Let's make it an interview #3

You dont allow animals to pick a pack leader.
You keep them on a leash and beat them if they get out of line.

If i where to indulge suchs meaningless gesture of a false sense of self rule i let there leaders pick among themselves.
It is easier to keep control with those who already know there place.

Question: You find yourself turned into a demon.
How would you react?

ā€œJust as usual. I would slay my enemies and use the powers, that the demon can provide me, to my advantage, while also keeping my sanity and personality. This skill is the hardest to master and learn as the demon hunter. I knew many sensible elves and capable fighters, who have succumbed to their inner demons.ā€

Question: If you had found your greatest enemy kneeling terribly wounded on ground, unable to fight backā€¦ What would be your reaction? What would you do to him?

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Pity is not a virtue. To pause when causing my enemy pain is weakness. He would not do so for me, and if he did, I would smite him for his stupidity.
If you have the force to destroy an enemy, destroy him. A living enemy is dangerous. A dead enemy is dead. Better to have a graveyard of dead enemies than a single angry oneā€¦

Question: The Void is nearā€¦ and it is just a matter of time and Azeroth will become totally corrupted and a Void-Titanā€¦ that would destroy everything on her. If the Void not deastroy everything while trying to corrupt the World Soulā€¦ there is only the faintest glimer of hope an united Azeroth could win, could beat back the Darkness and save everything.
BUT, with the Heart of Azeroth in your hand, and a certain dagger, now you have the power to kill the unborn Titan!
Just a stabā€¦ and Azeroth will be dead. But the Void will lose all interest it have for the planet and leaves to find another Titanā€¦
Would you do it?
Would you kill your own world, to save all life on it? Or would you risk everything to an uncertain future and the maybe false hope, the childrens of Azeroth could work together and winā€¦?

Dear i would do it even if there wasnt an overhanging thread of void lords.
It would be a mercy to end her suffering.
Not to mention i dont see any benifits of leaving this giant magenet alive and drawing in more enemies.
After all what did azaroth(the titan) ever do for us?
Twisting netherā€¦
Even elune did more and she is a distant and uncaring godess.

Question: If elune would tell you to surrender to sylvanas horde.
Would you?

ā€œI will behead you.ā€

What was your first job?

Question: What was your first job?

ā€œI had a part-time job working for my father when I was twelve. Looking back, Iā€™m pretty sure he was just entertaining me, but I did help out a bit with moving things. He was a merchant, trading Elven goods to our partners in the Alliance and returning to Quelā€™thalas with strange imports, mostly either food we donā€™t make or trinkets to liven up a windowsill. I remember he took me to Lordaeron once, for two weeks. That was great.ā€

Question: What faith do you adhere to? Why do you hold it? What brought you to it? (Answers from the faithful only, please.)

She might be an uncaring goddess but atleast she is a godess.
The light have proven to be just an other form of magic.
The titans are just very powerfull mageā€™s, and the legion keeps getting there behinds kicked.
The void lords are traped in the void and compleetly worthless.

So many gods in our universe are boasting about there godhood then promtly get killed by mortals.
Suchs weak beings are unworthy of the titel of god or goddess.
Elune (when she cared) showed real power.
Doing the impossible.
That is what a true goddess can do.
She makes the impossible look easy.

Qeustion: What would cause you to sell out your faction?

Miss Evensong refuses to answer this question without an attorney.


Which is your favourite story? It could be a book, a parable, the lokā€™vadnod of a great hero, a cheeky limerick or something from history. Anything, really as long as it makes a tale.

ā€œMy favourite story is about demon hunter Loramus Thalipedes. It inspired me a lot during my studies of becoming a demon hunter. The sacrifices he made to trap a dangerous demon, risking his own life for the good of Azeroth. It was a shame, when we found out, how he ended. His demon is so strong, that he cannot be allowed to leave Fel hammer. But his knowladge of demons is one of the best, since lord Illidanā€™s departure.ā€

Question: Would you be able to sacrifice yourself for a greater good just like Loramus did?

