Let everyone have premades in AV

The queues simply prove more Horde are participating in AV at this time

Sure thats why we have 2 or 3 horde player doing PvP on 1 alliance guy.

Sure…keep telling yourself.

What also translate to PvP.

Cant comment on that.

As horde, we experience the same from alliance. You are not a victim.

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Racials are a not really a factor. Alliance have better pvp racials. Horde have the only proper pve racials (alliance basically only has sword skill, stoneform is pretty decent for parts of naxx but pretty useless since there is a consumable with no cd that has the same effect, certainly when compared to blood fury and berserking)

Alliance have much superior aesthetics, everything looks better, u dont feel like a subhuman living in some mud hut, try playing tauren or orc for example.

Questing is pretty equal in the later half, but 1-30 is much better as alliance since they don’t have to deal with barrens or silverpine.

The main reasons to roll horde though are due to it being much more fun for melee, which is half the raid. WCB is such a hassle to get as alliance, you must literally pay to win to get it, or enslave some horde dude to MC you once a week, you also need summons there.

There is not really any proper way to solve it, it’s basically too late for that since people are already 60, you’d basically have to buff alliance for a while to move over most of the tryhards and u end up with the same issue if u try to balance it again.

In organised pvp the racials are more in favor of alliance but in lets say arena setups horde racials are superior. I dont even know how you can question that.

What ???!

It was from the Qs or what do you mean ?

Alliance has better pvp racials © ork

ay lmao

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You just disqualified yourself.

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sure but arena is not a factor in classic

i agree that orc has the best pvp racial, but everything else horde has to offer is inferior to escape artist and stoneform

I misunderstood your statement. Thought you said only horde pvp 2 and 3 vs 1 alliance. My bad.

Well, actually i’m not comparing WoW to LoL, but Av to LoL. But anyhow: Yes, yes i can compare them and bring them as a solid example on this, as for how usually it is expected for any team based games having even and fair grounds for both sides, and how ridicilous is the feedback in this forum when I’m pointing a obvios flaw in the game.

The system is built like this. Is it perfect? Might not be, can it be better? Sure. But in the end, blizzard don’t care to invest too much money and time into classic. If they did we would see more “changes” and blue posts.

Maybe they will in the future, who knows. But for now, classic is what it is. No one is forced to play it.

Ye I don’t have high hopes for change either :). But still won’t stop me for having discussion on game that I love, even though most peeps (with salty fueled agenda i might add) loves to slander it as entitled rant. Oh well, it’s the game that i love, not majority of the playerbase :stuck_out_tongue:


Agreed. :slight_smile:

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Pointing out inconsistencies and flaws is always - according to some dork hiding behind a retail avatar - equivalent to being salty and whiny. No exceptions.

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It’s not weird, Horde have always attracted more pvp players and Alliance pve players

The mediocre Horde is better than the mediocre Alliance when it comes to pvp and because of that more Alliance roll a pve server because they know they’ll get ganked.

To clarify for others too.

That we have 2 to 3 Horde guys queueing for 1 Alliance guy for battle grounds.

Wotf too is way above escape artist. Escape artist is only good against Mages and Druids. Maybe rnd Hunter proccs. Also its only really useful for Melees, while hardiness and Wotf are for range and Melee.

Also idk if wotf in 1.12 still had the 5 seconds immunity, while escape artist could instantly rooted again.

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Heavily outnumbering at that point :wink:
WSG is also instant queue for us, but 30minutes- 1 hour for horde.
Why wouldn’t this indicate that the horde heavily outnumbers us? lol.

I didn’t say Horde outnumber Alliance

I suggested More Horde were queueing for AV than Alliance

Presumably because Alliance are done with Rep now and want to actually play PvP - that’s my take on it anyway