Let's talk about DH

You can’t fight the forum bias OP

Ppl still react to DH as if its BFA

Everybody uses the arguement of “DH is fine”, “DH was played in the AWC” . “I got 1800 easily with DH”.

The truth is people don’t want the class to be viable. You can sit for hours and argue with facts and statistics and be replied to with “Git gut” or “DH is fine”

No it isn’t.

DH is by far the most underwhelming melee in PvP in the entire game.

Defensive wise:

- You die to random tab targets when Blur is on CD
- You get knocked out of Darkness by half the specs in the game, or just die through it coz of bad RNG
- Netherwalk is in an awful talent spot so nobody plays it, even the R1 / Tournament players. If you do play it, you lose like 10-15% dmg
**- Rain from Above takes up an important talent slot, gets line of sighted and bugs out your whole UI **
- Vengeful retreat (Glimpse) requires you to perfectly read your opponent to receive roughly 1 to 1.5 seconds of CC immunity and 35% dmg reduction while ALSO not being able to hit the target

Offensive wise:

- You have a worthless talent (Mortal wounds) which is taking up 1 talent point for no reason. Other melees like Warrior and Windwalker have Mortal wounds effect on Mortal Strike and Rising Sun Kick baseline

- Your main damaging ability (Eye Beam) is a complete joke, gets stopped by micro CC and kicks EVERY SINGLE TIME
**- Your other main damaging ability (Blade dance/Death sweep in Meta) hits for 70-80k **
- You have no ability to finish off a target with, resulting in people living on 1-15% hp all the time
- The Hunt has over 20% dmg nerf since Season 1, so it can’t even break a Disc priest shield with its upfront dmg. Not to mention it gets shadowmelded all the time like a Chaos bolt
- All your dmg is healable much more easily than any other dps’s dmg

Spec isn’t threatening and is squishy. When you see DH with top dmg cause he dotted a bunch of pets, guess thats your arguement that “DH pumps”. Open up details and see that 55% of that dmg was on players.

Disagree? Go play DH into a BM hunter and see if you survive for over 2 minutes. If you are being tunneled you will die, or make your healer smoke 50 cigarretes to keep you alive with you dying in the end anyway

Go play DH into Mages and never connect and die from range
Go play DH into Rogues and be dead every Cheap shot go even if you pre-blur
Go play DH into melee cleaves that have much more defensives to trade and see if you can stay in the fight after Blur is on cd. You will also NEVER get an Eye Beam off with melees insta kicking you

Lowest melee representation.
R1 / Tournament DH players saying that same.

It’s very fun being dead every stun, being hard countered by some guy finding Wind Shear on the bars or any kind of root

But no, forum lords will continue to spew their bias and hate