Let's count Horde & Alliance Losses since MoP

Okey guys so since Last sunday horde lost more heroes teheee muh alliance bias

I think you are mistaking what Kilean is saying. If Buka thinks it’s all well and good to include long dead, not relevant characters to the timeline given by the OP. Then the Horde could can list them too.

Both sides have had losses. But if you are going to make it a free for all for any Warcraft characters we are going to be here a long time.


Sylvy betrayed the horde and is a hostile now. Dwarfking and Bolvar did not.

them turning neutral counts as a loss for the alliance as well as they are literally not alliance anymore and working with the horde as well

Senjin was as much Horde as Daelin was part of this Alliance.

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Absolutly. And Cenarius and every nightelve, Dryad ever died in 10k years :wink:

Im not gonna bother commenting on that one. as I said

Not before they joined the alliance. But the once that were alliance and went neutral. literally left the faction resulting in the loss of such manpower. Wich is in fact a loss for the alliance

If sylvanas and garrosh who became hostile to the horde count. Instead of dying for the horde. Then so do the alliance characters that went neutral count

Sure you don’t because I’m right. When Daelin died the Alliance of Lorderon was gone and the New Alliance didn’t exist yet.

But my point originally was not to count every dead but to stick with a relevant timeframe. I didn’t start bringing up the long lost.strong text

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i’m aware, at this rate im just argueing for the sake of argueing because some people are trying to play the world smallest violin because the horde lost a few more named characters recently.

Not like i truly care about these kind of topics, but i dislike the wonky arguementation used by some here

Actually I’m fine with plenty horde characters dying. I would even kill more off. I would have killed Thrall at the end of Cata. Magatha also in Cata.

It’s kinda sad how Blizz can’t kill characters but always bringing the dead back, like Muradin.





Cata, also died in the same storyline he was introduced.

This is the one I’d have given instead of Tyrande since Tyrande is still around.


Now personally I don’t care who lost what when it comes to characters. Quite frankly I want the Horde to lose ALL of it’s characters since they’re all worthless cowards and pieces of crap.

But it’s pretty obvious that we lost way more than the Alliance did, this causes a problem in terms of lore-power and results in Alliance characters being made useless so that they can’t just wipe the Horde out as their ridiculous power levels imply. The Horde has no heavy hitters to counter Jaina, Tyrande, Malfurion, Anduin, Velen etc…


Now that i can agree with, the alliance also could benefit from killing off of the hippy characters as well. Tyrande finally is getting back to her wc3 self, sadly this will likely get her killed. Jaina also had some good development wanting to deal with the horde, yet she got turned back into a mary sue. Except she cant be taken seriously with her bipolar changes

It’s funny because the way we Alliance see it, its all you guys who get the action, drama, story, exitement - you name it.
While we alliance is completely forgotten, have a dull storry and wussy “heroes”.
Crying, massressing Manduin. Tyrande who’s supposed to be strong but really doesn’t seem to be. Malfurion who’s supposed to be powerful, but whom cries for his mama (Tyrande) all the time.
Oh and then we have Jaina, who pops in every time Anduin fails, to port them to safety on her flying ship :thinking:

Yeah with stuff like this its funny to hear complain about some characters being killed off, while alliance does not even have anything noteworthy. And all the interesting Alliance characters either already died or went neutral

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I’m pretty sure the alliance lost alot of characters before MoP.

I wish we didn’t. I would rather be ignored than showered with attention from terrible writers. This expansion made me hate the faction I’ve been apart of for nine years because of this stupid rebellion plotline.

hmm I would not count rastakhan in to that list, he was not realy a major char at all, he was bound to die from first time we saw Talanji, it was so obivous then that she will be the leader of the zandalari.
but also all those chars listed atleast have gotten some spot light, where most alliance chars par from Varian, never get to do anything real intresting at all, unless you count Genns attacks on Sylvanas that fail all the time.

that showered with attention you mention pretty much only counts with anduin and jaina, wich even the alliance cant stand. And the horde has thrall and sylvanas in that regard.

you say you hate your faction because of the rebellion. Now try getting nothing interesting for the most of wow and your faction basicly laying down and waiting for the next beating while preeching peace and neutrality

the alliance side is just poking characters with a stick for 15 years hoping they finally will do something. Something that is not about helping the horde

I see where you are coming from, but I feel the same way about mine.
I cringed in Legion when Malfurion sobbed “Tyrande… where ARE You?”
But in Bfa I just got angry, first crying Manduin, then all his fails (with jaina magically popping up to save the day by portals). Malfurion who again is portrayed as a wuss, Tyrande to the saving again… porting away (also from her burning home and people). Anduin being all friendly littlebrother going " Pwease Horde, like me, I love you longtime".

You might have gotten all your heroes killed off by the story, we just got ours “killed” by sheer neutering :sob: