Lets discuss about artistic direction in TWW and goblins future updates


They’ve said that you CAN ride normal mounts, but that you wouldn’t want to.
They’re wrong. I want to.

But I also just want to fly over that city, because having it taken away feels bad since they’re now ‘giving it to you from the start’ basically.

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Tah, stop being difficulty.
Blizzard said you’re going to like the car racing, so like the car racing!

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I don’t like Goblins nor anything associated with them. But, there are people who do like Goblineering, therefore it’s fair. I will simply march thru that patch.


I hate racing games. I hate racing mechanics. I hate game mechanics for travel. I know I’m not going to like it, no matter how much of an open mind I keep. :sweat_smile:


That’s the spirit.

We already know that the whole next expansion is heavily elve coded why can’t people jus be like you and be happy for the others

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im picturing you in that squidward meme where he watches spongebob and patrick having fun

Not familiar with it. :grimacing:
Never watched Spongebob either.

oh lord o.o

I’ll be 50 in 2026!
I have an excuse.

Crud… I’m old aren’t I?


you could at least know your memes x.x


Tah is even older than I am?!

I know a lot of them.
Just not familiar with that one.



Now I’m confused though. How does that relate to me?
I don’t mind others having fun. I just want to have fun for myself in a game that I play with the goal to have fun!

Ooooooh that explains why you’re so chill in all your game views hehe. Always impressed by what a plethora of ages play wow. I’m 32, most members of my guild are in their 30s, whenever we get guys in their early 20s we’re weirded out by the culture difference. We got one guy in his 40s. We’re all kids to you! :sweat_smile:

Anyhow in terms of OP, I was never a fan of the “fantasy engineering” personally, and I find that many of blizzard’s sci-fi elements look dull and are kind of world breaking. In wc3 demons all needed complicated rituals and magical portals in order to traverse through. From TBC onwards but especially Legion, they started showing up with bloody space ships that do orbital bombardment. Wtf? In those 10 odd years did they just do massive technological leaps or something? To me in cheapens the fantasy element.

The giant horde and alliance air ships looked silly but at least are stylised to their respective aesthetics.

Gnomes and goblins were never my thing. But that’s me. I’d rather have a patch that deals with them than a whole expansion.

Aaaaah kill it with fire!! Joking aside I’ll respectfully disagree here. I enjoyed the maldraxxus vibes as it’s quite close to the OG undead scourge vibe, vampires were kind of cool, but I draw the line there. What really bothers me is how isolated all the aesthetics were, there was 0 continuity, no transitions between zones. In WW the quest transition between Hallowfall and spider land is really good.

I’m sure Kezan / undermine will be well made, but I know myself, I’ll just go there for mandatory content and never return, just like I never want to return to whatever the mecha gnome junk island from BFA. Since one of the m+ dungeons is from there, I’ll have to see it again though…

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Well, I’ve actually always had friends who are younger than I am.
I am very much someone who will never ‘grow up’ completely. Acting like an adult is immensely boring to me. :smiling_face:

Most of my friends are in their mid to late 30’s, some in their early 40’s.
Hell, I’m also running a D&D campaign for a bunch of early 20’s people.

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in the memes someone would put something popular while squidward watches. so in your case, you would be on your normal mounts while everyone else are driving their new cars.

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That’s just mean dude.
Blizzard sucks. :sweat:

Anyway… I will try it of course. But I’m convinced I’ll dislike it.
I just hope I don’t completely hate it. A bit like Skyriding: I don’t like it, but I don’t hate it enough to not use it.

Ugh. I’m worried I’ll hate the patch.
But, if I do; my sub runs out in march I believe, so I will not renew if that’s the case.


Because we buy a game and pay a subscription and for some of us we have the wow passion

Post before “duuue if you re not happy just unsub”

You cant, if you payed 3-6-12 month sub you cant freez and back later

Each month you dont play is a lost sub/money