Lets say no to corruptions!

I would say no if i actually got any… probably?

I mean i just cleansed those useless 6% wrong-stat upgrades.

Well said dog.

I mean Worgen.

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Pat my head right now and say i’m a good boy !

Or i gonna take a bath to the moonwell.

Blizzard should add a light effect for the Alliance instead, leave corruption where it belongs… in the horde.

Pat your head

You are a good boy! :bone:

Poopy solution! I genuinely don’t understand how hard it would be for them to implement MOTHER giving an option to become resistant to corruption visual effects.

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of we will. the name is not inportant

what is important that blizzard managed to put “TF” behind additional gate of grind (assaults/visions) to even be able to equip it.

masterpiece on their part.

and nobody complains about that

The funniest part about this is that now its alot harder to find a group… as the leader of said group because nobody has the ilvl anymore.

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