Lets face it - Classic is dead


Which is 6 characters.

It comes down to incompetence, and lack of imagination. Blizzard failed to foresee issues, some of whom the community warned them about ahead of time. Blizzard failed to competently balance the servers.

The fact that players could reserve name on 3 different servers, when there were only 2 pvp servers released should tell you all you need to know. Any information Blizzard gathered ahead of time, would have been completely useless due to their decision to allow players to pick multiple servers. That is, even if they intended to act on information gathered ahead of time.

The undeniable fact that faction balance is extremely important. Seems to have been completely lost on Blizzard. As no steps seems to have been taken to even attempt balancing the factions. It’s not that Blizzard have made a serious attempt and failed, there has been no attempt.


The same problem happenned in vanilla, there’s no magical solution that will end the whining. If there is one thing the wow community is consistent for is whining at blizzard at whatever they do, the same topics which the community whined about and lead to some of the decisions on retail ARE currently being whined about AGAIN, this is just too funny.

AND SOMEHOW it is blizzard’s fault ? Get over yourselves.


Game is amazing! Not dead, on the contrary, absolutely amazing and lively community! :slight_smile:
(Ignore all the negativity on forums - in-game it is a different and magical reality)

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PvE servers are fine and will be finde for sure. How PvP servers will end depends on Blizzard and if they are willing to address faction balance (allow people to change faction, give Alliance better PvP racials, maybe give a dynamic buff to the underpopulated faction depending on how much underpopulated it is). Letting PvP servers just die off is unacceptable from Blizzard and there shouldn’t have been server transfer (maybe later on) and instead being focused on giving players a good gaming experience.

Also this might be an unpopular opinion but people should stop blaming Blizzard for everything. They did some mistakes but a lot of problems are 100% community made, for example being obsessed by making the gaming experience of opponents as miserable as possible or the paranoia towards any changes in this community (the faction balance would be much better if Alliance would have racials which can compete with wotf and orc?).

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First, BEFORE launch. There undeniable fact that faction balance is important needs to be acknowledged by Blizzard. This fact needs to be communicated within Blizzard, and it needs to be communicated to the players. ‘‘Faction balance on all of the servers, especially PVP servers is not a footnote’’.

Before launch:

  1. Only allow the reservation of names on a single server. Fine, 2 names, 3 names or even 8. Doesn’t matter, but only allow 1 server so that useful information can be gathered. The goal is to balance the factions. I see ALLOT of complaining about faction imbalance, i hear very little about people not getting their names. People can run BRD with a different name, people cannot run BRD when they are mind controlled away from BRD, starting in Thorium Point.

  2. Warn the players, whenever a faction is picked, if the server is not currently reasonably balanced. That either faction may be given login privileges, and that they should seriously consider picking a different server, or the other faction. ‘‘reasonable balance’’, meaning different things on PVE and PVP server.

  3. Create a transfer system, where players are not immediately transferred. But sign up for transfer, with the option to pick more than 1 server. Say transfer opens from server 1 and 2, to server 3, 4, 5 and 6. Players in server 1 and 2, can pick 1 to 4 servers to transfer to.

Once the sign up period has ended, the data will be reviewed and the transfer will begin. But what about the system separating people? To that i answer, why can’t the system let people sign up for transfer together? The goal is to adjust the faction balance on the servers so that all of the servers will be closer.

The current system is absolutely horrible for faction balance. Players can transfer on a whim, making it impossible for Blizzard to act on information. Just look at what happened over at Flamelash.

The current system has no way for people to transfer servers together. Making it possible, for friends wanting to keep playing together to be separated due to unforeseen issues. The fact that it’s even possible is beyond me, how is this not thought of? Lets open transfers, but lets not make any effort at all to prevent separation of friends? WHAT!? HOW!? WHY!? Have you no imagination!?

The only way the system should even be able to separate players, is if the players INTENTIONALLY separate.

The self-entitlement rampaging in this thread is so sad and hilarious at the same time.

Ok, so first you need to get things straight.
They greenlighted classic with an expectation of it not being able to “hold on” to many players. Doubt they had any idea of how many that’d be, but you really don’t greenlight a project like this without expecting the “tourists” to go away.

The narrative they pushed said that they expected “population stability” and “most” of the tourists to be gone by phase 2, which is also why they took a risk to promise the removal of layers by phase 2.

But here’s the kicker: It didn’t work.

I’d argue layering itself prolonged the “tourism” in classic, because of its “convenience” (let’s just sweep the long-lasting consequences of it under the rug) which kept the superficial enjoyment somewhat gratified.

But as soon as they started to present people with the downsides such as the actual effects of overpopulation when they removed the layers, as well as the increased competition for quests, resources, and basically time spent alive on PvP servers, then many happy smiles got turned upside down because the superficial part of the enjoyment flew away.

Now don’t get me wrong, I think they should’ve just opted for more servers with the vanilla population caps instead of jamming as many players into the same servers as possible with layering.

But so I think this key part of what enabled the superficial enjoyment, the layers, which kept those effects of overpopulations within more tolerable levels, and its removal is what has now kickstarted the true end of tourism in classic.

Only the true classic players will remain after all of this drama has subsided with time.

And this may very well have been intentional by Blizzard. They do want people back to retail because that’s where they earn more money from the microtransactions after all.

Classic was only meant as a filler in otherwise a very poor fiscal year by Blizzard, due to their many releases being scheduled the years after this, with pretty much only CoD for this year by Activision.

Any1 seen Diablo Immortal yet?

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It is not dead. It did not even start properly!

It is sad to see so many giving up on the game because of toxics gankers so early.
I mean we are still missing the most replayable content (BG) and we have only seen 2 (more like one as Ony is just meh boss run) out of 7 raids. With ZG, AQ20/40, BWL and Naxx.

They did have a really bad timing for p2 (it came too early for many). It should have come with at least WSG (to take tryhards gankers out of the world). This screwed up the population for a second time. First one being the chaotic launch and server creation everywhere to counter queues, splitting friends / guilds.

Yeah sure, it’s dead if you’re some BFA loser. Everyone else who came from p servers will continue to play WoW classic and enjoy themselves just fine.


It’s amazing how self-centered you PvP players can be. Do you even realize PvE servers are alive and thriving? The death of a few PvP servers has no significance in the grand scheme of things. I mean, isn’t PvP about culling anyway?

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Silence noob. Go back to retail, Though i have to say blizzard needs a more hands on approach even though they said they wouldnt. We could have lessen the blow of the the free transfer for example with higher activity and communication. Game is good however and i will climb together with my guild all the way to the gates of AQ

Uhh… Classic barely started and almost no content is released yet…

I’ve no idea what you are talking about. But im talking about restoring Classic to Vanilla values.

When they do that everything will fall back into place. Resources, Economies, etc.

Even faction balance might turn out slightly better due to less large groups per server. As it is now every entrance to everything can be monitored, with less people around not so much.

Vanilla simply wasn’t designed with double or more population numbers.

They removed the layers, not us.

They need to add realms, put temporary faction number caps and allow free transfer. Also put normal Vanilla population caps.

Job done.


I think this just goes to prove that there will always be “WOW is dead” threads.

Btw werent you people complaining about overpopulation yesterday?

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I must agree whit you,lots of people quit classic and play world quests in bfa,and pvp warfronts.
Agree 106%:joy:

Is this “dead” like retail being “dead” for the past… oh I dunno… 10 or so years?

it was some quick bucks raking in by Blizzard, with minimum effort and max damage.

Vote with your wallets people.

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