Let's have a faction merge in 10.0!

Since Alliance dying…let the Alliance faction DIE! All join Horde! Woooooooo!

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Factions are a core part of WoW’s identity. It seems extremely unlikely that they’re going to be done away with.

With that being said, I wish that more MMOs would embrace playable evil factions. The whole concept of “save the world as a morally dubious red guy, or save the world as a morally righteous blue guy” is kinda boring to me. I just want to play as an unapologetically evil character doing evil stuff. I wouldn’t be opposed to the Alliance and Horde being merged, and a new playable villainous faction being implemented as a counterpart.

I think they are going to do absolutely all they an to avoid losing the faction identity, including a kind of merc mode for PVE.

Yes, please.

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Let’s have an actually good expansion in 10.0 hopefully.


yes please

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And if they have not merged the factions in the next expansion there’s only two options left. Either go horde or quit wow and with irl opening up i’m more likelly to just take my money with me and quit the game. So if you want my money activision you’ll need to earn it.


europe really needs that blizzard

I hope 10.0 removes factions to be honest there never have been real factions. We fought Illidan together, we fought the Lich King together, we fought Deathwing together, we fought Garrosh together, we fought Gul’dan/legion together we fought N’zoth together we fight the Jailer together. With no factions people can go where the want, queuetimes for everything will be much shorter overall faction merge is healthier for the game

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I would prefer to stop play rather to play with Alliance. They are only for killing

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Just being able to cross faction group for dungeons and raids would be enough for me. And ‘different factions don’t understand each other’ could just be disabled in those environments.

I do feel a sense of faction identity, although it’s become blurred in SL when there are so many places where blue nameplates belong to opposite faction players. But once I get into an instance, I’m no longer a character from Azeroth doing whatever it is I have to do right now; I’m a human from Earth getting together with other humans from Earth to defeat group content. The notion of factions feels absurd.

Let’s hope for a postponed 10.0 so Blizzard can implement this in a way.

There won’t be a same faction , but cross content yes if game survives before 10.0, People are leaving game for a LOT Justified reasons .

ooor just let Jailer win and reset the universe and we get WoW 2.0 but without factions per se.

average normie: “muh faction identity is sacred, noooo dont touch the faction devide!”
meanwhile an average high end enjoyer: “apes together strong, more people on the same side: more queues, more tanks. more healers”


But killing Gnomes would then be regarded as murder… this is not a good idea, brother.

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Don’t worry. See it as you’re contributing to the mechagnomes instead.

This answer gave me a nosebleed. Following reading it I started drooling thenceforth.

I pray to Blizzard heavens that this never happens. I for one really hate that Vulperans are part of the Horde and all this “We are all friends” attitude people have is beyond naive.

Enjoy world of Hordecraft with only PvE and no pvp because your idea will kill the factions completely.