Let's talk about DH

So why are you calling other people bias when you know nothing about them? :thinking:
Is it maybe because you are so “used to seeing it” you automatically assume people are?
And when you are being called it yourself, you instantly defend yourself with nothing?

You can play every single spec in the game, but you can still be bias about one spec. I play alot of specs throughout expansions and I got some slight form of bias in certain ways but I wouldnt go around complaining about it.

For example like you said about me after ret rework.
I played it to duelist and then became extremely bored since it was too easy.
You automatically assumed something else.
“Argues with obvious statistics”.
Statistics that you personally believe is the only correct ones but ignore the actual proper statistics which is spec based.

You seem to be perfectly fine with saying whatever you want, doesnt matter if its relevant or not, but as long as you believe it will prove you are “right” in any shape or form you will do it.

And even if people say something to you, its nonsense because you deemed it to be so. Which makes arguments with you quite pointless because you have a simple mindset.
Which is “Im right and you are wrong” just to clarify if you didnt understand it.

so by your logic every DH player needs to wait until it is the LITERAL bottom of bottoms in terms of every statistic

even thought it has only 1 spec to play in pvp

to be recognized that it requires some talent and spec changes

for now, lets buff Outlaw, Assa and Frost dk, gotta wait your turn as the #4 worst melee spec

meanwhile every Warrior player covers the forums in a sea of tears

but warriors have x4 representation and receive changes much more often

and push ratings much more often

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You still do not understand what I said from the start, ill try to simplify it for you.

I never once said DH is at a great spot.

I never once said DHs defensives are great.

I never once said DHs isnt lower represented, I said they are not the lowest represented.

I never once said certain things should not be changed.

I never once said I hate DHs and want them deleted.

Its alot of assumptions you made based on me not agreeing with you on one part.
I just dont agree with calling specs perfectly fine because they have another spec in that class that makes them “godlike”. Simple as that.

And for some reason you seem to believe they can only touch one spec at a time.
I want them to “fix” everything at the same time, but thats also a wishful thinking since I know it will never happen.


Insane mr paladin you finally made a post that makes sense

thank you

but if u wanna talk about what I said about specs

i said it because it is true TO A DEGREE.

because if your goal is to push rating, 80% of Rogue mains are that - Rogue mains. Sub is best - play sub. Assa is best - jump to Assa.

Why? Cause the baseline kit is the same

I am not saying the rest of the 20% Rogue mains aren’t also right in being annoyed that they only play lets say Outlaw and Outlaw is awful compared to Sub. Yes. Each spec should be as close to eachother as possible. But you still have the option of playing the other spec to achieve your goals.

But when you are a spec that doesn’t even have that option, literally everybody hates your spec and will argue to the death that its “fine” , yes, that is also bias. People remember BFA DH and that’s their first thought.

You do know its easy to just also say:
“Just play another class to achieve your goal”?
Thats why I dislike when people say you can just play another spec. Why are you saying they have options and forcing them to play something they do not like? Just the same as DHs can change to WW and do it.

None of them are good options.

First of all, I do not hate DHs like ive already stated. Its not my cup of tea but I dont hate it. Ive tried playing it abit in PvE but just the same as warriors I sadly got bored too fast.

Bias comes in many forms indeed, and even if you do not understand it you have some yourself. I would argue everyone do in some shape or form, but its how people express it.

Because sometimes it doesn’t matter.

For some specs barely at all.

It will be extremely hard for you to find say a Mage PVP main who will have a big issue swapping between his 3 specs based on the meta. At the end of the day, he’s still playing Mage, he’s still sheeping your healer, blinking 60 times in a row, rooting you and pumping you with big damage.


Rerolling class is always a lot different than rerolling spec.

For example, DH and WW both have ranged incaps and Aoe Stuns, althought the DH ones are dispelable and shorter duration. But that’s where similarities end. There’s a big difference in the way mobility works, defensives, the way your damage works.

But if you compare Outlaw Rogue to Sub rogue, you’re both pressing Shadow Dance to spam Cheap shots, you’re both blinding healers and you’re both Kidney-shotting people. One has more consistent dmg, the other has more burst dmg, but that’s the only real difference. You’re still playing Rogue and CCing everyone, you’re still invisible in Stealth.

