Let's have a faction merge in 10.0!

Sounds more like cross-faction PvE for me if the leak turns out to be real. It would surprise me if Blizzard actually went in for a full blown faction merge already in 9.2 without any pre-content that prepars the players for what is to come. As example cross-faction PvE would be a pre-merge first step.

Scary how this has many likes, we do not need a faction merge, World of Warcraft is World of Warcraft because of the factions. Don’t matter if there isn’t actually any war, or story about conflict.

If you take away factions and make it one big pile, then the game will lose everything, the two factions brings various things together that only our subconscious notices and it makes us attracted to the game.

Also would break a lot of the game designs. All blizzard have to do is bring something of value to the alliance side.

No, I would say make the racials identical, but of course call them something different. It wouldn’t really bother anyone other than lore people but there aint many of them left they out playing other games with more lore. They usually dont play the game that much neither.

That would be perfect, because it is the racials, and buffs the races start with that make people move horde. Tons more would move alliance if racials were as kewl as horde.

And this has been true right back to Warcraft 3, with the notable exceptions of Garrosh nuking Theramore and Sylvanos burning the Teldrassil.

I don’t see a full on merger happening. But I can see some loosening of the barriers between the factions.

Inter-faction grouping for dungeons and raids seem highly likely.
Dropping the absurd language barrier.
Improved Mercenary mode (for both sides).
Cross-faction communities (doubt they’d go as far as guilds).
Perhaps even inter-faction grouping for open world content but this is less likely than for instanced content.
A traitor process (probably quite effortsome like the insane title) to join the enemy faction.
A neutral faction could happen maybe but I also see this a less likely.

This may have been the reason the migration to Horde started but it is not the main reason anymore.
People go Horde as that’s where the centre of gravity for grouped content is. You can find communities and guilds easier. You can get into PuGs easier. You can get a raid spot easier. You can do M+ keys easier. Just because there are more players doing those things on Horde.
Make cross-faction grouping possible for instanced content and even for communities then it matters less which faction you are in because you will be able to get into groups, dungeons and raids just as easily from either faction.

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Scary how many opposers that doesn’t read the whole first post. I am acknowledging that a two-faction gameplay is what people identify as core to WoW, so that is why I am suggesting a faction merge of the current nonsense factions with the addition to a second faction that would have a lot more sense with the lore.

Sure a mere faction merge with no additional factions also would be fine for me, but that would completely eliminate the two-faction gameplay the players are appreciating with WoW.

Absolutely Not! This is a terrible idea. We need to move the factions further apart if anything.


Let’s never do that. Pretty please. You can’t merge the Horde with the Alliance - philosophies, aesthetics, storyline experiences are just too different. SL got me interacting with Alliance characters more than I ever did and like, that felt wrong, felt like I was getting imposed something I didn’t sign up for.

And faction war, opposition in general, is exciting, both from an ingame perspective and as a driving force between players… Makes up for a healthy rivalry. We forge our own identity through opposition, and we grow attached to this identity only when we need to defend it. Faction pride is so much fun


I’d say, “Let’s have a faction merge ASAP!”, rather then 10.0. I don’t want the whole xpac to be revolved around this merge.

And the queue times for a normal BG, the lack of alliance players, etc. actually needs the game to have a unified player base, when it comes to partying, matchmaking and queuing.



horde needs to be punished. a punching bag for 3-4 expansions.

then maybe we can talk about any ‘‘merging’’ or cooperation outside of cringey cinematics

It’s one of those don’t let the genie out of the bottle things. They’ve done that with enough things already.

Eventually they will want to have a classic Warcraft full-blown conflict again, and how are they going to do that when Jim the Human and Bob the Orc are best mates in the same guild?

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That’s not stopping Jane the Twilight Hammer Gnome from engaging in a full-blown faction war against Jim and Bob’s faction…

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If we do a faction merge. Make a new faction for rogues only and force all rogues into it and force warmode on for them. ^^

No thanks.

No Thanks, no merge with zug zugs baaa… just thinking about it makes me sick !

if you dont like ur faction buy a faction change …

In 1 hour they will announce the faction merge

It starts 19:00 CET, so 1,5 hours from now.

Now as 9.2 is confirmed last patch, they will be on track by implementing cross-faction PvE with the patch. We still have about 4-6 months of PTR in front of us anyway, so plenty of time for them to implement this.


If the ‘‘book’’ ends it means there’s a timeskip

10.0 is far into the lores future or it might just be last patch

u guys sure u want a faction merge ?
Aliiance Vulpera UwU