Let us discuss the Forsaken problem

It says in the classic WoW menu when you’re creating an Undead: “The Forsaken care little even for their allies; to them the Horde is merely a tool that may further their dark schemes”. Going by that they were never really Horde nor Alliance.

As for the Light - I recall reading that you can wield the Light for as long as you believe your actions are righteous. I don’t know of any other limitations, except that it takes a long time to learn how to wield it. So, the way I understand it, the Light is just a “force”, not inherently good nor bad. Correct me if I’m wrong, I may not know all about the lore regarding it.

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Hah! Discuss forsaken problems? Sure, but to who? Nobody cares or listens when it comes to the forsaken.


If you truly believe that including women is “diversity”, that speaks for itself. All facets of humanity ought to be represented, even in the Imperium. That’s just common sense, in all walks of life. Those who want to maintain the status quo are usually those that benefit from the status quo. Warhammer, like WoW, was set up as a boys’ club. There’s no room for that outdated thinking any more. Embrace the world!

I don’t watch Youtube. I’m surprised I haven’t seen anything about it on WoWHead. I wonder if this is a thing they are doing, which obviously will be due to Calia, whether it is their way to get Undead Paladins. They seemed to have lined up a lot for other races to be Paladins thus far.

Making more undead is highly questionable and perhaps goes to show the Light isn’t such a goody-goody force even further, even more interesting given the return of the Scarlet Crusade and the Lightspawn monster.

I think it has its place in lore given this, but certainly… the undead are not the evil plague professors they once were. Or, they’re trying not to be but it’s not something they could have gone on with forever because the Horde wouldn’t have tolerated it and given they’re a player race, they can’t end up as villains.

You are trying to bait one into an argument on the forums.
The point was clear. Some retcons can hurt the brand. There is objectively negative outcomes that has happened to the Warhammer franchise since the retcon then gaslighting the paying customers and fandoms.

The remaining Val’kyr died as raid bosses. Thus the Forsaken losing that avenue to replenish their numbers. The Lich King does maintain the secrets of creating new Val’kyr however the rumor mill is running overtime. Since there are talks of Arthas Menethil returning. Thus death itself becoming meaningless as the dead does not stay dead.

Interesting theory. But the Blood Elves have already ruined Mu’uru so once the Naaru is dead then they can repurpose its remains. Technically the Sunwell is currently powered by the purified corpse of Muuru…whatever passes for a corpse for a Naaru anyway.

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Do you really think that you are a target audience of blizzard? how self-centered

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That will not happen. The Forsaken are great and should not be underestimated.

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So many people objected to how badly the return of Gilneas happened.
What happened to Forsaken intelligence networks? A massive Scarlet Crusade army snuck in right under their Undead noses.

But yes the Lore is strange though. Apparently Undead Light users have some of their senses restored temporarily when using the Light. Such as smelling and tasting their own decaying flesh. Now that is…tough.

Rumour has it Blizzard pays attention to the forums.

You clearly missed the point. No matter how clearly it is explained.
Regardless. The male and female customers and fanbase of Warhammer voted with their money and participation since the retcon and gaslighting of “There have always been female Custodes” debacle. 30+ years of lore states otherwise.

Already explained it to the reader that this is no different to stating: Superman has always been immune to Green Kryptonite. 86 years of content and merchandise states otherwise.
Trying to convince people otherwise is not going to work. A lot of people claiming to just fire up 3D printed

It is an individual choice to follow the news on Alpha tests. But it seems that this very well might be a thing. Thus turning the lore on its head.

Should they throw out consistency and continuity then it would cause a lot of people to just leave. Fans are invested which is why they stuck with it. Whether they were there from the start when it was still a niche or if they are a Johnny-come-lately.
You get the odd tourist that pretends to be a fan but they are quickly spotted.

While there are different power sources. The Light still (or at least should) have some consistencies. The Priest + Warrior = Paladin equasion simply does not work. Without Kimbul/Shirvallah then Zandalari Trolls will not become Paladin.
Lunar - Solar - Naaru - Loa.

I do believe there will be a reshuffle of the Forsaken powerbase. From a banshee queen to a Light Undead queen. New Undead created/spawned by Calia could be loyal to the line of Menethil.

Then there is still the whole. Being a curse thing. A curse is an affliction of some sort. So where is the retcon train going? The Scourge / Undead were not truly evil? There are some good Undead?

It can undo what was already built. Wrath of the Lich King is/was probably the best expansion of the WoW. So if they invalidate what the Alliance and Horde done. What was the point?

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Okay that is just as silly as Garrosh returning. If they pulled this, I’d actually roll my eyes. Whomever has come up with these rumours is on copium.

They only read the american forums at best and reddit I believe they said on one interview :thinking:

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The first instance of the Man of Steel being unaffected by kryptonite’s radiation was in “The Sandman Saga” that kicked off in 1971’s Superman #233 (by Denny O’Neil, Curt Swan, and Murphy Anderson). This was something of a reversal of later stories with a similar premise, as instead of making the hero stronger than ever, the whole point of the story was to permanently weaken him and bring him back down from his overpowered Silver Age persona. The result was that all of the Kryptonite on Earth was rendered harmless, with Superman even eating a piece of it to showcase this.
The biggest story where Superman no longer feared the green K metal from Krypton was in the landmark story Kingdom Come. In this dark future, an older Man of Steel had grown impervious to kryptonite’s radiation after years of living in a yellow sun solar system. The Golden Superman of DC One Million was at an even greater power level, having spent several decades within the sun itself. These explanations work to point out how Superman became stronger, but the science behind the effects of kryptonite is somewhat dubious.

