Let's all remember WHY horde got ''blood elves''

Not really. We just think your threads are silly and are replying in kind.

But for heaven’s sake take that thing off your head, you look like something Odysseus would ram a tempered olive stave into…

Edit. Flipping phone’s autocorrect. I know the difference between your and you’re for heaven’s sake!


Company does market research and asks gamers
“How would you like to see Blood Elves as a playable race?”

Gamers respond “Yes please!”

Note: If the gamer responding is “Horde” this most definitely is not cool use of market research. If the gamer responding is “Alliance” you most definitely should use their response to make an informed choice.

At this point it seems to be little else than sour grapes. Horde got them first so waaaaagh unfair because prior lore. As if it’s completely unreasoanble that lore can twist and turn at a whimsy as the writers desire- it must remain somewhat consistent with their idea of what an elf “would do”, how very thought-provoking.

Give Velf helf-style customisation options, write them in as Helf who have come to study the Void and basically write the lore stipulating that this is now the majority if not entirety of the helf on alliance- with Alleria to lead them, they formally join with their afflicted brethren, taking up similar powers yet escaping the physical effects, but taking up the name “Void Elf” in kinship. It’s all that is needed to end this debate.

And yet I think for some people that would still not be enough because of Helf Paladins.
Which makes NO sense because Helf paladins were rare as rare can be. Helf have never been a “righteous and goody goody the light etc” race. Being able to play a Paladin as a Helf is hardly shattering the foundations of what a Helf is and was.

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I don’t even know what this thread is supposed to prove? Is it a high elf thread?

I think we’re all in that situation…

I think you’re just jealous

Can I have your attention Retributor? :smiley:

That’s not the only reason lol, do you really think they would just add a race into a game (especially on the Horde faction) just because of a random feedback from a poll? The reasons were quite a lot, and some of them are listed here:


don’t bother. you can do so much better.

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Of having an olive stave through my eye? i fear not, even if Poseidon was my father.

It should be remembered I am Hera, Aphrodite, Athena AND Helen rolled into one. I am jealous of no one’s looks, clothed or no.

I would like this :arrow_up:

OR changing Alleria into a true Void Elf, and then write in lore that every Void Elf must undergo the change into a Void Elf in order to maintain their sanity after delving into the Void. And then revealing that Locus Walker knows how to perform the ritual that was used to change the elves into Void Elves in the first place.

Either or… I just want Void Elf lore to be expanded and have it explained exactly how new Void Elves are supposed to be created.

Because the females are hot.

You’d have to be a special kind of masochist to willingly subject yourself to a ritual that alters the body and mind in such a profound way that the victim is forever doomed to live under the constant mental assault by the forces of the Void all while knowing if they slip, even for just a moment that they could inflict terrible harm to innocent people around them.

Good luck finding recruits among the crazies in Dalaran who chastised their kin in Silvermoon for meddling with dark magic. :+1:

Then again those people were always massive hypocrites so who knows how they’d respond to such an offer.

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Well… Power and knowledge…

Want it bad enough and you’d be willing to subject yourself to a lot of things.

Blizzard added belfs to the game so you could hate them 14 years later. Obviously.


From the way some people rant and whine, you would almost imagine that to be the case, it must be unfortunate for them, especially when they become adult and enter the workplace, and learn that Market Research is a thing that companies do. Imagine that… “So, today we’re going to talk about the polls we’re doing as to whether strawberry flavoured cola is something people want. The initial feedback is very positive, so it seems like we could do some good for our sales by bringing in a brand of Stra-”

The Door gets kicked in violently
“I don’t like it!”

“Well, yes, why not take a seat and we can discuss I-”
“You don’t GET it! -I- Don’t like it!”
“We, got that impression, did you really just dent my door, hardly workplace behaviour?”
“I Don’t Care ! -I- Don’t want it!”
“But all the market research suggests it would be an incredibly popular move?”
“They don’t know cola the way I do! I remember Cola back in the day, you’re only giving Strawberry cola to people because they say it is popular!”

“Well, yes, I mean that is how this works, that is in essence entirely what this was about, now it seems that a lot of people like the idea and-”
“I DON’T CARE! Don’t you understand? -I- Don’t want it!”
“That’s not really how this works, we conducted a poll, and…”
“You’re not listening to me! Typical! Strawberry Cola Bias is endemic in this company, you should all listen to -Me-”

“Right, but with respect Dave, you were hired to fill the vending machines, you’re not part of the decision making process”

“But I Don’t WANT it!”

“I’ve had enough, someone call security and get this guy out of the office”

“But I don’t Like it!”

“We got that, we’ll send your termination of contract to you in the mail…”

That kind of attitude will never go far in the workplace, well, apart from freeing up a job for another person, I suppose.


Describes a lot more than just the high elf threads.

Like what? Elaborate :sunglasses:

You really sifted through to find a 26-day old thread that you could necro?

blood elves should join alliance.

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Must rescue muh bias!