Let PvPers play PvP in Shadowlands

So if PvE = PvP , PvP gear and PvE gear is fine, there is none superior

I’d be happy if Blizzard made PvE and PvP gear equal, but that won’t happen probably. Because they want to keep Raids the ultimate end-game with the ultimate rewards.

Actually if you have seen the item that drop in the dungeons, there only simple gear and simple trinket, that mean for trinket they look like all +331 primary stats +331 secondary stats.
there’s no more RNG.
So clearly there no supremacy anymore.

exept they change something in the last minutes, but they will not change now.

That why Shadowlands will be PvE = PvP in term of stats gearing.

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I really hope so :blue_heart:


Why should arena players get away with not farming essence etc, it’s just as fun for the pve players to grind the same thing over and over.

I’ll guide you to my Topic, what I say in there is the simple solution to PvP gearing (if they refuse to put resilience back) Save PVP gearing in SL - #35 by Yannila-silvermoon-2659


It is simply. There should be some new primary stat. PVP reduce/deal more dmg to players. PVE reduce/deal more dmg to monsters in dungeons/raids. That equip you can buy only from PVP or PVE vendor.

It is easy as that . . .

Edit: if is there some grind, like heart of azeroth for some added powers, it should be common for both but only from rep. grind in open world or doing questlines, not from PVP (bg, arenas) or PVE (dungeons, raids). . .


If they let you gear up through PVP only and do nothing else but arenas, you will come in the forums like all these pvp players did back in WoD and cry out because you are BORED.

WoD was your dream scenario, PVP vendor, PVP currency with a higher cap to higher ratings, PVP gear sets, PVE gear was useless inside arenas, PVE trinkets where ultra garbage inside arenas because PVP trinkets had a set bonus.

Yet they all whined.
Therefore they know that they have to keep you occupied with pve activities so you… Will be kept occupied and whine less :rofl:


They never said that. You are being hyperbolic. If you wanna do both PvP and PvE. You can, if you wanna perform well in PvP, you can farm the PvP gear while PvP’ing. I used to do both PvE and PvP in WotLK, Cata, MoP, and WoD. And it was way better than it is right now.

No. PvE gear should be the best gear for PvE and PvP gear should be the best gear for PvP.

Oh, enough with that excuse. We were all new players at some point. We all started the game playing PvE before starting to PvP. If new players want to PvP, they can. They won’t have the best gear for it, but none of us will unless we farm it in PvP.

Also, you are the one who wants to keep this whole thing “imbalanced”.


I don’t think so, PvP gear should be superior for pvp and pve gear be superior for pve. for example I remember in wotlk you’d stack resilience (worked kinda like versatility does today) and if you didn’t have atleast some resilience on your gear you’d most likely get twoshot by a PvP geared with a gearscore 1k lower than you. That’s just how it was. PvP gear was better for PvP back then. On the flip side if you brought PvP gear to raids in wotlk you’d most likely be booted from the raid, simply because PvP gear was useless in pve.

By all means if you wanted to try PvP, go for it, but back then you weren’t handed gear on a silver plate like you do nowadays, everyone had to grind for PvP gear if they wanted it, And that’s how it should stay. I 100% want PvP gear to be better in pvp than pve gear, and make aquiring the PvP gear a PvP grind, not just “do 3 battlegrounds a week to fill out your conquest bar”… and I also want PvP gear to not even be viable in pve in the same way as pve gear is. If you want to do both, well you better grind out two gear sets in that case :man_shrugging:




I went in with ICC heroic gear as frost mage, sitting at almost 30% haste unbuffed. I could kill fully PvP geared people in a deep freeze if I could cast, troll racial + icy veins + almost 30% haste unbuffed. I could get like 4 frostbolts and 2 ice lances in a deep freeze.

Sure, I died fast myself if people actually hit me but if someone got deep freeze on them and they didn’t stop me from casting they were going to die.

Damn I ran out of trolling flags in this post…


Clarification: One would not “stack” resilience unless they were going for cap - 1/3 overall damage taken reduction from resi on top of anything else like talents, spells, armor, crit dmg taken reduction, etc. It was rather passive stat that just was there somewhere because PvP items had it, and you kinda wanted 4 pcs set bonus, or 2x 2 for some classes for more resi so you could stack the killy stat, already being able to survive more than 5 seconds of fight.

Thing is, in Wrath you definitely WOULD get 1-2shotted if you had 0 resilience. Sure, you could be PvE glass cannon turret, but you literally died the second someone looked at you funny and threw something like FS-Lava Burst, Immolate-Conflagrate-Chaos Bolt, 4-stacked Blast, 4-stacked Missiles. Or someone’s DoTs would eat like 20% of your HP per tick because resilience granted additional DoT damage taken reduction. Or a Warrior would Charge Bladestorm you from 100 to 0.

