Let's count Horde & Alliance Losses since MoP

We’re all screwed but in different ways I suppose. Blizzard writing.

Horde characters die. Alliance characters take a break to ascend.

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Well, we still can start a topic about “why do you approve nelf genocide-ism within the Horde?” and I promise you nothing bad will happen!

Haha totally. Like Horde vs Alliance favouritism threads :man_shrugging:

(Love the gif btw)

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Magni is still kicking and not evil. Bolvar is still “technically” kicking and not “generally” evil.

Well done on pointing out Maarad though!

Problem is, Horde has indeed lost a ton more main characters than Alliance. OP is just padding with some of the one he mentioned, like Zieling. Even Rastakhan wasn’t that much of a “main Horde character” and only stings because 2 Alliance Main Characters are raid bosses yet avoid death completely in BoD!

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Is this a rhetorical question? :innocent:


I think as far as leadership goes, we have a revolving door and aren’t permitted the stability the Alliance has been afforded. I think the loss of Varian was probably felt all the more because of that.

I think both sides have lost various non player characters of varying levels throughout the game from Vanilla to today.


I would also list all those champions and heroes who left the Alliance to join the red team. Big loss over there :thinking:

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Reminds me of threads that go “Cata wasn’t horde centered, Thrall was NEUTRAL.”

and then in the same paragraph

“Wotlk was SO alliance centered, ALL about Tirion UGH.”


I don’t ask anything I state facts

“Let’s count Horde & Alliance losses since MoP” Counts only Characters.

I mean if you wanna count losses then add all of the losses since MoP, not just the npcs which some of them seem relatively minor to the story. I fail to see the point of this thread.

You forgot to include the population of Teldrassil. Including Sira Moonwarden who not only died but also joined the Horde too. Among other losses that were mentioned already in this thread.

We also have a lot of characters who has gone fully neutral like Khadgar and Magni, even Velen. So add those to your losses count.

We’ve also lost Wyll Benton, the loyal servant of House Wrynn.

We had Sylvanas , but God forbid the Horde has a powerful character instead of the cowards / depleted Shaman Thrall we have, Nightborne at what cost no Nightwell , Zandalari fleet gone etc Horde just keeps losing lore wise which is important to me cause I love the Horde , and I dont love the red allince


But that doesn’t seem to affect Horde popularity in any negative way.
Cause off the screen defeats are as unimportant to masses as Anduin.

The king who sacrificed his troops to help the Horde in civil war.
It’s so damn saaaad

Reminded me of this old-gem. Still laughing everytime I see it.


Neither Magni nor Bolvar are dead. The only big name alliance ever lost was Varian. You are doing fine.

Camp Taurajo, the sunreaver purge in Dalaran, the wiped out stonespire tribe Stormheim(Genn attacked first so don’t play inoccent here), Raid on Zuldazar, Raid on Orgrimmar, All of Tirisfal.


According to comments here, Neutral characters dont count for losses like Ysera/Thrall so Jaina doesnt count too. King Rastakhan wasnt part of the Horde and I just dont know, its an old meme picture… I didnt say its a “recent gem” :laughing:

There was not a single faction war won by the horde. Not one. And apart from our leadership close to collapsing due to too many dead characters, alliance fares far better than ever before.

Losing something to neutrality is not the same than losing someone to becoming loot fodder where we camp the bad guys corpses daily. Not even close.

Vol’jin, Saurfang, Rastakhan, Gallywix, Nathanos, Cairne, AU Durotan, Sylvanas, Garrosh, Zaela, Nazgrim, the AU Warlords, the MU Chieftains, original leaders like Zul’jin and Kael’thas.

All those losses are much more permanent. That’s to the nature of being villain batted so that both sides can grind their corpses in raids.

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