Lets Talk About Transmog... Again 🧠

We(non-clothies) can still have the

Might be a bit weird having these cross-class transmogs.
Whatever next ? Some weird-looking Undead Rogue wearing antlers, feathery shoulders and a skirt ?!

Armor restrictions should remain. It would dilute the class aesthetics/ make recognising classes too difficult.

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i very much doubt that would work, part of the idea of people wanting to have tier sets back is that it gave unique class sets for mog, and removing the ability to have unique mogs sets for classes would almost defeat the point of having mog in the first place, i think its bad enough that some of the off set pieces in old raids are the same looking as the tier sets meaning that you can somewhat wear the same looking gear as a class without being that class,

giving a paladin the ability to mog into warlock gear just wouldnt make sense

I don’t want to cross transmog different types.

But i would appreciate if we could add transmogs to our collections even if we can’t equip them.

You get a legendary bow drop from sunwell while running it on your mage? Yea. tough luck. Goodluck getting it again with your hunter next time.

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