Let's make it an interview #3

“That ain’t how demons work is it? Eredar were like our Draenei before they went bad, Dread Lords were, eh, something else. Imps must have also been a little less Fel fire-y before too I reckon. So yeah, I’d be whatever happens to a human when you get one drunk on Fel.”

Question: Where do you feel at peace?

“At peace? Maybe in death I will feel at peace. Look around you. War and bloodshed everywhere. Wherever you go, there is some kind of clash and fighting. Complete peace will never be possible. It is in our nature. We will always have enemy and if not, we will choose or create some. We can turn our weapons against each other just to have reason to fight. The majority of us are fighters trained in battle afterall.”

Question: Name one race from opposing faction you would be willing to cooperate with (if there is any). Give us reasoning for your choice.

Question: Name one race from opposing faction you would be willing to cooperate with (if there is any). Give us reasoning for your choice.

“Just one? I’d work with anyone if they’re reasonable enough. I’ve known plenty who live up to every stereotype, but I’ve also known selfless Goblins, intellectual Orcs, altruistic Forsaken… Well, if I had to pick just a single race, it’d be my people in Quel’thalas. I know it seems a bit desperate, but if I saw a real chance to work with my old friends in the Farstriders, or convince the higher-ups to change their colors, I’d take it in a heartbeat, risks and all.”

Question: Do you have any hobbies, outside of your work? Any skills you’re especially proud of?

Not really no.
My every waking moment is spend rebuilding the legion under my rule.

If you here in princes Talanji shoes and could gain freedom from Bwonsamdi in exchange for sylvanas head.
Would you take that deal?
Remember that your the ruler of zandalari in this senario.

“Seems like an easy question to answer. Yeah, Sylvie’s gotta go. I dunno what Bwonsamdi does really but that seems like a fair trade. I mean, I’ve got no Bwonsamdi in my life and I’m just peachy.”

Rorick looks at the interviewer, obviously puzzled.

“Eh, are you sure this question’s meant for me…?”

Question: When were you in the wrong, and how did you deal with that?

I am a big fan of a spell known as ‘Alter Memory’.

I imagine it might be useful in the purely theoretical instance where I should miscalculate the planar alignment of Azeroth, leading to the entire contents of two classrooms in old Dalaran being deposited somewhere over the southern sea during a routine teleportation procedure. You know, things people did,- or rather would not need to remember~

And even if we assume it even did happen, it’s not like it’d ever matter as Archimonde decided to knock old Dalaran over anyway!

Question: If you had to make a guess: what do you think Rorick’s guilty pleasure is? And what about his character would inform said guess?

To sit back in a big armchair in a red velvet bathrobe with matching fluffy slippers, with cup of nerve calming herbal tea at the end of a hard day in his hunter lodge that is actually a quite civilized with full of art, books, paintings, statues, a piano and no trophies or skulls around… a box of chocolates is optional.
And what about his character would inform said guess?
Well, your guess is as good as mine…

Question: Wold you open a portal to another Azeroth or Draenor-like planet if you would have the power, to offer it to the Horde with a chance, leave in peace and end the War between the Alliance and them forever without bloodshed (of course, if any Tauren, Troll, etc would want to stay on Azeroth, they could, but without the Horde alligance - so its not an exile)? Please elaborate your answer, not just a simple yes or no!

Sure why not.
The horde wont accept the offer anyway but alternate azaroth might give us much needed reforcemence or allow us access to resourses to put the horde down.
Asuming ofcourse i can close it in case the other azaroth we open is worse then the horde and wants to slaughter us all.

If you where offered nearly limetless power but can only use said power to grant the wishes of mortals.
Would you take the offer, and if so why?

“What, turn myself into some kinda genie in a bottle? Nah, I’ll pass. Too many ways this could go wrong. I mean, what if I say yes and some absolutely horrible person makes me grant 'em wishes. All of a sudden the world’s doomed and it’s my fault.”

Question: What was your youth like?

Question: What was your youth like?

“Pretty normal, honestly. My father is a merchant, and my mother was a Farstrider. We grew up in this small town in the middle of the forest, all peaceful and idyllic, and I spent most of my time reading, playing with my twin sister or getting into trouble in the woods. Heh, the more things change…”

Question: I normally don’t repeat questions, but the last answer to this one was very boring, so I’m opening it up to someone whose life doesn’t revolve around one thing and one thing only: Do you have any hobbies, outside of your work? Any skills you’re especially proud of?

I am quite proud of my skills within abjuration magic! Not only did it I graduate with honors in the class, but it has let me win numerous mage duels with ease! As for a non professional hobby, well… after two centuries with magecraft I have started to delve into mercantilism. Believe it or not, being an instructor at Dalaran or part of Umbric’s little cabal does not pay much!"