But he developing an immunitiy is NOT always immune as you said
Wow Retcons are horrible

I can assure you not a single Forsaken player likes Calia ever.

Yes. But not alliance loyal.

Lol no. Wotlk sucks. This was the start of alliance bias literally.

Seriously doubt it. He was a fart cloud in SL that died from cringe after Sylvanas gave him a stern talking to.

I mean death is meaningless after SL. So is life since death is just Life 2.0 and we all come from 3D printers.

Not sure that would work on actual resurections though. The Sunwell is essentially a giant battery, for creating a LF undead I would assume you would need technique and for now it seems that only the naaru know it, and like I said not convinced they are just going to be doing that.

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The Forsaken seem to be the most powerful faction of the Horde. They are just Undead Alliance forcing Alliance dead as slaves in Undeath.

It is mainly done by aesthetics. Item level and gear score over physical attributes. Unless there are abominations and other things. Death Knights retain much of their physical prowess and bodies in Undeath.

I would recommend Wow such gaming on YouTube. Unrelated to the World of Warcraft. But Zombies will always be a popular genre for people. The “Why you wouldn’t survive” series does cover different types of Undead and the danger that they pose to the living.

In Battle for Azeroth. Zelling is evidence that it is a curse, well at least for now. In life he would never have harmed his family. But when he chose the curse of Undeath and became Forsaken he almost killed them.

Doronsmovies is hit and miss. He did predict Lightforged Draenai Warlocks.
Video title is: “CONFIRMED! Lich King RETURNS! - Pre-Patch LEAKED”
The rumour mill always runs overtime before new expansions and changes. So just have your bucket of salt handy. Arthas Menethil is one of the most iconic characters of World of Warcraft. So how badly his character was (mis)handled adds to the lore wise failure of Shadowlands.

The retcons put everybody in unfamiliar territory. Lore consistency is needed. Almost 100 years of Superman lore is tough to keep up with. But there are still some consistent things. Naturally Superman has gotten stronger in many different iterations.
Such as Injustice iteration. The hero became the strongest person on the planet through Yelllow Lantern power of fear. But Kryptonite still negatively effected him.

To be specific. The problem is with the word Always. Instead of just admitting to a Retcon and X is the new normal going forward.
Nobody will believe something like: Garrosh Hellscream was ALWAYS an Alliance secret agent… or Arthas Menethil was always an Orc.
Some retcons just will not work. Trying to square that circle flushes down the toilet iconic lines such as “No King rules forever my son”.

The Light itself is something that seems to be retconned. Should Blizzard go ahead with these Light bound Undead.
Assuming the Light no longer harms the Undead. Why was it one of the greatest forces against KelThuzaad and the Scourge? Why was Morgraine such a legend wielding the Ashbringer as he solo’d entire armies of the Scourge?

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The Alliance slaughtered them. What do you mean we don’t know?


Its only impactful if your are christianity-coded, for me coming out of some hyper-dimensional apparatus doesn’t changes much compared to any other explanation.
And humans, dwarves and gnomes origin is that they basically were robots lmao

Oh no I completely agree. I was so disappointed and mortified they just stuck him in a sword and made him a wisp. Garrosh just raging into his true death was rubbish as well and I hated that character. There was SO much potential there and they utterly ruined it. SL is at the bottom of the pile for me.

But going and ressurecting characters, instead of making new interesting ones, will never sit well with me. As I said, I will roll my eyes at their lack of decision making but I’m still going to play the game.

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What did you expect? The Orc population can’t grow in a barren land like Durotar is.

Well my dear friend I am very far from christianity-coded and SL ruined death for me in WoW. I came here to play a fantasy game and even though WoW has had sci-fi elements from pretty much the start, cosmic 3D printers and we are robots kinda jumped the shark for me. And objectively from a writing standpoint how the “afterlives” were handled di destroy the concept of death in this universe regardless of your religious background.

When death becomes meaningless so does sacrifices people made. Like Broxxigar the red who wounded Sargeras a big claim to make.
Imagine a WoW where Guldan is endlessly brought back?
A ending is part of any story.

Technically that is true. Sylvannas sent Forsaken scouts and diplomats the the Alliance before reaching out to the Horde. But being Undead abominations and all the Alliance just killed them.

How something is done is important. Assuming Light Bound Undead become real then this could be serious changes to the WoW universe.
Can understand elements such as: The Light is not what you think it is.
Xe’ra trying to enslave Illidan for “the greater good” could raise questions although the Naaru are also beings of Shadow.
Despite the Light answering Anduin in the Maw itself. He seems to now doubt the Light. But it is a story yet to be told. The Priest turned Paladin giving up the Light?

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Now you finally felt what every Horde fans go through every other day when Blizzard’s keep deleting our leaders :smirk_cat:

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