Spec identity was largely wiped out in Dragonflight, with the base class tree containing most of everything

This is simply the way how some people see and some dont.
I am the kind of person who looks at the spec. Not the class. Simple as that.

Even if they wiped it out I still look at things spec wise instead of class wise. We will always look at things differently which is fine.

Of course, everybody has their opinion.

There are instances of specs where their dmg is their spec-defining feature.

I will always view a MM hunter differently than a BM hunter. Or a Demo warlock from a Destro and even Affli from a Destro. Those still have all their spec identity based on their dmg dealing alone.

But for most of the specs, what I said above applies simply due to how they made it in Dragonflight. Because Mages and Rogues are defined by their baseline toolkit, not their damage-dealing method. Arguably the same for Warriors.

Even so, there is still a much bigger gap between classes than between specs in terms of how they are played.

You’re wasting your time
appreciate the awareness you’re trying to spread
It’s just completely wasted here

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i pugged some lower keys yesterday out of boredom, i was last dps or 2nd at best, but retri and dk somehow dominated with a solid 20k overall on top of me everytime

fire really shines if you tank does pull big with your cds, and if aug is supporting you, otherwise, its a normal class.

i mean dh isnt giga strong right now but its not the less represented spec in all brackets. Thats a lie.

whats your boomies name?

I lied, i have only pathetic 2533cr
that spec is easy and brainded and faceroll and giga strong
i mean not dh, dh is complex, hard to play, requires perfect setups, weak in general

besides the fact that you did not get 2500 in 3 days because you were playing soloq 3 weeks ago i agree with you boomy is S tier currently and DH more like high B tier in shuffle. Obviously its easier to get rating with boomy.

Next season DH might be s tier again. Things change all the time.

dont think i agree with that lol. Its definitely harder than in bfa or SL but “weak in general” is really a bit too much lol

when i got 2.5 i had 2 days and 15-19 hours of game time
it is impossible to get to this rating in real 2-3 days even if i play for 16 hours a day

I want whatever you are smokin’, ngl

When your kit is simple but hard to win with, it isn’t as simple anymore

You aren’t going to win any game with DH if you zugzug pretend to be a Warrior anymore. At least not anywhere in more decent rating. I don’t comment the below 1800 rated games or the 3v3 games below 2k. Any random thing can happen there.

Problem is even if you play good you are usually not rewarded, and you cannot punish enemy mistakes very well either

People think that just because you have less buttons it makes it easier to play. This is objectively false right now. It’s the equivallent of going camping in the forest with a lighter, 1 blanket and 1 bottle of water for 3 days.

Why would you do that when you can instead bring a lot more things? (play some other melee).

  • Eye beam permanently kicked every game
  • Forced into permanently running if Blur is on CD and people are tunneling you
  • Automatically dead in most stuns in the game even outside of gos
  • 1 viable comp
  • Relying on RNG Demon proc for a dmg buff or heal (yes this can take over a minute to randomly pop up and also bugs out from map terrain oftentimes)
  • No self removal for any CC that doesn’t let you move in the game (yes Reverse magic is meant to dispel your healer’s CC, you don’t press it for random roots like a Tiger’s lust)
  • Absolutely irrelevant Single Target dmg
  • Sitting on massive Season 1 nerfs which were put in place due to the previous tierset and crit dmg in the game which got gutted this season

If that was the description for any of your DPS classes, you wouldn’t be having much fun either

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I agree that dh isn’t in a good spot now. Two reasons for this:
1.Due to current changes dh damage strongly depends on eyebeam. And…this is a problem since we don’t have any guarantee abilities like “can’t be interrupted while channeling eyebeam” or “your enemies rooted while beaming” which results into frequent interrupts/pushes/dodging when DH uses eyebeam
2. It’s not dh was nerfed but other classes were buffed too much. Checking last updates - literally everyone got buffed EXCEPT dh. Which can be actually considered same as nerf to dh.
I guess it’s time for devs to think about new changes to dh to make it competetive in pvp

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not sure about that haha

Havocs aren’t most represented overall but have a good no. in top 100. They work well with and again casters but will struggle in the meele meta that we shift into now.

Delete DH problem solved.