Lets design the Solo Arena

Solo rated Arena Que.

Signing up for a Solo Rated Que will put into a “rated” variation of the Skirmish system.

Like Skirmish, The Solo rated que will combine both 2s and 3s.

meaning you will be randomly parred with an additional DPS (2s) or with a Single/Double Dps + Healer (3s). you cannot choose between 2s or 3s and will simply be randomly placed.

Solo rated has it’s own rating separate from 2s and 3s.

Solo rated 2s/3s (as it’s the same que like skirmish) only face other players in the Solo rated que meaning a normal rated 3s team cannot play against a solo rated 3s team.

Solo Rated 2s will not have healers. Healers will be forced into 3s Roll.

Tank specializations will not be allowed in 2s and will be forced into 3s as a replacement for 1 dps.

Solo rated que cannot be qued as a party. you have to que solo.

Conquest rewards will be granted depending whether a 2s or 3s is won.

Elite gear can also be earned through Solo Rated Que.

If party member does not join after the game as begun, you will lose only half the rating you originally would of lost, if you lost.


This is… surprisingly a decent proposal. Still doesn’t deal with all of the problems surrounding a rated solo queue in WoW, but you’ve gotten pretty close. Kudos.

inb4 anyone asks about “what is a problem then?”, I’ll just refer to past threads throughout the years. Too tired of repeating stuff about this.

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You are describing skirmishes!


The system is already up and running.

Instead, try arguing for “solo queue LFR” where you get mythic raid titan forged drops only.

Almost but not quite. Pb with skirmishes:

  • You can play vs pre-made (and most people in skirmishes are pre-made warming up)
  • No dodge penalty = (in my personal experience) 4 games out of 5 you are alone vs full team.
  • No MMR so always a gigantic one sided stomp (in the rare event you actually get a 2v2 or 3v3)
  • Due to all these problems, nobody plays skirmishes so Qs take 5 minutes to enter a 1v3…

Now, if skirmish had:

  • Ranking system (spec based. So the only thing that counts is your ranking compared to others playing your spec. You can have 3 different ranks/mmrs, one for each spec)
  • Mmr system (by spec)
  • Only soloq
  • dodge penalty (rating loss and 10min Q ban)
  • Related ranking rewards (gear & cosmetics)

Then yes we would have an effective soloq


I would contest you point by point, as I think most of your assumptions are flat out wrong, leading to a false conclusion overall.

But, suffice it to say, I won’t throw myself into the swamp, to argue “about the merits of a soloq” further, because then you win. I get dirty for nothing :smiley_cat:

There is not a soloq, there is not one in the pipeline, and a vast majority of millions of subscribers don’t want one. Move along now.

Ah yes. The “all your points are wrong but I can’t tell you why or else you win.”

You sure won this one buddy.


“There is not a soloq, there is not one in the pipeline, and a vast majority of millions of subscribers don’t want one. Move along now.”

Looking at your armory, u don’t even PvP, so what made u think u can tell what the PvP community wants or not?

or… lets take those efforts for a better class design.

1v1 arena tag teams! Queue for 1v1, join match with 3 players per team, 3 rounds of 1v1. No healer specs. Each player just gets assigned to a round, like in duellers guild, except… In current round, one time, both players can tag a team mate to take over, but that team mate will have to fight next round also, and the one that quit is now a spectator, they can leave if they want. Maybe there is a special time window within which they can tag… maybe random tag window after x dmg or time passed. Side with most rounds won, wins overall. Could be interesting. Pros and cons I’m sure. I already see issues, but sounds fun.

Yes I don’t arena, I like 1v1 in wpvp. That’s fun, but variable skill opponents, and me avg. As someone that loves 1v1 though, I would love a 1v1 rated pvp mode. Not so interested in sw duels. Duellers guild could have been interesting, but needs a queue system. If I could queue for duellers guild that would do, even unrated, easy change for blizz to add a queue! Maybe.

Why would you even queue for this as Shadow Priest? 1v1 is not a thing since Cata/MoP. Deal with it and forget about such ideas…

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