Let's talk about DH

Its always funny on my DH to get eye beam interrupted in 0.2 seconds by randomly pressed aoe stuns by mongrels, also pretty much the only class in the game left that can be soloed by any rogue in a Stun to dr situation without any counterplay at all. Pressed darkness on 40% hp, 2 chaosbolts went through back to back :smile::smile:. Kite a meele for 1 full minute while at 20-30% hp, fodder demon spawns exactly when I succumb to death and can’t heal.
Every single thing about this class is random tilting RNG, which is completely detrimental in PvP. On any other class you can press a heal button om demand and know exactly it will do whats supposed to do, or you can press a wall and you know how much Effective HP you will have for the next seconds and if you survive a go or not.
Here you press darkness, jk pepega 3 big hits go through, you got RNGd, try again.


I’m legit playing other specs on 2k+

I see a DH, I tunnel him, dies within 1 minute if teammates arent peel gods

If they are, it takes 2 minutes


shuffle, 2s, 3s, u name it

blur on cd = goodbye mr plastic my stun is off cd

im deeply baffled by why windwalker can receive buffs to 4 different defensive buttons in 1 patch

but DH can’t get literally anything?

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oh? the only casted ability they have gets interrupted ? what are the odds

cries in actual caster

mages crying are like a politicians crocodile tears

grow up nakamura nobody wants mages in battlegrounds

go q arena win against everybody

and yes eye beam is a meme spell

but the meme is supposed to be ur biggest dmg and has a 40s cd

much like ray of frost is your only real source of dmg as ST as frost mage, and can be interrupted right ?
don’t have a stun to set it up like someone else does

you can’t understand how satisfying it is to be able to interrupt that ONE SPELL melees have, and i want to stop and even emote them if possible.

wish every caster had disarm, so we can fair things and see how much melees would cry

(no i don’t want a disarm, i just want melees to taste their own medicine sometime)

well at least casting classes have precog and other abilities to cast. As fire mage iam faking fire casts and get precog to cast what i want or i cast polymorph on healer or ring of frost on meeles, get kicked and then casting scourches easy.
But as a dh these tricks won’t work because dh has only 1 cast (channel) ability (nothing to use for precog lol) and no other schools to cast to get interrupt wasted…so yeah things are more complicated here

no not really, read what i wrote in my previous post with precog and other school wasting casts.

that is assuming people don’t land kick, and then someone else has another, and then nsomeone else has a stun, and then someone else has another stun, then you get put into a micro random cc like prison just to fk with you, then they land another interrupt, then 1 of your cast goes off to tickle enemies, then they line you, then another interrupt lands, then another stun lands and so on

ofc, if YOU fake, and THEY miss, its their problem. what if they don’t kick at all EVER do u keep faking forever ?

tho i agree with you on the state of firemage, it doesn’t look as complex or hard anymore, and its doing well

but melees had it on easy mode for so long, they just keep crying over the smallest difficulty rn

This is the arena section Nakamura, daily reminder

RBG mains have their own section on the forums


mage complaining about micro cc is like a politician complaining about corruption

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you fake cast, get precog and cast freely, that’s all. Or you root/push enemies from yourself and cast freely since they are too far away from you to kick. None of this possible for DH though which leaves nothing to do with interrupt problem.

youj are right, dh doesn’t have ranged ccs and interrupts, or shadowmeld, or the ability to remove roots

o wait

Blood elves DH angry noises

especially on firemage i dont rly think kicks are that much of a problem at all. in ur burst u dish out instants and u often dont even have to fake. u simply eat kicks on sheep and then use one or two dmg globals or ring for the 2sek lockout and then u can cast sheep again. if a opposing dps uses all his cc to stop u he loses tools to disrupt ur teammates/healer. ur basically eating cc for them.
ofc this is all very generalized and these things are situational but ye.

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