Rorick lets out a frustrated sigh.

ā€œWhatā€™s the point of this question, besides letting us know how immensly admirable this Loramus guy is? Most of us donā€™t typically find outselves in a position where a grand personal sacrifice makes any sort of sense and if we ever find ourselves there Iā€™m sure only then weā€™ll find out if weā€™re capable of such a sacrifice.ā€

Rorick shakes his head.

ā€œAs for me. I put life and limb at risk for the good of the Alliance. You could call that a sacrifice for the greater good if you prefer but Iā€™d rather you donā€™t. Most of us donā€™t endlessly go on about all the sacrifices we make and I suggest you take a lesson or two from us mere mortals, mate.ā€

Question: Who do you follow and what makes you follow them?

ā€œWell, thatā€™d be Umbric of course! He might be incredibly open and close minded at the same time, but heā€™s the most reasonable fellow elf in this little cabal! Especially after those pompous goons back in Silvermoon exiled us and confiscated all my stuff!ā€

Mahliā€™ficia tilts her head a little bit as she leans back; swirling her glass of wine.

ā€œAlthough he and I do have our differences. Dear Umbric, for as an amazing scholar as he is, he can be a bit of a wuss; becoming so frightened of our newfound powers after just one-near death episode with magic. Which tells me that he spends too much time with his books and not enough with his ritual circles as even human mages averages 3-4 near death episodes even in their short lives.ā€

A purple, blistering arrow shoots out of a lazy finger as Mahliā€™ficia uses her imp as target practice, sending the demon scurrying.

" ā€¦ and he may or may not have a few issues with what he calls my ā€˜grandiose misuse of dangerous powers for personal benefitā€™, but really; I lost my estate first to the Scourge, and now to that pointy-eared buffoon Lorā€™themar! Given fateā€™s hand, I feel perfectly within my rights to use some of my own skill for myself. I will not remain poor for long!"

Question: You have going on a dangerous mission that involves delving into lost ruins and to recover potentially priceless treasures, and you have to bring with you 2 allies. You must choose the 2 from the four characters above you in this thread. Which two do you choose, and why? And perhaps more importantly; why did you not choose the other two?

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Funny, did you know I am actually a Scholar of Antiquities, started out as an archeologist? Phrenology is just a racial hobbyā€¦
Anyhow, I would choose Shalim and you Mahliā€™ficia
The Demon Hunters are strong allies and lost ruins tend to have two things: cursed tombs or Demons. Not to mention his spectral sight is a major boon, a very usefull thing to have around when you are dealing with lost ruinsā€¦
As an Exiled Eredar you would think I hate Warlocks, but actually? It wasnt Thalā€™kiel who borught Sargeras to our world, and maybe if he and his Order would have been around my home would have a knowledge thus chance against the demonsā€¦
Trust is a strong world of course, that is something one must earn, but I think we could work together
Not to mention, my mind is opened to same Darknes that warped your form and soul. We are not the same. I have my own reasons and you never had the luxury to choose to embrace the Void, it embraced youā€¦ but while we are not the same, we are not that different! and I have a certain amount of respect toward the Renā€™Doreiā€¦
Warlock skills of a Renā€™Dorei is I would gladly have on a mission like this!
Marinya would be a good choice to, but she is a Sinā€™Dorei and lack the familiarity of the Void, you, Mahliā€™ficia have.
Rorickā€¦ is a human. And a hunter. He would be usefull too, but not as usefull as Shalim or you

Question: Would you join us on this dangerous mission? And if yes, why? (in that case, as a bonus, if you want, convince us to take you with us! :smirk: )

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Sure, powerful magic is worth the risk.
As for why you shoud take me.
I am far less likely to stab you in the back then Zymara is.
I also got myself a small army and i am firm believer the knowledge shoud be shared among warlocks to ensure we all grow stronger.
Sure we are power hungery but we didnt become powerful by being stupid.
Killing a usefull ally is a waste of resourses after all.
And on a totaly unrelated and compleetly irrelivant fact.
I am also compleetly immortal.

