Lets talk about blizzard

so, blizzard goes ahead and fixes the ranged attack power scaling for hunters, something that “they considered a bug”, and was fixed in tbc.

what if i tell you that chance on hit weapons and trinkets not procing if u are on gcd is a way more major bug, that ORIGINAL vanilla developers said that it would be fixed if they knew about it back then (if its even a real bug that existed then and not created with their legion client, which i doubt)?
u fix something that the developers never intended to be fixed in classic and was changed in tbc but dont fix actual gamebreaking bugs.

They are never going to fix the on hit stuff because that was a “fix” that landed in TBC in order to make Vanilla trinkets less powerful than TBC ones.

Prepare for Horde apologists telling you that having 2x crits is fine and you need to l2p.

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Uuhm, that’s by design, not a bug.

tell that to the original wow dev that got asked that on twitter, sucks that i dont have that saved for when u and dottie come in :wink:
u choose to trust that blizz actually has a reference client and not some frankenstain half-legion abomination that 2-3 interns put together as a weekend project


Who cares at this point tbh. They’re so weird pulling major changes (RAP, pool boosting) a year into Classic.

What would be hilarious if they fix Diamond Flask.

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I do think that it’s weird that they’re rolling out these kind of “fixes” 1+ years into Classic.

Same thing with the ignite change that came with P5. It took them 5 phases to “fix” it, the moment every mage goes Fire spec.

Plenty of things should have been fixed long ago, but at this point it’s kind of moot. Just like rogues negating spells with Vanish.

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No, diamond flask healing. That was hotfixed a few months into TBC, unlike Ele shaman crits which was changed in a normal patch 11 months into TBC.

Goes to show how lazy, unprofessional, out of touch, clueless and inept “blizzard” has become :nauseated_face:

As an elemental I can truly say this is broken af, its fun tho. Stomp → win.

Hey, stop pointing at my flask. I love hearing people whisper “Diamond Flask…?” whenever a good piece of healing gear drops.


And the sweating of every healer in the group at that moment

“give the warriors healing gear so I can slack” - one of my guild’s priests.

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