Lets say no to corruptions!

using void power does not make us his servants? i don’t get your logic. so are void elves also his servants then? you better have none in your raids then

I simply like a system of choice.

The corruption is nice but as a roleplayer it’s pretty annoying having to change gear all the time to get rid of the corruption effect.

Simply give us an npc that can enable and disable the corruption appearance for a small fee?

Much like the fire mage’s orbs from the artifact back in legion.

of all the problems of corruptedforge, looking like a shadowpriest is the least of my issue with it tbh.

I just hope it’s not replaced with another garbage forge thing next expansion, like shadowforge or deathforged or something.

well the details will earn me mandatory vacation from forum lol

So you get to spill the T
AND go to the Caribbeans?

I mean…

I’m annoyed by those Corruption remains on my character, especially if they cover part of her face/hair.

We should be able to disable the effects.
I think Transmog and character appearance is important when comes to WoW or MMOs, if players are not satisfied with how their characters look developers should do something in order to solve issues.

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There are other places to disclose the details :sneezing_face:

such as ?
last time somebody did that to me i made a haters group of like minded woman on facebook lol

if u havent got your cloak, cleans all your items so u have 0 corruption. Why would you carry corruption items if you dont have to cloak and dont like the system?


Oh do go on! This is getting good! :popcorn: :seat:

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Discord, bnet or any other messaging ting :sneezing_face:

Don’t have this issue on main thanks to this sweet corruption spot in between 30 smth - 39 I use

Kinda like it was before strange stats got included into the gear?

I’m saying NO to you!

:imp: CORRUPTION :imp:
[dissatisfied sounds]

Mother will remove all corruption for 5 memento each, what’s the problem?
Oh perhaps, you want your cake and eat it too?

She will remove the bonus effects of it as well, not just the appearance. Just before you make smart comments.

It’s about the appearance of the corruption on your character, not the extra abilities it gives.

Using the cleansing from Mother will remove those abilities / bonusses as well as the corruption appearance.

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I’d read the post again before replying :thinking:

-------- sarcasm ---------
/ —>

Thanks for playing.

very smart! very brave comment!

thank you

everyone clapped

I clapped! I’m pretty awesome, gotta admit. Thank you for your praise buddy, appreciate it.