If you where to become a demon in my ever growing army.
What type of demon would you prefeer to be.
Refusing to answer means you want to be a imp.

ā€œThat ainā€™t how demons work is it? Eredar were like our Draenei before they went bad, Dread Lords were, eh, something else. Imps must have also been a little less Fel fire-y before too I reckon. So yeah, Iā€™d be whatever happens to a human when you get one drunk on Fel.ā€

Question: Where do you feel at peace?

ā€œAt peace? Maybe in death I will feel at peace. Look around you. War and bloodshed everywhere. Wherever you go, there is some kind of clash and fighting. Complete peace will never be possible. It is in our nature. We will always have enemy and if not, we will choose or create some. We can turn our weapons against each other just to have reason to fight. The majority of us are fighters trained in battle afterall.ā€

Question: Name one race from opposing faction you would be willing to cooperate with (if there is any). Give us reasoning for your choice.

Question: Name one race from opposing faction you would be willing to cooperate with (if there is any). Give us reasoning for your choice.

ā€œJust one? Iā€™d work with anyone if theyā€™re reasonable enough. Iā€™ve known plenty who live up to every stereotype, but Iā€™ve also known selfless Goblins, intellectual Orcs, altruistic Forsakenā€¦ Well, if I had to pick just a single race, itā€™d be my people in Quelā€™thalas. I know it seems a bit desperate, but if I saw a real chance to work with my old friends in the Farstriders, or convince the higher-ups to change their colors, Iā€™d take it in a heartbeat, risks and all.ā€

Question: Do you have any hobbies, outside of your work? Any skills youā€™re especially proud of?

Not really no.
My every waking moment is spend rebuilding the legion under my rule.

If you here in princes Talanji shoes and could gain freedom from Bwonsamdi in exchange for sylvanas head.
Would you take that deal?
Remember that your the ruler of zandalari in this senario.

ā€œSeems like an easy question to answer. Yeah, Sylvieā€™s gotta go. I dunno what Bwonsamdi does really but that seems like a fair trade. I mean, Iā€™ve got no Bwonsamdi in my life and Iā€™m just peachy.ā€

Rorick looks at the interviewer, obviously puzzled.

ā€œEh, are you sure this questionā€™s meant for meā€¦?ā€

Question: When were you in the wrong, and how did you deal with that?

I am a big fan of a spell known as ā€˜Alter Memoryā€™.

I imagine it might be useful in the purely theoretical instance where I should miscalculate the planar alignment of Azeroth, leading to the entire contents of two classrooms in old Dalaran being deposited somewhere over the southern sea during a routine teleportation procedure. You know, things people did,- or rather would not need to remember~

And even if we assume it even did happen, itā€™s not like itā€™d ever matter as Archimonde decided to knock old Dalaran over anyway!

Question: If you had to make a guess: what do you think Rorickā€™s guilty pleasure is? And what about his character would inform said guess?

To sit back in a big armchair in a red velvet bathrobe with matching fluffy slippers, with cup of nerve calming herbal tea at the end of a hard day in his hunter lodge that is actually a quite civilized with full of art, books, paintings, statues, a piano and no trophies or skulls aroundā€¦ a box of chocolates is optional.
And what about his character would inform said guess?
Well, your guess is as good as mineā€¦

Question: Wold you open a portal to another Azeroth or Draenor-like planet if you would have the power, to offer it to the Horde with a chance, leave in peace and end the War between the Alliance and them forever without bloodshed (of course, if any Tauren, Troll, etc would want to stay on Azeroth, they could, but without the Horde alligance - so its not an exile)? Please elaborate your answer, not just a simple yes or no!