not, no matter how many times you tell it to yourself.

just go farm lvling people to searing gore or to menethil ship and stop crying on forums :smiley:

The factions clearly aren’t balanced overall, if the horde are getting BG queues and alliance aren’t lmao.

Remove racials? I would be all for it, sadly that wont fix the premade issue whatsoever lol.

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pve/rp realms are dominated by alliance, which are realms designed for raid logging

And there’s way more PvP realms.

There’s 33 PvP realms + 1 PvPRP realm around and 8 PvE realms.

There’s a big difference there lol.


pvp 45-55

total is 50-50

Not anymore. After that there needs to be a migration, but the racials are the sole reason this happened.

Also this suggestions is as old as TBC.

In vanilla we didnt had so much experience, as we have know. It was clear that this accumulated knowledge will tip the scale.

But the PvP part that plays Bgs is about 3:1.

2:1 on a good day. Otherwise you wouldn’t have 2 to 3 times the length of the Qs of the average game time per BG.

Racials are not the sole reason for it, there are many other reason to roll horde.

  1. Aesthetics
  2. A much more convenient travel hub
  3. More boring quests but easier for efficient lvling because almost all of them is about killing boars repeatedly

I think just removing factions is a good solution.

Mm, outdated data.

The queues in BGs just prove that the horde outnumber alliance :stuck_out_tongue:

You can’t compare WoW pvp to LoL etc. Because wow has factions from the very start. In LoL both are the same faction just a different team.

The pvp system has been like this since the dawn of time. Back in vanilla my server (alliance) had 1 hour queue time for AV due faction differentials.

The system is built like this, and sadly we dont see that much blue post responses in our forums, therefore I doubt they will ever change it.