To be able to really play PvP you simply HAD to have resilience. Otherwise see the part about glass cannon. Example: PvP geared & talented Mage had about 25-26k hp and would take about 4-5k damage from said Lava Burst because resilience overall + resilience crit dmg taken + any other reductions. PvE mage would have something like 21-22k HP and HALF of it - if not more - would be lost from single LvB cast. Or the shammy would just cast FS on you and watched it tick as your HP went down. THAT was the reason resilience was desirable to have - if you had to survive first and kill other players second, the very existence of hard hitters like Elemental or Destruction kept in check PvE geared raiders in PvP. And you had to play battlegrounds/WG to get honor for offparts like wrists etc, Arena to get arena points for set parts (head/shoulders/chest/legs/hands) and weapons. The only role PvE played in this was sniping some specific content for OP trinkets, strong weapons, ARP/Haste offparts, maybe weekly VoA if you were feeling lucky. PvP gear wasn’t 100% useless, just like 50%… because all that stamina/resilience wasn’t helping you at all if you were dps or heal, and tanks wanted more stamina that was on PvP stuff and some defense/avoidance too. Only thing that resilience was good for was crit avoidance cap if you were still completing your tanky gear. Booting PvP playas from raids was widely accepted because their output was like half of what PvE would do. Different gear for a different task, same as not tolerating soft, squishy PvE guys in bgs.

100% agree, this worked, so this is the way it should be. Just needed some adjustments like more killy stats on PvP gear - not everyone ran on crit in Wrath yet this or mp5 was the “base” stat on sets, so casters had to have all haste offparts, haste trinkets, rings, weapons, and physical dmg chars had to stack ARP.

If someone was killed by Frost Mage during single Deep Freeze (5s base minus reductions, assuming they didn’t break out of it earlier), they have my pity, because there was something wrong with them. Very wrong. Like bringing PvE gear to PvP fight and wondering why those crits eat 1/3 HP. Frost Mage couldn’t kill a fly without support back then. And if you did let PvE glass cannon stand and cast spells at you, the truth is that you deserved it.


Nobody survived that if nobody stopped me from casting though, unless they were with a resto druid to save them with hots. Resilience wasn’t strong enough to counter almost 30% unbuffed haste + troll racial + icy veins.

Seems like you forgot about over 100k pvp bots that were left there by Blizzard until they lost a case against Honorbuddy.
Or Ashran being one-sided, all my friends who started in alliance got full honor geared in less than 4 hours in Ashran with epic pieces.
Wod had no outdoor content until Tanaan, that’s why (and because of the pruning) people were bored.
You’re trying to say facts, but if we’re talking about gearing up through only pvp I would mention MoP.
Even though MoP had CC issues you could gear up only through pvp and enjoy the game.


The PvP vendors are back in Shadowlands, it is now possible once again to gear through PvP alone if you so desire.

However, PvP shouldnt exist in a disconnected vacuum from the rest of the game, if so Blizzard could just remove PvP from WoW entirely and make it its separate game. PvE gear should be useable in PvP and vice versa, the option to gear through either one should be there, but WoW is a WORLD, the whole dividing everything into atomized instances with 0 interaction inbetween is what makes the game stale.

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I know how strong caster PvE turrets were in bgs in Wrath, been there, done that. Hell I myself would use 2p t10 instead of just t10 shoulders + 4 pvp set parts sometimes just to get that haste buff - hence the part about letting the glass cannon stand and keep casting. Nobody sane would just watch as squishy, delicious free HK on legs destroys their hp pool. If they did, well, you did them a favor as hopefully they’d learn to go for soft targets first. Resilience not being good enough to counter crazy burst was a problem in lot of cases, like humans armed with 2 PvE trinkets vs anything else with 1 PvE + resi/break CC medallion, warriors with ARP offparts & very high dmg weapon like Shadowmourne or LK sword. This required some tuning (trinkets were just too strong) but the system as a whole worked well.

“Useable” and “option” being the operative words, YES. Should never, ever be “best” and “necessity”. In both ways.


It’s like it’s mainly pve game with a side serving on pvp or something

Of course the starting point should never be that Blizzard intentionally puts a very overpowered trinket like the Ink Pod on a raid boss and nothing similar in PvP to ‘‘force’’ people into PvE content if they dont want to.

But they shouldn’t be limited to designing raid gear around ‘‘b-b-but what if pvpers have to gasp pve???!’’

If something from a piece of PvE content happens to be slightly better than an equivalent of PvP or vice versa then so be it. It has been this way since vanilla where the r14 weapons weren’t even BIS for PvP. This is an MMO, it’s not league of legends, perfect balance can never, will never, and should never be first priority.