A coy smile forms on Mahli’ficia’s dark blue lips as she leans back in the ornate chair, balancing precariously on its hind legs.

" … but once you know how to make the right connections, two centuries of magical experience, and knowledge of exotic domains such as Demonology and Void magic is worth its weight in gold! Fortunately for me, the third war, two legion invasions and the scourge war has killed off a lot of experienced spell casters, creating a scarcity which in turn just makes my knowledge all the more valuable!"

Question: You are going to plan a wedding, and you must choose 1 of the 4 immediate characters right above you to assist you with the planning. Who do you choose, and why?

I would choose definitely Rorick. He is a hunter and a human. Perfect combination. He would be able to prepare a gorgeous feast of many person’s desire. And you know, humans are different than us, elves.

Due to their short lifespan, they know how to enjoy every moment in their relatively short life, that was granted to them. They know how to enjoy it better than us, because we have millennials to spend on this world.
With this mindset, I believe that he would be perfect assistent and advisor.

He is also sane and sensitive person. That is why I would choose him over Malaficius.

Question: If I have told you that I can provide you a meeting with any person (or animal) of your choosing. Who would it be? And why? What would you told him? It can be anybody, even a death person or somebody you really miss.


It would be my brother. He never forgave me for turning away from our “saviours” and embraced the Void. He never understood I did that for our home and people. Last time we met, he tried to murder me in the name of the Light. Long and ugly story. But if you could arrange a meeting - IF he still alive, and not sacrificed himself for the Naaru - and hold him down, while I try to explain him… that… that would be nice.
That is, if he ever existed and not just a false, void-created memory… the problem with the the Void, it seeks every possible path and sees them all as truth… thus, sometimes you have problem sorting out the details of your “real” past, present and sometimes, future…
I love to think, he was… he is real… and it would be nice if I could explain him my reasons, and if he would forgive me.
Really nice.

Question: so you found one of the vials Illidan filled with the original Well of Eternity. With it, you could re-create it, just like he did so long ago. Would you do it? After all, Sargeras is gone, the Legion was more or less defeated and controlling such a Well could bring eternal peace in the right (or horrible destruction in the wrong) hands to Azeroth…

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Ahem! Well, hello…

I would use it to heal Azeroth if could…
Or to restore Outland, if possible…

I just would do something to restore a home‌, a land…

Question: You are the leader of Forsaken, in a situation just like when Legion ended and bfa hasn’t begun… So, Sargaeras plunged sword, no war has occured, Anduin offered peace ans gathering
What would you do?

I would accept his offer and plan common effort to heal the wound. I would make a pact with Anduin about Azerite and it’s usage. I would demand all horde to respect this pact and peace.

Question: Do you visit Darkmoon faire from time to time? Have you tried the new roller coaster?


This was the first Darkmoon Faire I managed to visit since Suramar’s shield is gone…
It was an interesting experience.
Wastly different than a soiree back home or a masquerade… and without the usual courtly games
But it was fun… in its own way.
I’m not sure I will visit it again, the tenctacle and eye motifs were a bit disturbing and I have the suspicion I’m not alone with this feeling
But the roller coaster was nice

Question: Would you help the Fal’Dorei to join your faction as an ally? As equals, not as servants or expendable shocktroopers. Equal members like any other in the Alliance/Horde

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“The Fal’dorei? Those spider-elven creatures? From what I’ve heard they are corrupted, monsters unable to be reasoned with. During the War in the Broken Isles an Illidari spoke about Fal’dorei fighting for the Burning Legion, which makes me trust them even less… so no I dont believe the Fal’dorei would become an ally of the Alliance.”

Question: The Faction War has cost both factions many lives, but also many areas who some called home. Which casualty of war hurts you the most?

The loss of Regent Lord Lor’themar Theron’s Brain.

I still can’t believe that that pointy eared monkey exiled us! And to think I had just finished rebuilding my estate before his goons confiscated it all!

Question: The Darkmoon Faire wanted to expand, and had room for 1 more entertainer to draw a bigger crowd. In a choice between Shalim and Thyrellas, which of them do you think would have been the best addition to the Darkmoon Faire and why?

“You talk as if I am to know who they are. Excuse me, I do not spend too much time in the cities and towns, let alone to see these entertainment shows. That all said, I do hear the choir in Cathedral Square a few months back, and even I had to take a moment to appreciate.” The druid gives a gentle smile.

What’s your favourite aspect about Noblegarden?

My favorite aspect about Noblegarden is the fluffy cute bunnies which are lovely and i want to hug them all!

Question: Do you like Lichs?